| Stephen West - Creation - 1809 - 66 pages
...infinitely guilty man, than Behold ! the loud and awful voice is heard from the throne, Zech. xiii. 7. " Awake, O «• sword, against my shepherd, and against...the man that " is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts : smite the shep" herd, and the sheep shall be scattered." Accordingly, this mighty and glorious Saviour... | |
| John Satchel - Christian life - 1809 - 480 pages
...silver the potter's field to bury strangers in, Mutt, xxvii. 7. — The flight of the disciples. ' Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against. the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts : smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered,' Zech. xiii. 7. When Jesus was apprehended,... | |
| Stephen West - Atonement - 1809 - 240 pages
...JEHOVAH to bruise him and put him to grief.^i) God also saith, by the prophet, relative to this event, " Awake, O " sword, against my Shepherd, and against...the man " that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts : smite i' the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered."(i) Therefore the Apostle Peter acknowledged... | |
| Stephen West - Atonement - 1809 - 240 pages
...JEHOVAH to bruise him and put htm to grief.(h') God also saith, by the prophet, relative to this event, " Awake, O " sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man " that is my fellow, saith the Lord ef hosts : smite •' the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered."(z) Therefore the Apostle Peter... | |
| John Skinner - 1809 - 582 pages
...we have a fellow mentioned to the Lord of hosts that cannot come under this intendment : ' A' wake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against ' the man that is my fellow 3. Here the Hebrew is WtDJ7 ommithi, -xoXir/iv pov LXX. proximus meus, my neighbour, which rather confirms... | |
| Stephen West - Atonement - 1809 - 248 pages
...for a long time, as it were to have. lain asleep ; the voice is immediately heard from the throne, " Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, " ,and against the man that is niy fellow, saith the " Lord of Hosts : smite the shepherd, and the sheep " shall be scattered." Beholding... | |
| Thomas Scott - Sermons, English - 1810 - 594 pages
...pleased the L " to bruise him, and to put him to grief: and to " make his soul an offering for sin." Awake, O " sword, against my Shepherd, and against...Man . <' that is my Fellow, saith the Lord of Hosts; smite " the Shepherd-*" " He spared not his own Son, *' but delivered him up for us all." And' when4we... | |
| William Christie - God - 1810 - 276 pages
...prophet adds, ' they shall mourn for HIM, and shall be in bitterness for HIM,' &c. Zech. xiii. 7. ' Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts.' This text has been produced as a proof, of the en. tire and absolute equality of Jesus Christ with... | |
| John Bevans - Religious education of children - 1810 - 134 pages
...having salvation ; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. Zech. xiii. 7. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn my hand upon the little Ones.... | |
| Robert Traill - Presbyterian Church - 1810 - 604 pages
...stroke of God's law and iustice, for his people. Justice roused itself against our Lord : Zech. xiii. 7. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd. This sword was drawn and fuibished, and did enter into his sou! : Is.iiah liii.... | |
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