| Ezekiel Hopkins - Lord's prayer - 1710 - 262 pages
...to an instrument while they know uot what it contains, and is expressly condemned by the apostle ; " How shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he undcrstandeth not what thou sayest?" 1 Cor. xiv. 16. 2. It teacheth us to present all our requests... | |
| Prayer (Book of common) (U.S. protest. episc. ch.) - 1850 - 826 pages
...Amen, was common in the Jewish Church. So it was also in the Christian Church, in the Apostles' days: " How shall he, that occupieth the room of the unlearned, say Amen, at thy giving of thanks, seeing he underslandeth not what thou sayest?" (1 Cor. xiv. 15.) Ecclesiastical writers inform us that it used... | |
| Henry Melvill - Sermons, English - 1850 - 398 pages
...just the same custom in the writings of the Apostles. Thus St. Paul asks the speaker with tongues, " How shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen, at the giving of thanks 1" and it is generally after some ascription of praise, or expression of benediction,... | |
| 1872 - 120 pages
...the understanding also : I will sing with the spirit, and 1 will sing with the understanding also. Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occcupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not... | |
| Frederick William Robertson - Sermons, English - 1873 - 720 pages
...the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. — Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall...unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understaudeth not what thou sayest ? — For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.... | |
| 1873 - 672 pages
...I will sing with the spirit, and I will sin« with the understanding also. 16 Else, when thou shall bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth...unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandelh not what thou sayest ? 17 For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.... | |
| Mabel Comyn (fict.name.) - 1873 - 68 pages
...the spirit, . . . I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." Verse 16 : " Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit,...that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen, . . . seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?" Verses 18, 19: "I thank my God, I speak with tongues... | |
| John William Cudworth - Society of Friends - 1874 - 334 pages
...makes another reference to the practice of this ordinance in their religious assemblies. "He says: "Else when thou shalt bless with the Spirit, how shall...of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks (eucharistia) , seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?" Here we have a mention of something... | |
| Edward Harold Browne (bp. of Winchester.) - 1874 - 936 pages
...the understanding also ; I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing wfth the understanding also. Else, when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupicth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing that he understandeth... | |
| Edward Meyrick Goulburn - 1875 - 538 pages
...Love, are in an improper manner, namely, by celebrating the Liturgy in an unknown language, he says, ' When thou shalt bless with the Spirit, how shall he...unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he under standeth not what thou sayest ? ' The meaning of this passage is obvious : ' If thou shalt bless... | |
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