| Charles Kendall Adams - History - 1882 - 706 pages
...edition, in 1851. A more philosophic and successful presentation of the same subject is that in Levi's " History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress of the Nation." It is in one volume, and covers the period from 1763 to 1878. The naval history of Great Britain is... | |
| Henry Sumner Maine - Comparative law - 1883 - 456 pages
...2 vols. 8vo, 245. Ricardo's Political Works. With a Biographical Sketch. By JR M'CULLOCH. 8vo, 165. The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. Consisting of a...of each Book. By the late WALTER M. HATCH, MA 8vo, r8s. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the Nation, 1763-1878. By LEONE LEVI.... | |
| Henry Sumner Maine - Comparative law - 1883 - 446 pages
...ANALYSIS of AUSTIN'S LECTURES on JURISPRUDENCE. By GOBDUN CAMPBELL, of the Inner Temple. Post 8vo. 6*. The MORAL PHILOSOPHY of ARISTOTLE. Consisting of a...Translation of the Nicomachean Ethics, and of the Paraphrase of Andronicus Rhodes ; with Introductory Analysis of each Book. By the late \\ AI.TUH M. HATCH, MA,... | |
| Lucien Wolf - Jews - 1884 - 346 pages
...2 vols. 8vo, 245. Ricardo's Political Works. With a Biographical Sketch. By JR M'CULLOCH. 8vp, I6S. The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. Consisting of a...of each Book. By the late 'WALTER M. HATCH, MA 8vo, i8s. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the Nation, 1763-1878. By LEONE LEVI.... | |
| Frederic Charles Cook - Avesta - 1884 - 536 pages
...vols. Svo, 24s. Ricardo's Political Works. With a Biographical Sketch, By JR M'CULi-oCH. Svo, i6s. The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. Consisting of a...with Introductory Analysis of each Book. By the late WALTEE M. HATCH, MA Svo, iSs. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the Nation,... | |
| Justin Winsor - 1884 - 392 pages
...illustravit P. Elmslev. Ed. nova. Lipsiae. 1830. sm. So. G 1 110.305 Aristoteles. Moral philosophy : consisting of a translation of the Nicomachean ethics,...paraphrase attributed to Andronicus of Rhodes, with an introductory analysis of each book ; by W. M. Hatch. [Edited by E.' Hatch.] London. 1879. 80. G... | |
| Philosophy - 1884 - 552 pages
...70 123 Haidenhain, De doctrinae artium Aristotel. principiis. Halae, 1875, in-8 l 20 124 Hatch WM, The moral philosophy of Aristotle consisting of a translation of the Nicomachean Ethics and the Paraphrase attributed to Andronicus with Analysis of each book. London, 1880, in-8, tela 21 —... | |
| Sir Henry Sumner Maine - North Carolina - 1885 - 324 pages
...and Custom. By EB TYLOR. 3 vols. Svo, 245. With a Biographical Sketch. By JR M'ClJLLOCH. Svo, l6s. The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. Consisting of a...with Introductory Analysis of each Book. By the late WALTKR M. HATCH, MA 8vo, i8s. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the Nation,... | |
| Sir Henry Sumner Maine - North Carolina - 1885 - 324 pages
...Andronicus of Rhodes; with lntroductory Analysis of each Book. By the late WALTER M. HATCH, MA Svo, iSs. History of British Commerce, and of the Economic Progress of the Nation, i763-iS7S. By LEONE LEYt. Svo, i Ss. Notes of Thought : by the Late CHARLES BUXTON, MP With a Biographical... | |
| Albert Venn Dicey - Home rule - 1886 - 388 pages
...Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom. By EB TYLOR. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. With a Biographical Sketch. By JR The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. Consisting of a...each Book. By the late WALTER M. HATCH, MA 8vo, 18s. M'CULLOCH. 8vO, l6s. History of British Commerce, Notes of Thought: by the Late and of the Economic... | |
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