| United States - Cosmetics - 1979 - 1114 pages
...with the enforcement of no iN>IIcy except the policy of the law. Its duties are neither i>"litii-,ii nor executive, but predominantly quasi-judicial and...Commerce Commission, Its members are called upon to exerc-lse the trained judgment of a body of experts "appointed by law and informed by experience."... | |
| Cornell W. Clayton - Law - 1992 - 300 pages
...agency with a function separate and distinct from the executive. The FTC was charged with enforcing "no policy except the policy of the law. Its duties...nor executive but predominantly quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative."41 Thus, he said, an FTC commissioner's role was distinct from that of other executive... | |
| Hadley Arkes - Law - 1997 - 316 pages
...to be non-partisan; and it must, from the very nature of its duties, act with entire impartiality. It is charged with the enforcement of no policy except...nor executive, but predominantly quasi-judicial and quasilegislative."45 Of course, it would be expected that any enforcement of law, in a regime of law,... | |
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