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" How oft, when press'd to marriage, have I said, Curse on all laws but those which love has made! Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies... "
Letters of Abelard and Heloise: To which is Prefix'd a Particular Account of ... - Page 177
by Peter Abelard - 1760 - 186 pages
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Lettres d'Abailard et d'Héloïse, Volume 1

Peter Abelard, Héloïse, François Guizot - 1839 - 392 pages
...How oft , when press d to marriage , have I said , (lurscon all laws but those which love has made? Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads...wings, and in a moment flies. Let wealth , let honour, wait the wedded dame , August her deed , and sacred be her fame ; Before true passion all those views...
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The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 2

Edmund Spenser - 1839 - 464 pages
...When maistery cometh, the god of love anone Betith his winges, and farevell he is gone." CHAUCER. " Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies." POPI. " Perdy," l said Britomart, " the choise-is hard ! But what reward had he that overcame ? " "...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. Ed. by H.F. Cary, with a biogr. notice ...

Alexander Pope - 1839 - 510 pages
...said, Curse on all laws but those which love has made ! Love, free as air, at sight of human tics', Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies. Let wealth, let honour, wait the wedded dame, August her deed, and sacred be her fame ; Before true passion all those views...
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Autobiography of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq

Archibald Hamilton Rowan - 1840 - 510 pages
...spoken in the language of another heroine : — " Curse on all tics but those which love has made I Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings and in a moment flies." More happy had it been for her, had she acted on a more sacred principle, and said — Curse on all...
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The female freemasons

Female freemasons - 1840 - 822 pages happy with him I adore,— there to find that bliss which flies wedded love: as Pope says:— ' Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies.' You, my dear girl, will meet the destiny that awaits most girls of your beauty and shining parts. You...
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Englische Studien, Volume 25

Eugen Kölbing, Johannes Hoops, Reinald Hoops - Comparative linguistics - 1898 - 496 pages
...flüchtig Chaucer. In dem gedieht 'Eloisa to Abelard' heisst es (Works, vol. II, s. 241) v. 75, 76: Love, free as air, at sight of human ties. Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flics, und Pope führt dazu in einer anmerkung, ohne weitere hinzufügurig als die angäbe 'Chaucer',...
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The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Volume 1

Alastair Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton - Biography & Autobiography - 1961 - 748 pages
...revere as calculated to knit our union together by new and stronger bands. It is not true that — "Love free as air at sight of human ties Spreads his light wings and in a moment flies." A sincere passion takes pleasure in multiplying the ties by which it is held to its object, and every...
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The Christian Review, Volume 2

Baptists - 1837 - 658 pages
..." How oft, when pressed to marriage, have I said, Curse on all laws but those which love has made. Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies. Should at my feet the world's great master fall, Himself, his throne, his world, I'd scorn them all....
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Parliamentary Papers

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Great Britain - 1835 - 634 pages
...thing is, that I doubt if harmony and love can be ever promoted by force, for I agree with Pope, that " Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies." 9046. Have you ever recommended or obtained situations in the police for any persons ? — Many. 9047....
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Philosophy of Woman: An Anthology of Classic to Current Concepts

Mary Briody Mahowald - Philosophy - 1994 - 552 pages
...Abelard. How oft, when prest to marriage, have I said, Curse on all laws but those which love has made; Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies. But friendship is a calm and sedate affection, conducted by reason and cemented by habit; springing...
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