| C. Remigius Fresenius - Analytical chemistry - 1864 - 418 pages
...8vo. cloth, 16». ON THE ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. 8vo. cloth, 9s. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, & DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 1 5s. MR. CALLENDER, FRCS FEMORAL RUPTURE: Anatomy of the Parts concerned. With Plates. 8vo. cloth,... | |
| Thomas Henry Huxley - Anatomy, Comparative - 1864 - 360 pages
...ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. 8vo. cloth, 9s. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL. it, DR. DANIEL H. TUKE A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth. 15s. MR. CALLENDER, FRC8. FEMORAL RUPTURE: Anatomy of the Parts concerned. With Plates. 8' ,» 1 Vo. ClOtQ, 4s. . DR. JOHN... | |
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...D?, Medical Superintendent of the Devon Lunatic Asylum. Visiting Medical Officer to the York Retreat. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE; containing the...Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of INSANITY. With a Plate. In one handsome octavo volume, of 536 pages, extra cloth. S3 50. The increase of mental... | |
| James Samuelson, William Crookes - Science - 1864 - 876 pages
...BURLINGTON STREW. Second Edition, enlarged, 8vo, cloth, 1 5i. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE; -£X containing the History, Nosology, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. With an Appendix of Cases. By JC BUCKNILL, MD, Visitor to the Chancery Lunatics; and DANIEL H. TUKE,... | |
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...THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third Edition. 8vo. cloth, 16s. ON THE ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF...RUPTURE: Anatomy of the Parts concerned. With Plates. Q 1 tit A tfvo. ciotn, *s. DR. JOHN M. CAMPLIN, FLS ON DIABETES, AND ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. Third... | |
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...ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OK THE STOMACH. 8vo. cloth, 9s. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, Si, DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. MR. CALLENDER, FROS FEMORAL RUPTURE: Anatomy of the Parts concerned. With Plates. 8vo. cloth, 4s. "'""""""""" DR.... | |
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...Edition. 8vo. cloth, 16s. ON THE ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. 8vo. cloth, 9s. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, & DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A...OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE: containing the History, Nosolopy, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. Second Kdition.... | |
| Sir Erasmus Wilson - Skin - 1865 - 818 pages
...•*-* Jled. Superintendent of tlu Devon Lunatic Asylum. -*^ VMting Medical Officer to the Tnrk Retrrat. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE; containing the...Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. With a Plate. In one handsome octavo volume, of 536 pages, extra cloth. $1 25. JfUDD (GEORGE], MD ON... | |
| William Richard Basham - Bright's disease - 1866 - 574 pages
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...HOSPITALS, INFIRMARIES, 4c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. 5». DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, it, DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A MANUAL -OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Treatment of Insanity. "Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15». DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood.... | |
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