| Theodore Gaillard Thomas - 1868 - 656 pages
...Superintendent of the Devon Lunatic Arylum. •*•' VifUtng Jfedtoil OJJlcer to the Tor* Retreat. A MANUAL OP PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE; containing the History, Nosology,...Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Inunity. With* Plate. In one handsome octavo volume, of 636 pages, extra cloth. $4 25. TONES (C. HANDFIELD),... | |
| Hugh Lenox Hodge - 1868 - 578 pages
...edition. In one octavo volume of 500 pages, with 120 wood-cuts; extra cloth. iJ "•" BUCKNII.L AND TTKE'S MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE; containing the History,...Nosology, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis. Pathology. «d Treatment of Insanity. With a Plate. In one handsome octavo volume, of M« pages, extra cloth.... | |
| Lionel Smith Beale - 1869 - 276 pages
...THE HOSPITALS, INFIRMARIES, &c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. 5s. DR JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, &, DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third... | |
| Frederick William Pavy - Diabetes - 1869 - 354 pages
...THE HOSPITALS, INFIRMARIES, &c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. 5>. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, & DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third... | |
| Thomas Hawksley - 1869 - 200 pages
...HOSPITALS INFIRMARIES, &c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. 5s. ' DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, tc. DR. DANIEL H TUKE A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:'...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, I5s. DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood.... | |
| Frederick William Pavy - 1869 - 276 pages
...&c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. Ss. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, MD, FRCP, FRS, & DANIEL H. TUKE, MD A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE: containing the...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third Edition. 8vo.... | |
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...AND WALES. Royal 8vo., 5s. S M !—-«*{ JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, MD:, FRCP, FRS, & DANIEL H. TUKE, MD A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE: containing the...Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo., 15s. GEORGE BUDD, MD, FRCP, FRS ON THE ORGANIC DISEASES AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH. 8vo.,... | |
| Alexander Edwin Marsden - 1869 - 154 pages
...DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, St, DR. DANIEL H TUKE A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:' contain^ the History, Nosology, Description, Statistics, Diagnosis,...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third... | |
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...CTJLLERIER'S ATLAS OF VENEREAL. See 'CCLLERIEK.' •DTJCKJUU (JC) A1TO DANIEL M. TTTXE. A MANUAL OP u PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. Containing the History, Nosology,...Statistics, Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Insanity. With a Plate. 1 vol. Svo. , of 536 pages, cloth, $4 !i. TDARC1AY (AW) A MANUAL OF MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS;... | |
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...THE HOSPITALS, INFIRMARIES, &c., OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Royal 8vo. 5s. DR. JOHN CHARLES BUCKNILL, FRS, &. DR. DANIEL H. TUKE. A MANUAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE:...Treatment of Insanity. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 15s. DR. BUDD, FRS ON DISEASES OF THE LIVEE. Illustrated with Coloured Plates and Engravings on Wood. Third... | |
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