| William Leighton Jordan - Bimetallism - 1896 - 256 pages
...HADDON. Crown 8vo., y. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price a*. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ATHERSTONE PRIORY. By LN COMYN. THE STORY OF A SPRING MORNING, &c. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH.... | |
| Hugh Alexander Macpherson - Deer hunting - 1896 - 396 pages
...HADDO». Crown 8vo.t y. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price a>. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ATHERSTONE PRIORY. By LN COMYN. THE THIRD Miss ST. QUENTIN. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH. THE PALACE... | |
| Clementina Black - English fiction - 1896 - 280 pages
...HADDQW. Crown 8vo., y. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price at. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS: or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori. Th.t Child. Under a Cloud. The Fiddler Lngau of A Child of the Revolution.... | |
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...HADDON. Crown 8vo. , y. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price ys. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By THE SAME AUTHOR. ATHERSTONE PRIORY. By LN COMYN. THE STORY OP A SPRING MORNING, &c. By Mrs. MOLESWORTH.... | |
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...AND GENERAL WORKS. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price 25. dd. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. MADEMOISELLE MORI. THAT CHILD. UNDER A CLOUD. THE FIDDLER OF LUGAU. A CHILD OF THE REVOLUTION.... | |
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...Two Stories. By JEAN INGELOW. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Price as. 6d. each. ATELIER (THE) Du LYS: or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. CAN THIS BE LOVE ? By LOUISA PARR. KEITH DERAMORE. By the Author of ' Miss Molly '. SIDNEY.... | |
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...late Head-master of Rugby School. Svo. $2.75 %* See also Catalogue of Theolog1cal Works. ATELIER (The) DU LYS ; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of " Mademoiselle Mori." Crown Svo. S1.oo ATHERSTONE By LN COMYN. PRIORY: a Crown Svo. Tale. S1. oo AUSTRALIA AS IT IS; or,... | |
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...HADDON. Crown 8vo., y. Longmans' 8eries of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price at. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. The Younger Slater. That Child. Under a Cloud. MademoIselle Mori: a Tale of Modern Rome.... | |
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...HADDON. Crown 8vo. , y. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price ar. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ATHERSTONE PRIORY. By LN COMYN. THE STORY OF A SPRING MORNING, &c. By Mrs. Moi.ESWORTH.... | |
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...by TREVOR HADDON. Crown 8vo. , y. 6d. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Price as. ATELIER (THE) Du Lys: or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori : a Talc ef Modern Rome. In the Olden Time : a Tale of the Peasant War... | |
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