| John Beattie Crozier - Civilization - 1892 - 536 pages
...— English EconomicHis tory and Theory. By W. J ASHIEY, MA Part I. The MkHk Ages. 5s. Atelier (The) du Lys ; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. CIWTT • Svo. as. 6ti. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori : a Tale of Modern Rome. Crown Svo.... | |
| William Edward Hartpole Lecky - Ireland - 1892 - 596 pages
...(JW).— ENGLISH ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THEORY. Part I. — The Middle Ages. Crown 8vo. 5*. ATELIER (The) du Lys ; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. BY THE SAMB AUTHOR. Crown 2s. 6d. each. MADEMOISELLE MORI. A CHILD OF THE REVOLUTHAT... | |
| Richard Jefferies - Agricultural laborers - 1892 - 390 pages
...(JW).— ENGLISH ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THEORY. Part I. — The Middle Ages. Crown 8vo. 5s. ATELIER (The) du Lys ; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Crown as. 6d. each. MADEMOISELLE MORI. A CHILD OF THE REVOLUTHAT... | |
| Agnes Mary Clerke - Civilization, Homeric - 1892 - 352 pages
...(JW).— ENGLISH ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THEORY. Part I. — The Middle Ages. Crown 8vo. y. ATELIER (The) dll Lys; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Crown 2s. 6d. each. MADEMOISELLE MORI. THAT CHILD. UNDER... | |
| Agnes Mary Clerke - Civilization, Homeric - 1892 - 358 pages
...ENGLISH ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THEORY. Part I. — The Middle Ages. Crown 8vo. 51. ATELIER (The) du Lya ; or. An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown 8vo. a1. 6d. liv TIIK SAMK AUTHOR. frown a/. 6»f. each. MADEMOISELLE MORI. A CHILD OF THE... | |
| Carl Witt - 1892 - 266 pages
...Crown 8vo., as. 6d. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown Svo., price 2s. 6d. each ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. MADEMOISELLE MORI : a Tale of Modern Rome. THAT CHILD. Illustrated by GORDON BROWNE. LiNDER... | |
| Edmund Burke - Books - 1892 - 706 pages
...ASHLEY.— English EconomicHistory and Theory. By WJ ASHLEY, MA Part I. The Middle Ages. 55. Atelier (The) du Lys; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By the By. Crown Reign i Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Svo. 2s. dd. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori:... | |
| Henry Dunning Macleod - Banks and banking - 1892 - 610 pages
...Fcp. 8vo., 5s. Longmans' Series of Books for Girls. Crown 8vo., price 2s. 6rf. each. ATELIER (THE) Du LYS : or, an Art Student in the Reign of Terror. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. MADEMOISELLE MORI : a Tale of Modern Modern Rome. THAT CHILD. With Illustrations by GORDON... | |
| Edward Armstrong - Spain - 1892 - 472 pages
...English EconomicHistory and Theory. By W. J, ASHLEY, MA Part I. The MidcUs Ages. 55. Atelier (The) du Lys ; or, An Art Student in the Reign of Terror. By tbe Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown Svo. 2s. &/. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori: a Tale... | |
| Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd - 1892 - 420 pages
...EconomicHis tory and Theory. By WJ ASHLEY, MA Part I. The Middk Ages. 5s. Atelier (The) du Lys; or, An Ari Student in the Reign of Terror. By the Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori '. Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Mademoiselle Mori : a Tale of Modern Rome. Crown Svo. 2s.... | |
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