The Way to Wealth and Other Writings on FinancePresenting pearls of wisdom on wealth from Benjamin Franklin. Franklin compiled and self-published his own venerated advice and proverbs on personal finance from Poor Richard’s Almanack. Since its appearance as a pamphlet in 1758, it has been reprinted and translated countless times. This new edition includes not only his counsel on financial planning, investment, prudence, and retirement strategies, but also essays and annotations about the legendary American entrepreneur himself. Additionally, it features facsimile pages of the original typed text, with adjacent pages providing modern translations for a 21st century audience. With an insightful foreword by renowned Franklin biographer Walter Isaacson and luxurious packaging, The Way to Wealth serves as both an inspirational keepsake and a clever guide to economic success. |
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afford American appointed Assembly autobiography Ballance of Trade Benjamin Franklin Bache Bills borrow Colonies Credit Creditors D. H. Lawrence Dear Friend decease Diligence Early to bed early to rise England executors expense Father Abraham fifty pounds sterling Folly fome Franklin wrote give grandson hope House Idleness Industry and Frugality Jane Mecom keep late Leisure letter live London Mecom Money muſt never Number Office Paper Currency PASSY Pennsylvania perhaps Philadelphia Pleasure Poor Dick fays Poor Richard says Poor Richard's Almanack Poverty present Pride printing Profit Remember rich Richard Bache Richard Saunders Richard truly run in Debt salary Sarah Bache Shillings Sloth Society soon Stamp Act Street survivor Taxes thee Things thou thought thousand pounds sterling thro Tis easier town of Boston Vanity Vendue virtue wealth wealthy and wise William Temple Franklin writing