King Henry VI., part III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Troilus and CressidaJ. Nichols, 1811 |
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Page 29
... hand to hand , he would have vanquish'd thee ! - Now my soul's palace is become a prison : Ah , would she break from hence ! that this my body Might in the ground be closed up in rest : 6 For never henceforth shall I joy again , • Never ...
... hand to hand , he would have vanquish'd thee ! - Now my soul's palace is become a prison : Ah , would she break from hence ! that this my body Might in the ground be closed up in rest : 6 For never henceforth shall I joy again , • Never ...
Page 32
... hand of mine Can pluck the diadem from faint Henry's head , And wring the awful scepter from his fist ; Were he as famous and as bold in war , As he is fam'd for mildness , peace , and prayer . Rich . I know it well , lord Warwick ...
... hand of mine Can pluck the diadem from faint Henry's head , And wring the awful scepter from his fist ; Were he as famous and as bold in war , As he is fam'd for mildness , peace , and prayer . Rich . I know it well , lord Warwick ...
Page 34
... hand is that the forest bear doth lick ? Not his , that spoils her young before her face . Who ' scapes the lurking serpent's mortal sting ? Not he , that sets his foot upon her back . The smallest worm will turn , being trodden on ...
... hand is that the forest bear doth lick ? Not his , that spoils her young before her face . Who ' scapes the lurking serpent's mortal sting ? Not he , that sets his foot upon her back . The smallest worm will turn , being trodden on ...
Page 36
... hand . Clif . I would , your highness would depart the field ; The queen hath best success when you are absent . Q. Mar. Ay , good my lord , and leave us to our fortune . K. Hen . Why , that's my fortune too ; therefore I'll stay ...
... hand . Clif . I would , your highness would depart the field ; The queen hath best success when you are absent . Q. Mar. Ay , good my lord , and leave us to our fortune . K. Hen . Why , that's my fortune too ; therefore I'll stay ...
Page 37
... Alban's last , Your legs did better service than your hands . War . Then ' twas my turn to fly , and now ' tis thine . Clif . You said so much before , and yet 434053 KING HENRY VI . 37 March. Enter EDWARD, GEORGE, RICHARD, WAR- ...
... Alban's last , Your legs did better service than your hands . War . Then ' twas my turn to fly , and now ' tis thine . Clif . You said so much before , and yet 434053 KING HENRY VI . 37 March. Enter EDWARD, GEORGE, RICHARD, WAR- ...
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Achilles Agam Agamemnon Ajax ANGELES Anne bear blood brother Buck Buckingham Calchas CALIFORN cardinal Catesby Cham Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Cres Cressida crown death Diomed doth Duch duke duke of York Earl Edward Eliz Exeunt Exit eyes fair farewell father fear fight friends Gent gentle give Gloster grace gracious Grey hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector Helen honour house of Lancaster house of York i'the JOHNSON Kath King Henry King RICHARD king's lady live look lord Lord Chamberlain lord Hastings madam means Menelaus Murd never noble Norfolk Pandarus Patr Patroclus peace pity pray Priam prince queen Rich Richmond SCENE Shakspeare soul speak stand sweet sword tell tent thee Ther Thersites thine thou art tongue Troilus Troilus and Cressida Trojan Troy Ulyss unto Warwick words York