United States CodeThe Office, 1971 - Law |
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Page 10730
United States. ( Mar. 2 , 1907 , ch . 2563 , 34 Stat . 1245 ; 1946 Reorg . Plan No. 3 , § 403 , eff . July 16 , 1946 , 11 F. R. 7876 , 60 Stat . 1100. ) CODIFICATION Section referred to registers instead of receivers , in view of act Mar ...
United States. ( Mar. 2 , 1907 , ch . 2563 , 34 Stat . 1245 ; 1946 Reorg . Plan No. 3 , § 403 , eff . July 16 , 1946 , 11 F. R. 7876 , 60 Stat . 1100. ) CODIFICATION Section referred to registers instead of receivers , in view of act Mar ...
Page 10733
... acts Feb. 14 , 1902 , ch . 17 , § 1 , 32 Stat . 20 ; Mar. 2 , 1907 , ch . 2537 , § 1 , 34 Stat . 1232 , which constituted former section 365 of Title 48 and were repealed by section 7 of Act Oct 9 , 1942 , which enacted this section ...
... acts Feb. 14 , 1902 , ch . 17 , § 1 , 32 Stat . 20 ; Mar. 2 , 1907 , ch . 2537 , § 1 , 34 Stat . 1232 , which constituted former section 365 of Title 48 and were repealed by section 7 of Act Oct 9 , 1942 , which enacted this section ...
Page 10743
... Mar. 13 , 1874 , ch . 55 , 18 Stat . 22 ; June 22 , 1874 , ch . 400 , 18 ... act June 21 , 1866 , ch . 127 , § 2 , 14 Stat . SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER ... act for them during their disability , and there- upon their claims ...
... Mar. 13 , 1874 , ch . 55 , 18 Stat . 22 ; June 22 , 1874 , ch . 400 , 18 ... act June 21 , 1866 , ch . 127 , § 2 , 14 Stat . SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER ... act for them during their disability , and there- upon their claims ...
Page 10785
... Act Aug. 4 , 1955 , ch . 548 , 69 Stat . 491 , provided : " The requirement of section 1 of the Desert Land Act of ... Mar. 3 , 1877 , ch . 107 , §§ 2 , 3 , 19 Stat . 377 ; 1946 Reorg . Plan No. 3 , § 403 , eff . July 16 , 1946 , 11 F. R. ...
... Act Aug. 4 , 1955 , ch . 548 , 69 Stat . 491 , provided : " The requirement of section 1 of the Desert Land Act of ... Mar. 3 , 1877 , ch . 107 , §§ 2 , 3 , 19 Stat . 377 ; 1946 Reorg . Plan No. 3 , § 403 , eff . July 16 , 1946 , 11 F. R. ...
Page 10786
... ( Mar. 28 , 1908 , ch . 112 , § 1 , 35 Stat . 52. ) SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to ... act Mar. 3 , 1877 , as added by act Mar. 3 , 1891 , §2 , provided that existing claims should not be affected ...
... ( Mar. 28 , 1908 , ch . 112 , § 1 , 35 Stat . 52. ) SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to ... act Mar. 3 , 1877 , as added by act Mar. 3 , 1891 , §2 , provided that existing claims should not be affected ...
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Common terms and phrases
28 Stat 43 Stat 64 Stat 82 Stat acres act June act Mar Act of June Administrator agencies Alaska amended Appendix to Title application appropriated authorize their performance Based on 44 Boulder Canyon Project CODIFICATION Section Colorado River compact Congress contract copies costs CROSS REFERENCES Department designate district documents entryman Federal reclamation laws filing fish and wildlife former section FUNCTIONS All functions Government Organization grant HISTORICAL AND REVISION Indian Interior is authorized irrigation July 16 June 17 June 25 June 30 land office lease ment note under former Organization and Employees patent payment Plan ployees power vested Printing prior provisions of sections public lands Public Printer purposes pursuant railroad REFERENCES IN TEXT Reorg repayment Repealed reservation reservoir residence REVISION NOTES Based Secretary SECTION REFERRED SECTIONS This section Sept subchapter survey thereto tion tract TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS U.S. Code United
Popular passages
Page 10984 - States, which shall have filed with the secretary of the interior a copy of its articles of incorporation, and due proofs of its organization under the same, to the extent of one hundred feet on each side of the central line of said road...
Page 10720 - That nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting or intended to affect or to in any way interfere with the laws of any State or Territory relating to the control, appropriation, use or distribution of water used in irrigation, or any vested right acquired thereunder, and the Secretary of the Interior, in carrying out the provisions of this Act, shall proceed in conformity with such laws...
Page 10850 - Act, shall proceed in conformity with such laws, and nothing herein shall in any way affect any right of any State or of the Federal Government or of any landowner, appropriator, or user of water in, to, or from any interstate stream or the waters thereof.
Page 10740 - ... that he or she does not apply to enter the same for the purpose of speculation, but in good faith to obtain a home for himself, or herself, and that he or she has not directly or indirectly made, and will not make, any agreement or contract in any way or manner, with any person or persons, corporation, or syndicate whatsoever, by which the title which he or she might acquire from the Government of the United States should inure, in whole or in part, to the benefit of any person, except himself...
Page 10820 - The certificates of indebtedness herein authorized shall be exempt from taxes or duties of the United States as well as from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority...
Page 10921 - No person shall have or be entitled to have the use for any purpose of the water stored as aforesaid except by contract made as herein stated.
Page 10735 - Provided, That the rights of any person who, at the date of any order of withdrawal heretofore or hereafter made, is a bona fide occupant or claimant of oil or gas bearing lands and who, at such date, is in...
Page 11045 - Members of Congress who are members of the Commission shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for their services as Members of Congress; but they shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties vested in the Commission.
Page 10735 - That all lands withdrawn under the provisions of this Act shall at all times be open to exploration, discovery, occupation, and purchase, under the mining laws of the United States, so far as the same apply to minerals other than coal, oil, gas, and phosphates...
Page 10983 - July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,' approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour. Sec. 4. That any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits of this act, shall, within twelve months after the location of any section of twenty miles of its road. If the same be upon surveyed lands, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the land office for the district where such land is located, a profile...