King Henry VI., part III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Troilus and CressidaJ. Nichols, 1811 |
From inside the book
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Page 112
... Murder is thy alms - deed ; Petitioners for blood thou ne'er put'st back . ' K. Edw . Away , I say ; I charge ye , bear her hence . Q. Mar. So come to you , and yours , as to this [ Exit , led out forcibly . prince ! K. Edw . Where's ...
... Murder is thy alms - deed ; Petitioners for blood thou ne'er put'st back . ' K. Edw . Away , I say ; I charge ye , bear her hence . Q. Mar. So come to you , and yours , as to this [ Exit , led out forcibly . prince ! K. Edw . Where's ...
Page 123
... murder by the Lan- castrian historians without any foundation , ) that " it appears on the face of the publick accounts allowed in the exchequer for the maintenance of King Henry and his numerous attendants in the Tower , that he lived ...
... murder by the Lan- castrian historians without any foundation , ) that " it appears on the face of the publick accounts allowed in the exchequer for the maintenance of King Henry and his numerous attendants in the Tower , that he lived ...
Page 135
... murder of Lady Anne's husband upon Edward . - a slower method ; ] As quick was used for spritely , so 3 Anne . Thou wast the cause , and most accurs'd. slower was put for serious . servation , that no woman can ever be offended with KING ...
... murder of Lady Anne's husband upon Edward . - a slower method ; ] As quick was used for spritely , so 3 Anne . Thou wast the cause , and most accurs'd. slower was put for serious . servation , that no woman can ever be offended with KING ...
Page 145
... what I have been , and what I am . 2 3 - my pains - My labours , my toils . - royalize- ] i . e . to make royal . • Margaret's battle- ] Is - Margaret's army . Q. Mar. A murd'rous villain , and so still thou KING RICHARD III . 145.
... what I have been , and what I am . 2 3 - my pains - My labours , my toils . - royalize- ] i . e . to make royal . • Margaret's battle- ] Is - Margaret's army . Q. Mar. A murd'rous villain , and so still thou KING RICHARD III . 145.
Page 146
William Shakespeare Alexander Chalmers. Q. Mar. A murd'rous villain , and so still thou art . Glo . Poor Clarence did forsakehis father Warwick , Ay , and forswore himself , -Which Jesu pardon ! Q. Mar. Which God revenge ! Glo . To fight ...
William Shakespeare Alexander Chalmers. Q. Mar. A murd'rous villain , and so still thou art . Glo . Poor Clarence did forsakehis father Warwick , Ay , and forswore himself , -Which Jesu pardon ! Q. Mar. Which God revenge ! Glo . To fight ...
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Achilles Æne Æneas Agam Agamemnon Ajar Ajax ANGELES Anne bear blood brother Buck Buckingham Calchas CALIFORN cardinal Catesby Cham Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Cres Cressida crown death Diomed doth Duch duke duke of York Edward Eliz Erit Exeunt Exit eyes fair farewell father fear fight friends Gent gentle give Gloster grace gracious Grey hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector Helen honour house of Lancaster house of York JOHNSON Kath King Henry King RICHARD king's lady live look lord Lord Chamberlain lord Hastings madam means Menelaus Murd never noble Pandarus Patr Patroclus peace pity pray Priam prince queen Rich Richmond SCENE Shakspeare soul speak sweet sword tell tent thee Ther Thersites thine thou art tongue Troilus Troilus and Cressida Trojan Troy Ulyss unto Warwick words York