The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland together with the proper lessons for sundays and other holy-days |
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Page xliii
... CHAPTER IX . to ver . 18 . January 15 , Morning . July 18 , Evening . Pharisees saw it , they said unto his disciples , Why eat- eth your Master with pub- licans and sinners ? But when Jesus heard that , he said unto them , They that be ...
... CHAPTER IX . to ver . 18 . January 15 , Morning . July 18 , Evening . Pharisees saw it , they said unto his disciples , Why eat- eth your Master with pub- licans and sinners ? But when Jesus heard that , he said unto them , They that be ...
Page xliii
Church of England. CHAPTER IX . ver . 18 . January 16 , Morning . July 19 , Evening . HILE he spake these W things unto them , be- hold , there came a ... CHAPTER X. to ver . 24 . January 17 January 16 , July 19 . ST . MATTHEW , IX .
Church of England. CHAPTER IX . ver . 18 . January 16 , Morning . July 19 , Evening . HILE he spake these W things unto them , be- hold , there came a ... CHAPTER X. to ver . 24 . January 17 January 16 , July 19 . ST . MATTHEW , IX .
Page xliii
... CHAPTER XIV . to ver . 13 . T that time Herod the and pleased Herod . Where- tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus , and said unto his servants , This is John the Baptist ; he is risen from the dead ; and there- fore mighty works do shew ...
... CHAPTER XIV . to ver . 13 . T that time Herod the and pleased Herod . Where- tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus , and said unto his servants , This is John the Baptist ; he is risen from the dead ; and there- fore mighty works do shew ...
Church of England. A CHAPTER XVIII . to ver . 21 . February 1 , Morning . August 3 , Evening . T the same time came is in heaven . For the Son ... CHAPTER XVIII . verse 21 , and Chap . XIX February 1 , August 3 . ST . MATTHEW , XVIII .
Church of England. A CHAPTER XVIII . to ver . 21 . February 1 , Morning . August 3 , Evening . T the same time came is in heaven . For the Son ... CHAPTER XVIII . verse 21 , and Chap . XIX February 1 , August 3 . ST . MATTHEW , XVIII .
... CHAPTER XIX . ver . 3 to ver . 27 . February 3 , Morning . August 5 , Evening . HE Pharisees also came T made them at the begin- unto him , tempting him , ning made them male and and saying unto him , Is female , and said , For this it ...
... CHAPTER XIX . ver . 3 to ver . 27 . February 3 , Morning . August 5 , Evening . HE Pharisees also came T made them at the begin- unto him , tempting him , ning made them male and and saying unto him , Is female , and said , For this it ...
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Abraham Amen answered art thou Balaam behold beseech thee blessed bread brethren brought called cast CHAPTER children of Israel Christ our Lord Church circumcision cometh commanded dead deliver disciples doth earth Egypt Epistle EVENSONG everlasting evil eyes faith Father fear flesh fore Galilee give glory goeth Gospel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Holy Ghost Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews Judah king kingdom land LORD hath LORD thy MATTINS mercy Minister Moab Morning Moses mouth ness pass passover peace Pharaoh Pharisees Philistines praise pray Prayer preach priests prophets PSALM raoh rejoice righteousness Saint saith the LORD saith unto Samaria say unto sent shew sins soul speak Spirit ther thereof thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thy holy thy servant tion took unto the Lord unto thee Verily voice Wherefore word