CONTRACTING-OUT PROCEDURES HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE FOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF H. Res. 78 HEARINGS HELD AUGUST 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 1961 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE FOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF H. Res. 78 74109 HEARINGS HELD AUGUST 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 1961 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services CONTENTS Hébert, Hon. F. Edward, chairman.... BeLieu, Hon. Kenneth E., Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installa- Bunker, Maj. Gen. William B., Commanding General, Transportation Hill, Col. James E., Chief, Contract Services and Management Branch, Directorate of Manpower and Organization, Deputy Chief of Staff, Ignatius, Hon. Paul R., Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation Imirie, Hon. Joseph S., Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Materiel). Reimondy, Col. Augustus, Headquarters, AFLC, Chief, Plans and Statements (submitted for the record): National Society of Professional Engineers___. 149 323 Rigby, Dr. F. D., Director, MSD, ONR. Silverman, Dr. Shirley, Director of Research, ONR. Alexander, Robert G., Corps of Engineers. Beam, Maj. W. M., Signal Corps. Bigelow, Maj. Gen. H. F., OCÓ. Bunker, Maj. Gen. William B., Commanding General, TMC. Covington, Robert E., Signal Corps. Dennison, Lt. Col. R. F., ODCSLOG. Dunne, Lieutenant Colonel, Office of Surgeon General. Ely, Maj. Gen. William J., OCRD. Goldwag, Herbert, Signal Corps. Holman, Lt. Col. Jefferson T., ODCSLOG. Ignatius, Hon. Paul R., Assistant Secretary of the Army (In- Johnston, Col. Wilson, Signal Corps. Miller, Maj. George, ODČSO. Mullins, H. H., Corps of Engineers. New, William J., Corps of Engineers. Ponce, Col. Harvey, SC. Steiglitz, Signal Corps. Swofford, J., Signal Corps. Trudeau, Lt. Gen. Arthur G., Chief, R. & D. Vance, James, Signal Corps. Wilson, Stewart, OCO. |