65288 44. Ex 7/14: R 29/6 S. Res. 246 and S. Res. 247 REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 1 OF 1950 APRIL 11 AND 12, 1950 Printed for the use of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1950 DN. DIV. STANFORD P155-2 CONTENTS Message from the President of the United States transmitting Reorganiza- Page Amberg, Harold V., representing the Reserve City Bankers Associa- tion; vice president and general counsel, the First National Bank, Bennett, Claude E., president, State bank division, American Bankers Brumbaugh, D. Emmert, chairman, legislative committee, National Association of Supervisors of State Banks; secretary of banking, State of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa.. Buesching, Charles H., past president, Indiana Bankers Association; Cocke, C. Francis, chairman, committee on Federal legislation, American Bankers Association; president, First National Exchange Cooley, H. H., chairman, committee on Federal legislation, Virginia Fleming, Robert V., chairman, Government borrowing committee, American Bankers Association; president, Riggs National Bank, Gladney, William B., president, national bank division, American Bankers Association; president, Fidelity National Bank, Baton Lawton, Frederick J., Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget, ac- McCormick, Robert L. L., research director, Citizens Committee for Maybank, Hon. Burnet R., United States Senator from the State of Peterson, F. Raymond, president, American Bankers Association; Robertson, Hon. A. Willis, United States Senator from the State of Letters, statements, memorandums, etc., submitted for the record by- Bennett, Claude E., president, State bank division, American Bankers Association; president, Tioga County Savings & Trust Co., Wells- Statement of the American Bankers Association..... Statement of policy of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association__ Capehart, Hon. Homer E., United States Senator from the State of Article from United States Investor of April 8, 1950, National III Memorandum: Reorganization Plan No. 1 as applied to Office of Letters, statements, memorandums, etc., submitted for the record by- Delano, Preston, Comptroller of the Currency, letter to Senator John Gladney, William B., president, National bank division, American Loeffler, Herman C., professional staff member, and Walter L. Maybank, Hon. Burnet R., United States Senator from the State of Robertson, Hon. A. Willis, United States Senator from the State of Letter from State of Connecticut Banking Department, April 5, Letter from Maryland State Banking Department, April 6, 1950-- Snyder, John W., Secretary of the Treasury, letter to Senator John L. |