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ventures recorded in "She," the two men receive a summons to start again in search of the elusive queen Ayesha, or She. For sixteen years their quest carries them through the mountains of Central Asia; they meet with almost insuperable difficulties, natural and supernatural, but at last their goal is reached. The story of these years of wandering is here given in the words of Ludwig Horace Holly. Haggard, H: Rider. A gardener's year. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 12+ 404 p. O. cl., *$4 net.

Arranged in diary form a narrative is given of the author's experience in planting an English garden during the twelve months of the year. Specific directions are also given, which are valuable to all interested in this popular occupation.

Haggard, H: Rider. The poor and the land: being a report on the Salvation Army colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England, with scheme of national land settlement and an introd. by H. Rider Haggard. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 30+157 p. il. D. cl., 75 c.

Haig, Alex., M.D. Diet and food, considered in relation to strength and power of endurance, training and athletics. 5th ed., rev. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1904. il. 12°, cl., *$1 net.

Haig, Alex., M.D. Uric acid: an epitome of

the subject. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1904. 158 p. 12°, cl., *$1 net. Haile, Martin. Mary of Modena, Queen of James II. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. [O29.] 523 p. 8°, cl., *$4 net.

Haines, Elijah Middlebrook. A practical treatise on the powers and duties of justices of the peace and police magistrates; with a summary of the law relating to the duties of constables, coroners, and notaries public in the state of Illinois, with the necessary forms of proceeding, [etc.] 16th ed., rev. Chic., Legal Adviser Pub. Co., 1905. c. 24+1464 p. O. shp., $8. Haines, Frank. Turf speculation; or, 1000 per cent. a year. N. Y., Mentor Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 158 p. 16°, limp cl., $3. Haines, H: Stevens. Restrictive railway legislation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. c. 9+ 355 p. D. cl., **$1.25 net.

Haines, Jennie Day, comp. The blue Monday book; comp. and arranged by Jennie Day Haines. San Francisco, Paul Elder & Co. [1905.] 3+53 p. sq. D. bds., **75 c. net; hf. suede, **$2 net; suede, **$1.50 net.


Cheerful quotations in prose and poetry from leading authors, for each Monday in the year. page is surrounded by a blue border.

Haines, Jennie Day, comp. Sovereign woman versus mere man: a medley of quotations. San Francisco, Paul Elder & Co., [1905.] c. 6+91 p. front., 12°, cl., **75 c. net; limp leath., **$2 net.

Hains, Thornton Jenkins. The black barque:

a tale of the pirate slave-ship "Gentle Hand" on her last African cruise; il. by W. Herbert Dunton. Bost., L. C. Page & Co., 1905. [F] c. 8+323 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

A story of slavery and piracy on the high seas about 1815 when the United States had just made its world record in the war of 1812 as the great sea-faring nation. The life led by sailors in those stirring days when ships held a motley crowd of mixed nationalities is described with startling min uteness. By the author of "The wind jammers.'


Hakluyt, R: The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres. In 12 v. v. 9-12. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904, 05. il. maps, 8°, cl.. ea., *$4 net. (Sold only in sets.)

Halbert, Homer Valmore. The practice of medicine. Chic., P. H. Mallen Co., 1905. c. 18+1110 p. 8°, cl., $5; shp., $6. Haldane, J. W. C. Life as an engineer; its lights, shades and prospects. N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain, 1905. 357 p. il. 12°, cl., *$2


Hale, E: Everett. The man without a country; with a new introd. and notes by the author. National ed. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1905. c. 63-'04. 15+48 p. il. S. cl., +35 c.

Hale, E: Everett. The man without a country; with a new introd, and notes by the author. School ed. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1905, [1904. c.] 15+48 p. 16°, cl., **25 c. net.

Hale, E: Everett, ed. Modern achievement. N. Y., University Society, [1904.] c. ΙΟ v., il. pls. (partly col.) pors. col. facsims., 8°, cl., per set, $29.50; hf. leath., $39.50.

Contents: v. 1, Science of business, with an introduction by E. W. Bok; v. 2, Business and professional life, with an introduction by O. H. G. Leigh; v. 3, Health and recreation, with an introduction by W. Blaikie; v. 4, Reading and home study, with an introduction by H. W. Mabie; v. 5, Modern home life, with an introduction by Marion Harland; v. 6, Leaders of men; biographies, with an introduction by E. E. Hale, Jr.; v. 7, Men of achievement: inventors and scientists, with an introduction by A. R. Wallace; v. 8. Men of achievement: travellers and explorers; v. 9, Heroes and Hercism, with an introduction by G. C. Eggleston; v. 10, Patriotism and citizenship, with an introduction by G. F. Hoar.

Hale, E: Everett, jr. Dramatists of to-day: Rostand, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Pinero, Shaw, Phillips, Maeterlinck: being an informal discussion of their significant work. N. Y., H: Holt & Co., 1905. [Ap.] c. 4+ 236 p. D. cl., **$1.50 net.

In these essays on some of our noted modern dramatists, a few of the plays discussed are, "Cyrano de Bergerac," "L'Aiglon," "The sunken bell," "Mag: da," "Ulysses," "Letty," "Iris," and "Pelleas and Mélisande."

Hale, G: Consider. History of the world's greatest fires. Kansas City, Mo., Press of Franklin Hudson Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 141 p. il. pors. 8°, pap., 50 c.

Hale, G: Ellery. A study of the conditions for solar research at Mt. Wilson, California. Washington, D. C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1905. 27 p. Q. (Carnegie Institution of Washington publications; contributions from the solar observatory, Mt. Wilson, no. 1.) pap., 10 c.

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hours. Bost., Lee & Shepard, [1905. Ag.] C. 14+393 p. il. O. cl., $2.

Pt. 1, Profitable pastimes," opens with chapters on: A boy's workshon. The proper handling of tools, Sharpening of tools, The boy about the house, Suggestions for a boy's room, How to make a doll-house, Furnishing the doll-house, Doll furniture, A boy's printing-shop, Amateur journalism, A boy's darkroom (photography), A winter enterprise. Pt. 2 is devoted to outdoor pastimes, and shows how to build a back-yard clubhouse, a log-cabin, a canvas boat, traps, toy guns, targets, etc. Pt. 3, "Indoor pastimes," explains the making of a miniature theatre, scenery, etc., a toy railway, clock work, automobiles, cork toys, etc.

Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston, (Bp.) The relations of faith and life. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. c. 11+89 p. D. (Bedell lectures, 1905.) cl., **$1 net.

The Bedell lectures are intended by the direction of the founders to deal with the evidences of natural and revealed religion. The present volume tains two lectures-"The effect of faith on life" and "The effect of life on faith."


Hall, C: Cuthbert, D.D. Christian belief interpreted by Christian experience: lectures delivered in India, Ceylon and Japan on the Barrows foundation; with an introductory note by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bombay. Chic., University of Chicago Press, 1905. 41+255 p. O. (Barrows lectures, 1902-03.) cl., *$1.50 net. Prof. Hall, President of the Union Theological Seminary, delivered these lectures in the leading cities of India and Japan in connection with the lectureship founded by Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell. The material is divided into six parts under the following titles: The nature of religion, The Christian idea of God and its relation to experience, The Lord Jesus Christ, the Supreme Manifestation of God, The sin of man and the sacrifice of Christ interpreted by Christian experience, The ideas of holiness and immortality interpreted by Christian experience, Reasons for regarding Christianity as the absolute religion.

Hall, C: Cuthbert, D.D. Redeemed life after death. N. Y. and Chic., Revell, 1905. [J128.] 58 p. 16°, bds., *50 c. net.

Hall, C: Cuthbert, D.D. The universal ele ments of the Christian religion: an attempt to interpret contemporary religious conditions. N. Y. and Chic., Revell, [1905.] 309 p. 12°, (Cole lectures for 1905.) cl., *$1.25 net.


Contents: The church and the Christianization of the world; The bearing of sectarian movements upon the Christianization of the world; The recovery of the apostolic theology; The Savior of the world; The constructive office of Biblical criticism; The larger church of Christ.


Hall, Francis Joseph. Theological outlines. v. I, The doctrine of God. 2d ed., rev. throughout. Milwaukee, Wis., Young Churchman Co., 1905. 149 p. 12°, cl., *$1


Hall, H. S., and Stevens, F. H. Lessons in experimental and practical geometry; with answers. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 6+94 p. il. 12°, cl., *40 c. net.

Hall, Harry Lovinas Cephas. Manufacturing cost. Detroit, Mich., Book-Keeper Publishing Co., Ltd., 1904. C. 191 p. il. por. 12°, (Office lib.) hf. leath., $3. Hall, H: Foljambe.

Napoleon's notes on English history; made on the eve of the French Revolution; il. from contemporary historians and refreshed from the findings of later research. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. 27+352 p. 8°, cl., *$3 net.

Hall, Howard, and Blaney, C: E. aire detective: [a novel.] Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1905. pap., 25 c.

The millionN. Y., J: S. 128 p. il. 12°,

Hall, I. Walker, M.D. The Purin bodies of foodstuffs and the role of uric acid in health and disease. 2d ed. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1904. 12°, cl., *$1.50 net.

Hall, Jennie. Men of old Greece. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1906, [1905. N.] c. 8+263 p. il. D. cl., $1.50.

This volume gives four important chapters on Greek history and biography, written with a graphic presentation that will make the stories permanent pcssessions of child readers. The first is the story of Leonidas, followed by the story of Marathon and Salamis. The third part is devoted to a biographical narrrative of Socrates, and the closing portion tells of the rebuilding of the Acropolis, giving a pen picture of Phidias and his working artists.

Hall, Jesse T. The tree of worlds; or, a greater and higher creation and life. Chic., M. A. Donohue & Co., [1904.] c. 256 p. por. 12°, cl., $1.25.

Hall, Madeline, (il.) Giddy-go-round: a tale of a wooden horse; il. by Madeline Hall. N. Y., F: Warne & Co., [1905.] 8+75 p. obl. T. cl., 80 c.

Hall, R. N., and Neal, W. G. Great Zimbabwe Mashonaland, Rhodesia: an account of two years' examination work in 19021904 on behalf of the government of Rhodesia; with an introd. by A. H. Keane ; with 200 il. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. 459 p. 8°, cl., *$6 net.

Badger, 1905. 332 p. il. D. cl., $1.50.


Hall, C: S: Life and letters of Samuel Holden Parsons, major-general in the continental army and chief judge of the Northwestern Territory, 1737-1789. Bingham-Hall, W: A dauntless viking. Bost., R: G. ton, N. Y., Otseningo Publishing Co., 1905. 13+601 p. plan, 8°, limited ed., cl., $6. Hall, Clayton Coleman. The Lords Baltimore and the Maryland Palatinate: six lectures delivered before the Johns Hopkins University in the year 1902. New ed. Balt., Md., Nunn & Co., [1905.] 216 p. maps, 12°, cl., *$1.25 net.

Hall, E: Hagaman. McGowan's Pass and its vicinity: a sketch of the most interesting scenic and historic section of Central Park, in the city of New York. N. Y., American Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc., 1905. c. 48 p. il. map, S. pap., 25 c.


A story of the Gloucester fisheries of Massachusetts. The characters are wholly imaginary, though some of the incidents are founded on fact. 1893, the year of the Chicago Exposition, "The Viking" sailed from Norway, and among her bravest men was Erik, the hero of the exciting story. Hall, W:, comp. Tables and constants to four figures for use in technical, physical and nautical computation and adapted to the requirements of junior mathematical students. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 9+60 p. 8°, cl., *90 c. net.

Hall, Winchester. Self-development; or, the unfolding of the faculties under self-cul

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ture: a series of essays addressed to youths in college and at home. N. Y., Broadway Publishing Co., [1905.] c. 8+146 p. por. 12°, cl., $1.

Hall, Winfield Scott. A text-book of physiology, normal and pathological; for students and practitioners of medicine. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Phil., Lea Bros. & Co., 1905. 795 p. il. 8°, cl., *$4 net.

Halliburton, W: D., M.D. Biochemistry of muscle and nerve: ten lectures. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1905. il. 8°, cl.,


Halliwell, Ja. Orchard. A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs and ancient customs from the xivth century. N. Y., Dutto 1905.

960 p. 8°, hf. mor., *$3 net.

Hallock, Gerard B: Fleet, comp. and ed. Wedding manual: a pastor's handbook; forms for the solemnization of marriage, authorized by various ecclesiastical bodies, and other ceremonies used by many eminent ministers, Scripture studies and selections concerning marriage. Cleveland, O., F. M. Barton, [1904.] c. 124 p. 12°, ooze cf., $1. Halpin, Mary Grace. Bound with love's fetters. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1905. 12°, (Eagle lib., no. 446.) pap., 10 C.

Halpin, Rev. P. A. Apologetica; elementary apologetics for pulpit and pew. N. Y., J. F. Wagner, [1905.] c. 6+134 p. 16°, cl., *40 c. net.

Halpin, Rev. P. A. The method of the Catholic Sunday school. [2d ser.] N. Y., J. F. Wagner, [1905.] c. 61 p. D. pap., 80 c. Halpin, Rev. P. A. A young woman's problems. N. Y., J. F. Wagner, [1905.] 109 p. 12°, cl., *60 c. net.


Contents: Introductory remarks; The meaning of life: Work; Motives; Happiness; Crises; Character. Halsey, Henrietta A. and Rena I. One hundred new kindergarten songs; words by Rena I. Halsey, music by Henrietta A. Halsey. N. Y., Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, [1904.] c. 26+181 p. il. obl. 12°, cl., $1. Halsey, R. T. H. The Boston port bill, [1774,] as pictured by a contemporary London cartoonist. N. Y., Grolier Club, 1904. c. 29+33 p. col. pls. (Sold only to members.) Halstead, Murat. The war between Russia and Japan; containing thrilling accounts of fierce battles by sea and land. v. 1. Phil., National Publishing Co., [1904.] c. il. por. pls., map, 12°, cl., $1.75; hf. mor., $2.50. Hamaker, J: Irvin. A compend of the principles of biology; for the use of students in "Biology 1," Randolph-Macon College, Lynchburg, Virginia, 1905. Lynchburg,

Va., J. P. Bell Co., 1905. c. 8°, cl., $1.35. Hamilton, Adam, Dom. The angel of Syon: the life and martyrdom of blessed Richard Reynolds, Bridgettine monk of Syon, martyred at Tyborn, May 4, 1535; to which is


added a sketch of the Bridgettines of Syon, written by Father Robert Parsons, about the year 1595; ed. from a ms. copy at Syon Abbey, Chudleigh. St. Louis, Mo., B. Herder, 1905. 12+116 p. il. 8°, cl., *$1.10 net.

Hamilton, Count Anthony. Memoirs of Count Grammont; ed. by Sir Walter Scott; with a biographical sketch of the author, Anthony Hamilton. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. il. 8°, cl., *$2.50 net.

Hamilton, Fayette Montgomery. Practical thoughts for the old and the young. Jackson, Tenn., Publishing House of the C. M. E. Church, 1904. C. 200 p. 16°, cl., 35 c. Hamilton, Sir Ian. A staff officer's scrapbook during the Russo-Japanese London, E: Arnold. [N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co.,] 1905. 10+362 p. il, pors. maps, plans, O. cl., *$4.50 net.


General Hamilton, commander in the Boer war, was sent as British attaché with the Japanese army. Arriving in Japan in March, 1904, he spent six weeks in Tokio, meeting socially the leading political and military men before accompanying the army to the seat of war. He was present at the battle of the Yalu and in succeeding conflicts till July 31 when the battle of Yushuling and Penlin was fought. The volume is made up of observations of and comments on the conduct of the war, and the various participants among the Japanese.

Hamilton, J: McLean. Home, sweet home: a book to help us make a good home and be happy in it; by a country pastor. Chic., W. B. Conkey Co., [1905.] C. 15-472 p. il. pls., pors. 8°, cl., $2.50; hf. rus., $3.50; Presentation ed., rus., $5.

Hamilton, Mrs. Sylla Withers Thomas. Forsaking all others: a story of Sherman's march through Georgia. Wash., D. C., Neale Publishing Co., 1905. 197 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.


Hamilton, W: T:, ["Bill Hamilton," pseud.] My sixty years on the plains trapping, trading, and Indian fighting; ed. by E. T. Sieber; il, by Charles M. Russell. N. Y., Forest and Stream Publishing Co., 1905. 244 p. por. 8°, cl., $1.50. Hammond, Harold. Pinkey Perkins, just a boy; il. by G: Varian. N. Y., Century Co., 1905. [O.] c. 11327 p. il. por. D. cl., +$1.50.

Story for boys about a bright mischievous American boy who has a supreme faculty for playing pranks on his school and village friends. Hammond, L. H., [Mrs. J. D. Hammond.] The master-word: a story of the south today. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. [F.] c. 5+334 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

The master-word is love which always means sacrifice. The scene is Tennessee among the phosphate mires. in being father of a child by a mulatto woman and The wife of Philip Lawton condoned his sin her relationship but knowing she was of negro blood. brought up the girl in her own family ignorant of

The clever, beautiful girl hates her mother's race, but is totally submissive to her step-sister. The great problem of race mixture is discussed from its scientific, ethical and emotional view-points. Mrs. Lawton, to shield the girl and help her bear the burden of her father's sin, tells her sad story at the turning point of her life wher. she and her sister fall in love with the same man.

Hammond's modern atlas of the world: a new series of physical, political and historical

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maps compiled from government surveys and exhibiting the latest results of geographical reasearch, accompanied by an index-gazetteer of the principal towns of the world. N. Y., Caleb S. Hammond & Co., 1905. c. '04. 9-144 p. maps, 4°, cl., $3. Hammond's pictorial atlas of the world: a new series of over one hundred maps in colors, based upon the latest official surveys; and accompanied by an index-gazetteer of cities and towns and a descriptive gazetteer of the states, countries and physical features of the globe. N. Y., Caleb S. Hammond & Co., 1905. 256 p. maps, f°, cl., $5.

Hammurabi, King of Babylonia, and Moses. The codes of Hammurabi and Moses; with copious comments, index and Bible references, by W. W. Davies. Cin., Jennings & Graham, [1905.] 3-126 p. D. cl., *75 c. net. The discovery of the Hammurabi Code is one of the greatest achievements of archæology, and is of paramount interest not only to the student of the Bible, but also to those interested in ancient history. This code was written by Hammurabi, King of Babylon about 2250 B. C. Its similarity to the Code of Moses, is set forth in this volume, the texts of both following each other, with remarks and comments and Bible reference. A list of helpful books and pamphlets are given in the appendix. Hampson, W. Radium explained: a popular

account of the relations of radium to the natural world, to scientific thought and to human life; with illustrative diagrams. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1905. 10+122 p. D. (Practical science ser.) cl., *50 c. net.

This little book has been written to supply the need of systematic and intelligible information about radium. It is not intended for advanced students in physics, for whom there are scientific works in technical language, but for ordinary lay readers who wish to inform themselves concerning this newly discovered substance.

Hanchett, H: Granger. The art of the musician: a guide to the intelligent appreciation of music. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. [Mr.] c. 6+327 p. D. cl., **$1.50 net.

Fourteen essays on: Art and music; The materials of music: The life of music: The soul of music; The beauty of music; The germ of music; Thematic development; Counterpoints and figure; Form building; Classical music; Romantic music; The art of the interpreter: Musical education; The test of musical worth. The book "is the outgrowth of a course of popular lectures intended to give to persons fond of music, but not thoroughly versed in its intricacies, an idea and the reasons which prompt musical critics to approve or disapprove of compositions."

Hancock, Harrie Irving. The boy's revolt. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1905. 12°, (Bound to win lib., no. 130.) pap., 10 c. Hancock, Harrie Irving. Caught in a trap. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1905. 12°, (Bound to win lib., no. 124.) pap., 10 c.

Hancock, Harrie Irving. Compound interest. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1905. 12°, (Bound to win lib., no. 119.) pap., 10 c. Hancock, Harrie Irving. Money to spend. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1905. 12°, (Bound to win lib., no. 114.) pap., 10 c. Hancock, Harrie Irving. The physical culture life: a guide for all who seek the simple laws of abounding health. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. 14+229 p. il. D. cl., **$1.25 net. By the author of the "Jiu-jitsu" books. His purpose is in this volume "to present in a clear and suc


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cinct way. the real aims and methods of the physical culture movement that is marching onward in Eng. land and in the United States.' His methods for obtaining perfect health are based on very simple lines, and may be found in fresh air, water, exercise, and proper food. Hancock, Harrie Irving, and Higashi, Katsukuma. The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Jiudo): the official Jiu-Jitsu of the Japanese government; with the additions by Hoshino and Tsutsumi; and chapters on the serious and fatal blows, and on Kuatsu, the Japanese science of the restoration of life; il. by over 400 pls. from life and 4 charts. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. c. 15+ 526 p. por. O. cl., **$4.50 net.

This is a far more ambitious and comprehensive attempt at a descriptive interpretation of the Japanese art of jiu-jitsu, or jiudo, than was undertaken in the writers' earlier volumes on the subject. It presents in its entirety the Kano sys tem of jiu-jitsu, devised by Professor Jiguro Kano, with the additions thereto that have been made by those famous jiu-jitsians, Hoshino and Tsutsumi. It is the system officially adopted by the Japanese government. It begins with the simplest of combat tricks and progresses by degrees to tricks that may be made, in stress of dire necessity, most disastrous and even deadly.

Hand, L: H: Byington. Pattern making and foundry practice: a plain statement of the methods of wood pattern making as practiced in modern pattern shops, with complete instructions for sweep work and notes on foundry practice, together with numerous drawings taken from actual patterns. Chic., F: J. Drake & Co., 1905. c. 3-147 P. il. diagrs., 16°, leath., $1.50. Handbook (A) of proverbs for readers, thinkers, writers and speakers; selected from the best sources and classified, including a list of authorities quoted. N. Y., A. L. Burt Co., 1905. 218 p. 12°, cl., 75 c.

Hanifen, Michael. History of Battery B, First New Jersey Artillery. Ottawa, Ill., [Michael Hanifen, pr.,] 1905. c. 5-174 p. il. pors. 8°, cl., $1.25. Limited to 500 copies. Hanke, V: Treatment of diseases of the eye; tr. by J. H. Parsons. Chic., W. T. Keener & Co., 1905. 222 p. 12°, cl., *$1.25 net. Hanney, Rev. J. O. The wisdom of the desert. N. Y., T: Whittaker, 1904. c. 16°, cl., $1. Hanotaux, Gabriel. Contemporary France. In 4 v. v. 2, 1873-1875; from the French. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. 14+760 p. por. O. cl., $3.75.

Continues the history of France from the election of Marshal MacMahon in 1873 as President of France, succeeding Thiers. Only the years 1873-'75 are here dealt with, covering the first two cabinets of the Duc de Broglie and the organization of the Septennate. Chapters are also devoted to the economic and industrial conditions of France at that time, her literary men, her newspapers, her art, science and moral and religious trend. Hanshew, T. W. The Horton mystery: [a novel.] N. Y., J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1905. [SI.] 250 p. 12°, pap., 25 c. Harband, Beatrice M. The pen of Brahma: peeps into Hindu hearts and homes. N. Y. and Chic., Revell, 1905. 320 p. 12°, cl., *$1.25 net. Harben, Will Nathaniel. Pole Baker: a novel. N. Y., Harper, 1905. [Ag.] c. 4+358 p. D. cl., +$1.50.

The author of "Abner Daniel" takes from it Pole

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Baker who supplied so much humor in that story of Georgia and makes this shrewd, kindly, shirt-sleeves philosopher his hero. He plays an important part in the love affairs of a young couple and continually bubbles over with good stories.

Harbottle, T: Benfield. Dictionary of battles from the earliest date to the present time. N. Y., Dutton, 1905. [Ap.] 298 p. 8°, cl., *$2 net.

Harding, S: Banister. Essentials in mediaval and modern history, (from Charlemagne to the present day,) in consultation with Albert Bushnell Hart. N. Y., American Book Co., [1905.] c. 612+21 p. il. por. maps, 12°, (Essentials in history.) cl., $1.50.

General bibliography.

Harding, S: Banister. Indiana University, 1820-1904; historical sketch, development of the course of instruction, bibliography; ed. by S: Banister Harding. Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University, 1904. 2+348 p. il. pors. 8°, cl., 50 c.

Bibliography publications of present faculty, of former faculty, of alumni and students.

Harding, S: Banister. Life of George R. Smith, founder of Sedalia, Mo., in its relations to the political, economic, and social life of southwestern Missouri, before and during the civil war. Bloomington, Ill., S: B. Harding, 1904. c. 16+398 p. 12°, cl., privately printed.

Hardwicke, H: The art of rising in the world. N. Y., J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1905. [Ja25] 128 p. 12°, pap., 25 c. Hardy, Rev. E: J: John Chinaman at home: sketches of men, manners, and things in China. N. Y., Scribner, 1905. 4-335 p. O. cl., **$2.50 net.

The author is well known as the writer of "How to be happy though married." For three years and a half he was Chaplain to the British Forces at Hong Kong and this professional work he described in "Mr. Thomas Atkins.' Ile heard, read and observed and travelled much in a country one hundred and four times larger than England and he has made a book for unlearned visitors to China full of information upon the larger cities, upon manners and customs, Chinese food, medicine and surgery, clothes, servants, marriage and the education of Chinese boys and girls. A chapter is devoted to what the Chinese think of the English.

Hardy, T: Complete works. Wessex ed. N. Y., Harper, 1905. 20 v., 12°, cl., subs., per set, $31.

Contents: Under the greenwood tree; Desperate remedies; A laodicean, in 2 vs; Far from the madding crowd; Mayor of Casterbridge; Tess of the D'Urbervilles; Two on a tower; A pair of blue eyes; The woodlanders; The hand of Ethelberta; The trumpet major; Wessex tales; The return of the native, in 2 vs. Jude the obscure, in 2 vs.; The well beloved; Life's little ironies; A group of noble dames. Hare, A: J: Cuthbert. Walks in Rome, (including Tivoli, Frascati and Albano.) 17th ed., with plans, etc., by St. Clair Baddeley. [New ed. in I v.] N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 9+709 p. 12°, limp cl., *$2.50 net. Hare, Christopher. Dante the wayfarer. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1905. 28+354 p. il, pors. 8°, cl.. $3.

Contents: The Florence of Dante: Fellow citizens whom Dante met; Travel in the middle ages; The banished man; Exiles in Arezzo; Dante as Alpine climber; Over the Muraglione Pass; On the Amilian Way; The birds of Dante; Padova la Forte and the Strada Romea; In the Lunigiana; The highway


of the sea; Medieval Paris, in legend and story; In the Casentino; Henry, the beloved emperor: the hope of Italy; Ruined hopes and wanderings forlorn; With Can Grande in Verona; Ravenna, the last refuge; The pilgrim's goal; Biblicgraphy. "Chronology of the chief historical events during the life of Dante."

Hare, Francis Everard, M.D. The food factor in disease: being an investigation into the humoral causation, meaning, mechanism and rational treatment, preventive and curative of the paroxysmal neuroses (migraine asthma, angina pectoris, epilepsy, etc.), bilious attacks, gout, catarrhal and other affections, high blood-pressure, circulatory, renal and other degenerations. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. 2 V., 14+497; 8+495 p. O. cl., *$10 net.

The author is an Inspector-General of Hospitals for Queensland, Australia. These volumes embody his investigations during many years on the effects of food in various diseases. He discusses both nitrog genous and carbonaceous metabolism, the income of carbon to the blood, and its disposal, and the results that occur when there is too much carbonaceous material in the blood, and the treatment to reduce it. The diseases resulting from this condition are examined and suggestions made for cure.

Hare, Hobart Amory. A text-book of the practice of medicine; for students and practitioners; il. with 129 engravings and 10 plates in col. and monochrome. Phil., Lea Bros. & Co., 1905. c. 17-119 p. diagrs., cl., *$5 net; leath., *$6 net; hf. mor., *$6.50 net. Harmer, Sidney F:, and Shipley, Arthur Everett, eds. Cambridge natural history. v. 7, Hemichordato, by S. F: Harmer; Ascidians and amphioxus, by W. A. Herdman; Fishes, (exclusive of the systematic account of Teleosti,) by T. W. Bridge; Fishes, (systematic account of Teleosti,) by G. A. Boulenger. N. Y., Macmillan, 1904. 17+760 p. il. 8°, cl., *$4.25 net. Harmon, W: Herbert. Carpenters' and builders' handbook and key to hip-roof problems; drawn on a scale of one inch to one foot. Beverly, Mass., pub. by the author, W: H. Harmon, 1905. C. 30 p. 16°, leath., with chart, $I.

Harnack, Carl Gustav Adolf. The expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries; tr. and ed. by Ja. Moffatt. N. Y., Putnam, 1904. c. 8°, (Theological translation lib.) cl., *$3 net.

Harper, Ja. An exposition in the form of question and answer of the Westminster Assembly's shorter catechism. Pittsburg, Pa., United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1905. C. 407 p. D. cl., *$2 net.

The author, lately Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary of Xenia, Ohio, believes that "There is room left for another attempt to explain the Shorter Catechism, to defend its teachings and indicate their bearing on modern phases of thought"; but he also admits that he has freely utilized the labors of his predecessors to whom he gives ample credit. Harper, Olive. A slave of the mill: [a novel.] N. Y., J: S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1905. 192 p. il. 12°, pap., 25 c.

Harper, Rob. Almer. Sexual reproduction and the organization of the nucleus in certain mildews. Wash., D. C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1905. 104 p. O.

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