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Mc. Intosh, Some observations on British Salpæ. p. 41-48. 1 tab. aen. 34. John Shortt, Notice of a double-headed water-snake. p. 49. 50 c. fig. xyl. Arthur G. Butler, A list of the diurnal Lepidoptera recently collected by Mr. Whitely in Hakodadi [North Japan]. Communicated by William Carruthers. p. 50-59 c. fig. xyl.

George Busk, Remarks on the cranial and dental characters of the existing species of Hyæna. p. 59-79, 2 tables in fol. obl, et 4m. 1 tab. lith. Francis P. Pascoe, On the Longicornia of Australia, with a list of all described species, &c. p. 80-112. Journal, The, of the Linnean Society. Botany. Vol. IX. No. 36. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer; Williams & Norgate. 1866. (p. 201-264. 2 tabb. lith.) 2 sh.

B. T. Lowne, On the vegetation of the Western and Southern shores of the Dead Sea. p. 201-208.

Richard Milne Redhead, Notes on the desert of Sinai. p. 208-229. John Kink, On a new Dye-wood of the genus Cudranea, from East tropical Africa. p. 229. 230.

John Kirk, On the Palms of East tropical Africa. p. 230-235.

G. Dickie, Notes on a collection of Algæ procured in Cumberland Sound by Mr. James Taylor, and remarks on arctic species in general. p. 235-243.

Wm. Nylander, Lichenes Nova Zelandiæ, quos ibi legit anno 1861 Lauder Lindsay. Communicated by Lindsay. p. 244-259.

Letter from Swinburne Ward, to Sir William Hooker.
Thomas Anderson, On two species of Guttiferæ.
Sulpiz Kurz, Enumeration of Indian Lemnacea.
tab. lith.

p. 259-261.

p. 264-268. 1

p. 261-264.
Plate V.

[ocr errors]

W. Lauder Lindsay, On Arthonia melaspermella, Nyl., nov. sp. Plate VI. p. 268-286. I tab. lith.

Fred. Welwitsch, Observations on the origin and the geographical distribution
of the Gum Copal in Angola, West tropical Africa. p. 287-302.
N. A. Dalzell, Remarks on the genus Moringa. p. 302-304.
M. P. Edgeworth, Florula of Banda. p. 304-326.

Mélanges biologiques tirés du Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des
sciences de St. Pétersbourg. Tome V. [1865-1866.] Avec 13 plan-
ches. Livraisons 3-6. Avec 7 planches. St. Pétersbourg, 1866.
Eggers & Co.; H. Schmitzdorff. Riga, N. Kymmel. Leipzig, L. Voss.
Lex. 8. (IV p., p. 309-780 c. figg. xyl., 1 tab. xylogr., 5 tabb. li-
thogr., quarum 1 in fol. obl., 1 in Roy. fol. et 2 in 4m., 1 tab. chro-
molith, in 4 obl.)
3 et 4. 1 2 gr. 5 et 6.: 27 fgr

3 et 4 August Morawitz, Einige Bemerkungen über die Crabro-artigen Hymenopteren. p. 309-352.

Eduard Brandt, Über einen eigenthümlichen, später meist obliterirenden ductus caroticus der gemeinen Kreutzotter [Pelias berus]. p. 353-362. 1 tab. xylogr.

in 4m.

J. F. Brandt, Noch einige Worte über Vertilgung der Rhytina. p. 363-366. I. Knoch, Die Entwickelungsgeschichte des Bothriocephalus proboscideus [B. Salmonis Kölliker's] als Beitrag zur Embryologie des Botriocephalus latus. p. 367402. 1 tab. lith.

F. J. Ruprecht, Neuere geo-botanische Untersuchungen über den Tschornosjom. p. 403-527.

A. Famintzin, Die Wirkung des Kerasin-Lampenlichtes auf Spirogyra orthospira Naeg. Mit 1 Tafel. d. 528-543. 1 tab. lith. in fol. obl.

El. Mecznikow, Über Geodesmus bilineatus Nob. [Fasciola terrestris 0. Fr. Müller?], eine europäische Landplanarie. Mit 1 Tafel. p. 544-565. molith. in 4m.

1 tab. chro

5 et 6. J. F. Brandt, Mittheilungen über die Gestalt und Unterscheidungsmerkmale des Mammuth oder Mamont [Elephas primigenius]. Mit einer lithographir. ten Tafel. p. 567-594. I tab. chromolith. in 4 obl.

Zur Lebensgeschichte des Mammuth. p. 595-605.

A. Walther, Studien im Gebiete der Thermophysiologie. Mit 1 Tafel. p. 606639. 1 tab. lith. in Roy. fol.

J. F. Brandt, Einige Worte zur Ergänzung meiner Mittheilungen über die Naturgeschichte des Mammuth. p. 640-644 c. fig. xyl.

K. E. v. Baer, Neue Auffindung eines vollständigen Mammuths, mit der Haut und den Weichtheilen, im Eisboden Sibiriens, in der Nähe der Bucht des Tas [Тазовская губа]. Mit 1 Tafel. p. 645-740 c. 2 mappae xylogr., 1 tab. li. thogr. in 4 obl.

E. Regel, Die Gattung Pleuroplitis und Andropogon productus, erläutert. Mit 1 Tafel. p. 741-762. 1 tab. lith. in 4m.

A. Strauch, Über die Arten der Eidechsengattung Cyclodus Wagl. p. 768-780.

Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Supplement - Heft. Marburg, Elwert. 4m. 1 $

Die Copepoden - Fauna v. Nizza. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Formen and deren Abänderungen im Sinne Darwin's. Von C. Claus. Mit 5 Tafeln. (34 p. 5 tabb. lithogr. earumque explicatio 5 foll.

Société des amis des sciences naturelles de Rouen. 1. année. 1865. Rouen, impr. Boissel. 8. (316 p. 2 tabb.) Verhandelingen, Nieuwe, van het Bataafsch Genootschap der proefonderlijke wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. XII. deel. 2. en 3. stuk. Rotterdam, J. van Baalen & Zonen. 1865. 4m. 9 fl. 2. A. J. Docq, Examen des théories relatives à la nature des agents physiques. (II, 179 p. 3 tabb.)

9 f.

2 fl. 3. Leopold Dippel, Entstehung der Milchsaftgefässe und deren Stellung in dem Gefässbündelsysteme der milchenden Gefässe. (XC, 121 p. 17 tabb. lith.) Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich. Redigirt von Rudolf Wolf. 11. Jahrgang. 1860. 4 Hefte. Zürich, Höhr in Comm. 8m.


7. Vermischte naturhistorische Schriften.

Abrégé de l'histoire naturelle mise à la portée des enfants; par un ancien professeur. Zoologie. Paris, Gauguet. 18. (72 p.) de Alessandri, ..., Dell' influenza dello studio delle scienze fisiche e naturali applicate sul progresso civile delle nazioni; discorso inaugurale degli studi pronunciato in occasione della distribuzione dei premi alla gioventù studiosa d'Acqui. Acqui, tipografia Borghi. 1864. 16. (24 p.)

Annales des sciences naturelles. V. série. Zoologie et paléontologie, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et l'histoire naturelle des animaux, publiées sous la direction de M. Milne Edwards. Tome V. No. 5. et 6. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1866. Roy.8. (p. 257-384. 2 tabb. aen., quarum 1 in 4 obl., 1 mappa chromolith. in 4 obl., 1 mappa lithogr. in 4 obl., 5 tabb. lithogr. in 4 obl.) Hesse, Observations biologiques Crustacés des côtes de Bretagne. Études sur les genres Slabberina, Eucolumba [nov. gen.] et Cirolane. (Fin.) p. 257–264. Observations sur des Crustacés rares ou nouveaux des côtes de France. 7. article. Mémoire sur un nouveau Crustacé parasite appartenant à l'ordre des Lernéidiens, formant la famille des Lernéosiphoniens et le genre Léposphile. p. 265-279. 1 tab. aen. No. 9.

H. Brandt, Quelques mots sur le Mamont, à l'occasion des gravures trouvées récemment dans le Périgord et attribuées à cet animal. Lettre adressée à M. Milne Edwards. p. 280-282.

Lereboullet, Observations sur la génération et le développement de la Limnadie de Hermann [Limnadia Hermanni 4d. Brongn.] p. 283-308. 1 tab. aen. in 4 obl.

Nouvelles scientifiques. Troisième lettre de M. Agassiz relative à la faune ichthyologique de l'Amazone, datée de Para, le 12 mars 1866. p. 309-311. Lettre relative à la découverte récente d'un Mammouth dans le sol gelé de la Sibérie arctique, par M. Ch. E. de Baer. p. 312.

J. R. Bourguignat, Recherches sur la distribution geographiques des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles en Algérie et dans les regions circonvoisines. p. 313354. 1 mappa chromolith. et 1 mappa lithogr. in 4 obl. Alphonse Milne Edwards, Remarques sur des ossements de Dronte [Didus ineptus] nouvellement recueillis à l'île Maurice. p. 355-380. 5 tabb. lithogr.

in 4 obl.

Note sur le Mi-Lou, ou Sseu-Pou-Siang, mammifère du Nord de la Chine, qui constitue une section nouvelle de la famille des cerfs. p. 380-382. Tables. p. 383. 384.

des sciences naturelles. V. série. Botanique comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification des végétaux vivants et fossiles, publiée sous la direction de MM. Ed. Brongniart et J.

Decaisne. Tome IV. No. 1-6. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1865.
Roy. 8. (384 p. 17 tabb. aen.)

Comte Gaston de Saporta, Études sur la végétation du Sud-Est de la France
à l'époque tertiaire. II. partie. p. 5-264. 2 tabb. aen., quarum 1 in 4m.
Ed. Prillieux, Étude sur la nature, l'organisation et la structure des bulbes des
Ophrydées. p. 265-289. 3 tabb. aen. No. 14-16.

R. L. Tulasne, Note sur le Ptychogaster albus, Coes. p. 290-296.

P. Heiberg, Étude morphologique sur l'Umbilicus pendulinus, D. C. et sur les espèces voisines. p. 297-314. 1 tab. aen. No. 17.

van Tieghem, Note sur les globules amylacés des Floridées et des Corallinées. p. 315-319.

S. Rosanoff, Notice sur le pigment rouge des Floridées et son rôle physiologique. p. 320-323.

Prodromus flora Novo-Granatensis ou énumération des plantes de la Nouvelle-Grénade avec description des espèces nouvelles; par MM. J. Triana et J. E. Planchon. Musci. Exposuit E. Hampe. p. 324-378.

p. 378-382.

A. Trécul, Du Tannin dans les légumineuses. Tables. p. 383. 384. Annales des sciences naturelles. V. série. Botanique comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification des végétaux vivants et fossiles publiée sous la direction de MM. Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. (44. année.) Tome V. No. 1-4. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1866. Roy. 8. (p. 1–256. 10 tabb. aen.) 12 Nrs.: 20 fr.

Ch. Naudin, Cucurbitacées nouvelles cultivées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle en 1863, 1864 et 1865. p. 5-43. 6 tabb. aen.

A. Trécul, Résumé d'observations sur les vaisseaux et sur les sucs propres. p. 44-79.

1 tab. aen.

Ladislaü Netto, Additions à la flore du Bresil. p. 80-87. 3 tabb. aen.
Ph. van Tieghem, Observations sur la Ficaire. p. 88-110.
Philip Phoebus, De la culture des Quinquinas. p. 111-121.
L. R. Tulasne, Super Friesiano Taprinarum genere et Acalyptospora Mazeriana,
accedente Ustilaginis maria Dur. adumbratione; scripsit. p. 122-136.

J. E. de Vrij, Sur la culture des arbres à Quinquina à Java et dans les Indes
Britanniques. p. 137-157.

Ladislau Netto, Additions à la flore Brésilienne. Voyage botanique dans la province Brésilienne de Minas Geraes. p. 158-201.

[ocr errors]

Henr. F. Hance, Adversaria in stirpes imprimis Asia orientalis criticas minusve notas interjectis novarum plurimarum diagnosibus. p. 202-256. Annals, The, and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. [Being a continuation of the Annals" combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's ,,Magazine of natural history."] Conducted by Prideaux John Selby, Charles C. Babington, and William Francis. Vol. VII. III. series. No. 100-102. London: Taylor and Francis. 1866. Sm. (VIII p., p. 241-480 c. figg. xyl., 5 tabb. lith., quarum 1 in 4.)

[ocr errors]


No. 100. On germination at different degrees of constant temperature; by Alph. de Candolle. Plate IV. Translated. p. 241-265. 1 tab. lith. in 4. On the Menispermacea; by John Miers. Continued. p. 265-270. lichenologicæ. No. IV. By W. A. Leighton. p. 270-274. On the pleistocene fossils collected by E. Jewett at Sta. Barbara [California]; with descriptions of new species; by Philip P. Carpenter. p. 274-278. On the float of the Ianthine; by H. Lacaze-Duthiers. Translated by W. S. Dallas. p. 278-285. - Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum; by Arthur G. Butler. p. 285-287. - Some account of a new species of Fern [Polystichum Maderense] recently discovered in the island of Madeira; by James Yate Johnson. p. 287. — Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazons valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. p. 288-303. Additional observations on Ziphiorrhynchus; by H. Burmeister. In a letter, from Buenos Ayres, to J. E. Gray. Plate VI. p. 303305. 1 tab. lith. On Rhynchonella Geinitziana; by W. B. Carpenter. p. 306. 307. Notes on some peculiarities in the eye of the Mackarel; by Robert Dyce. Plate VII p. 307-309. 1 tab. lith. Miscellaneous. p. 309 -320. No. 101. An epitome of the evidence that Pterodactyles are not reptiles, but a new subclass of vertebrate animals allied to birds [Saurornia]; by Harry Seeley. p. 321-331. — On the developmental history of the Nematode worms; by Rudolph Leuckart. Translated by W. S. Dallas. p. 331-347. Notule lichenologicæ. No. V. By W. A. Leighton. p. 348-351. On the morphological structure and the motory phenomena of the contractile substance of the Polythalamia [Gromia oviformis]; by M. Reichert. Translated by J. W.


Griffith. p. 351-359.

p. 359. 360.

On a new species of Astacus; by E. v. Martens. On the various modes of coloration of feathers; by M. Victor Fatio. p. 361-367. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazons valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. Continued. p. 367-973. Bibliographical notice. p. 373. 374. Proceedings of learned societies. p. 375

-381. Miscellaneous. p. 382-400 c. 2 figg xyl. No. 102. On the anatomy and physiology of the Vorticellidan Parasite [Trichodins pediculus, Ehr.] of Hydra; by H. James Clark. Plates VIII. & IX. p. 401425 c. fig. xyl., 2 tabb. lith. — Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazons valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. Continued. p. 425-435. Note on the identity of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera; by Arthur Gardiner Butler. p. 435. 436. Notulæ lichenologica. No. VI. By W. A. Leighton. Conspectus specierum saxicolarum generis Oregraph. Auctore E. Stizenberger. p. 437-444. Observations on the "Prodrome of a monograph of the Pinnepedes, by Theodore Gill"; by J. E. Gray. p. 444–446. On the developmental history of the Nematode Worms; by Rudolph Leuckart Continued. p. 447-464. Note on some new facts in botanical geography;

by Edmond Boissier. p. 464-467. Bibliographical notice. p. 467–470. Miscellaneous. p. 471-475. Index. p. 476-480. Annals, The, and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. [Being a continuation of the ,,Annals" combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's,,Magazine of natural history".] Conducted by Prideaux John Selby, Charles C. Babington, John Edward Gray, and William Francis. Vol. XVIII. Series III. No. 103-106. London: Taylor & Francis. 1866. 8m. (p. 1-344 c. figg. xyl., 7 tabb. lith., 2 tabb. aen.) à 2 sh. 6 d. No. 103. Description of a new species of marine worm [Phenacia pulchella]; by Edward Parfitt. Plate I. p. 1. 2. 1 tab. lith. On the affinities of Peridinium Cypripedium, Jas-Clk., and Urocentrum Turbo, Ehr.; by James Clark p. 2-6. On the vascular and nervous apparatus of the larvæ of the marine Crustacea; by M. Z. Gerbe. Translated by W. S. Dallas. p. 7-12. - On the Menispermacea; by John Miers. Continued. p. 12-22. Notule lichenologicæ. No. VII. By W. A. Leighton. p. 23. 24. Fifth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum; by Albert Günther. Plates VI. & VII. p. 24-31. 2 tab. lith. On the fossils contained in a lower greensand deposit of phosphatic nodules in Bedfordshire; by J. F. Walker. p. 31. 32. Notes on the palæozoic bivalved Entomostraca. No. VII. Some carboniferous species; by T. Rupert Jones and James W. Kirkby. p. 32-51. Notices of British Fungi; by M. J. Berkeley and C. E. Broome. Plate II. Continued. p. 51-56. 1 tab. aen. On the Rhab docœla; by E. Mecznikow. Plate VIII. p. 57-62. On the reproduction and embryogeny of the Aphides; by M. Balbiani. Translated. Miscellaneous. p. 69-72.

p. 62-69.

No. 104. Memoir on a new parasitic crustacean belonging to the order Lernæida, forming a new family; by M. Hesse. Translated by W. S. Dallas. p. 7882. Observations on the development and position of the Hymenoptera, with notes on the morphology of insects; by A. S. Packard. p. 82-99 c. 4 figg. xyl. On some Cetaceans; by Hermann Burmeister. Plate IX. p. 99103. 1 tab. lith. Notule lichenologica. No. VIII. By W. A. Leighton p. 103-106. On the reproduction and embryogeny of the Aphides. Third note. By M. Balbiani. Translated. p. 106-109.

Note on some new ge

nera of fossil birds in the Woodwardian Museum; by H. Seeley. p. 109. 110. On the fossils of the Carstone formation. The the Editors of the Anuals of natural history; by H. Seeley. p. 111. 12. Description of Calamoichthys,

a new genus of ganoid fish from Old Calabar, Western Africa; by John Alexander Smith; with observations on the internal structure, by R. H. Traquair. p. 112-117. On the amylaceous globules of the Florides and Corallineæ; by M. van Tieghem. Translated. p. 117-120. Notices of British Fungi; by M. J. Berkeley and C. E. Broome. Plates III., IV., V. Continued. p. 121 Bibliographical notice. p. 129–131. Proceedings of learned so


cieties. p. 131. 132. Miscellaneous. p. 133-144.

[ocr errors]

No. 105. Notes on some species of the Orthopterous genus Cloeon, Leach (as limited by M. Pictet]; by A. E. Eaton. p. 145-148 c. 5 figg. xyl. On the dentition of Thylaceleo carnifex Ow. by Gerard Krefft. Plate XI. p. 148. 149. I tab. lith. On two European Argulidæ, with remarks on the morphology of the Argulida and their systematic position, together with a review of the species of the family at present known; by T. Thorell. Translated by A. 0. Shaughnessy, from the Efvers. af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förhandlingar, 21. series. p. 149-169. Notulæ lichenologica. No. IX. By W. A. Leighton. On two new species of Freshwater Polyzoa; by E. Parfitt Plate XII. p. 171-173. 1 tab. aen. On the classification of Buprestidæ and Elateride, with special regard to the Danish Fauna; by J. C. Schiödte.

[blocks in formation]
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On the homologies

Translated from Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. p. 173-212.
of the male and female flowers of Conifers; by Andrew Murray. Plate X.
p. 212-221. I tab. lith. - On green Oysters; by Arthur W. E. O'Shaugh-
p. 221-228. Notes on the skulls of sea-bears and sea-lions [Otaria-
dae] in the British Museum; by J. E. Gray. p. 228-237. Recent researches
on the fossil fishes of Mount Lebanon; by F. J. Pictet and A. Humbert.
Translated by A. O'Shaughnessy. p. 237-247. Bibliographical notices.
p. 247-249.

eous. p. 255-264.

Proceedings of learned societies. p. 249-255.




On new

On Glyptodon and Additional remarks

No. 106. On the habits of Prisopi; by Andrew Murray. p. 265-268. two European Argulidae, with remarks on the morphology of the Argulidae and their systematic position, together with a review of the species of the family at present known; by . Thorell. [Continued.] p. 268–286. On a new species of Beech-Marten of Formosa; by Robert Swinhoe. p. 286. on the Glass-Rope" Hyalomena; by J. E. Gray. p. 287-296. British Hydroida; by Thomas Hincks. p. 296-299. its allies; by Hermann Burmeister. p. 209-304. on the homologies of the flowers of Conifers; by Andrew Murray. p. 304306. Notulæ lichenologicæ. No. X. by W. A. Leighton. p. 306-321. On a new species from East Australia; by Frederick M'Coy. p. 322. 323. Notes on the Pronghorn Buck [Antilocapra), and its position in the system; by John Edward Gray. p. 323-326. — On the classification of Buprestidae and Elateridae, with special regard to the Danish Fauna; by J. C. Schiödte. Continued. p. 327-338. Miscellaneous. p. 338-344.

Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Gegründet von A. F. A. Wiegmann. Fortgesetzt von W. F. Erichson. In Verbindung mit R. Leuckart herausgegeben von F. H. Troschel. XXX. Jahrgang. 6. Heft. Berlin, Nicolai. 1864. Sm. (II. Band: IV p., p. 305-457.)

6 Hefte: 8 $ (F. H.) Troschel, Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Mollusken während des Jahres 1863. (Schluss.) p. 305. 306. A. Gerstaecker, Bericht über die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Entomologie während der J. 1863-64. p. 307-457.

für Naturgeschichte, gegründet von A. F. A. Wiegmann. Fortgesetzt von W. F. Erichson. In Verbindung mit R. Leuckart herausgegeben von F. H. Troschel. XXXI. Jahrgang. 4. u. 5. Heft. Berlin, Nicolai. 1865. 8m. (2. Band: p. 29-268. 2 tabb. aen.) 6 Hefte: 8 $

(F. II.) Troschel, Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere während des Jahres 1864. p. 29-56.



Bericht über die Leistungen in der Herpetologie während des Jahres p. 57-78.

Bericht über die Leistungen in der Ichthyologie während des Jahres p. 79-118.

[ocr errors]

Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Mollusken wäh rend des Jahres 1864. p. 119-228. Rud. Leuckart, Bericht über die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere während der Jahre 1864 und 1865. Hälfte. p. 229-268.


für Naturgeschichte. Gegründet von A. F. A. Wiegmann. Fortgesetzt von W. F. Erichson. In Verbindung mit R. Leuckart herausgegeben von F. H. Troschel. XXXII. Jahrgang. 1. Heft. Berlin, Nicolai. 1866. Sm. 6 Hefte: 8 $


J. E. Schoedler, Die Cladoceren des frischen Haffs nebst Bemerkungen über anderweitig vorkommende verwandte Arten. Hierzu Tafel I-III. p. 1-56. tabb. aen.

Fortsetzung. p. 57-88.

E. v. Martens, Ueber ostasiatische Echinodermen.
Zu Bölsches Zusammenstellung der Echiniden aus der Gruppe der Diademiden.
Nachtrag zu Bd. XXXI. S. 324. p 89.

Wilhelm Bölsche, Ueber Actinometra Bennetti und eine neue Comatula - Art [Antedon Dübenii], p. 90-92 c. 2 figg. xyl.

Ernst Schauer, Die Murmelthiere und Zieselmäuse Polens und Galiziens.
Hierzu Taf. IV. p. 93-112. I tab. lith.

R. A Philippi, Ueber ein paar neue Chilenische Säugetiere.

p. 113-117.

Kurze Beschreibung einiger Chilenischen Zoophyten. p. 118-120. u. L. Landbeck, Beiträge zur Fauna Chiles. p. 121-128. Aurea, Serafino, Elementi di fisio-chimica e storia naturale, secondo i programmi governativi del regno d'Italia pel terzo anno di scuole teeniche. Modica, tipografia Mario La-Porta. 1864. 8. (XII, 207 p )

Bibliotheca hist. natural.: 1866 II.



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