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sectors in all matters relating to the water resources of the basin.

(1) The Federal Government will be encouraged and asked to participate in water resources projects and programs having national or broad regional significance. The Commission will act to encourage local initiative to solve water resources problems within a local and regional context, but when faced with obviously needed action that is not forthcoming from other sources will act, in accordance with the Compact, on its own.

(2) The Compact provides authority for the Commission to serve in a regulatory capacity and also to act as a managing and operating agency. The Commission will exercise its regulatory authority mainly in interstate matters or where signatory authority is not being effectively exercised or where the signatory has little or no authority to act. Similarly, the Commission may manage and operate various facilities if it is determined that this is an area in which an important and necessary service can be rendered.

(3) Should it become necessary for the Commission to undertake development, management and operation of projects, arrangements for repayment of all project costs and eventual operation and maintenance costs will be appropriately prorated among the signatories or otherwise financed in accordance with the Compact.

(4) The Commission will utilize the functions, powers, and duties of the existing offices and agencies of government to the extent consistent with the Compact.

(5) In its actions the Commission will maintain a high level of public visibility. Broad government, public, and private sector commentary on Commission proposals and findings will be invited, and to the extent possible be incorporated and reflected in decisions for finalization of plans, projects, and programs having significant effect on the water resources of the basin. A concerted effort will be made to keep the Commission and its activities readily available to government and public scrutiny, and responsive to their concerns.

(b) The Commission shall exercise its regional jurisdiction in an effort to avoid and minimize conflicts and duplication of effort and shall:

(1) Cooperate with and help coordinate Federal, State, local government, and private sector efforts in all matters relating to the planning, conservation, preservation, use, development, management and control of the water resources of the basin.

(2) Develop administrative agreements, as needed, with appropriate agencies of the signatories and other agencies to facilitate achievement of the Commission's objectives and related responsibilities of other agencies by minimizing duplication of effort and maximizing the contributions the respective agencies are best able to make.

(3) Build upon present water resources planning and related activities of the signatory parties, local government, other public bodies, and the private sector and fully consider their recommendations and suggestions.

(4) Establish advisory committees as needed for specific assignments and seek meaningful liaison with sources of technical and scientific expertise.

(5) Share with interested parties results of investigations, studies, tests, and research undertaken by the Commission in an appropriate manner and form.

(6) Conduct its regular meetings announced in advance and open to the public.

(7) Depend upon existing public and private agencies for the construction, operation, and maintenance of projects except when the project is necessary to further the comprehensive plan and the responsible agency does not act or when the Commission is asked to act by one or more signatories, one or more local governments, or other responsible entities.

(8) Require that the planning of projects affecting the water resources of the basin by Federal, State, local agencies and private organizations be undertaken in coordination with the Commission and in accordance with the Compact.

(9) Require that periodic reports of projects affecting water resources

within the basin and listings of discharge permits granted, and similar activities undertaken by offices or agencies of the signatory parties, be submitted to the Commission.

§ 801.3 Allocations, diversions, withdrawals and release.

(a) The extremes in availability of water in the basin means that water will not always be available when and where it is needed. One of the responsibilities of the Commission is to act upon requests for allocations, withdrawals, or diversions of water for inbasin or out-of-basin use. Water emergencies may be expected to develop in portions of the basin due to drought conditions or other causes. The Commission will act promptly to effect alleviation of the condition to the extent posible.

(b) The Commission will require evidence that proposed interbasin transfers of water will not jeopardize, impair or limit the efficient development and management of the Susquehanna River Basin's water resources, or any aspects of these resources for in-basin use, or have a significant unfavorable impact on the resources of the basin and the receiving waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

(c) The Commission may, in making decisions on allocations, diversions, withdrawals, and releases, consider the following principles among others:

(1) That allocations, diversions, or withdrawals of water be based on the common law principles of riparian rights which entitles landholders in any watershed to draw upon the natural stream flow in reasonable amounts and be entitled to the stream flow not unreasonably diminished in quality or quantity by upstream use or diversion of water; and on the maintenance of the historic seasional variations of the flows into Chesapeake Bay.

(d) When the need arises for action on requests for allocations, diversions, or withdrawals of water from either surface or ground waters of the basin the Commission shall:

(1) Allocate waters of the basin to and among the signatory States to the Compact as the need appears, and

impose related conditions, obligations, and release requirements.

(2) Determine if a proposed allocation, withdrawal or diversion is in conflict with or will significantly affect the comprehensive plan, and assure existing immediate and projected long term local and regional uses are protected.

(3) Impose conditions, obligations and release requirements for dams and/or diversion structures to protect prior local interests, downstream interests, and environmental quality.

(4) In the matter of drought, disasters or catastrophes, natural or manmade, which cause actual and immediate shortage of available and usable water supply, determine and delineate the area of shortage and by unanimous vote declare a state of water supply emergency therein, and impose direct controls on any and all allocations, diversions and uses of water to meet the emergency condition.

(5) In water emergencies coordinate the efforts of Federal, State, local, and other persons and entities in dealing with the emergency.

(6) Determine and delineate, after public hearing, areas within the basin wherein the demands upon supply made by water users have developed or threaten to develop to such a degree as to create a water shortage or impair or conflict with the comprehensive plan.

(7) When areas in need of protection from overdemand of safe yield of the supply have been delineated, declare such areas protected from further depletion, with the consent of the member or members from the affected State or States.

(8) Require that no person divert or withdraw from any protected area water for domestic, municipal, agricultural, or industrial uses in excess of such quantities as the Commission may prescribe by general regulation or pursuant to a permit granted heretofore under the laws of any of the signatory States.

§ 801.4 Project review.

(a) The Compact provides generally that no project affecting the water resources of the basin shall be undertak

en by any person, governmental authority, or other entity prior to approval by the Commission.

(b) In many instances, one or more of the signatory parties will exercise project review authority regarding proposed projects in the basin coming under the purview of the Commission. Accordingly the Commission will direct its attention to reviewing the completeness and effectiveness of the review procedures of the signatories and will endeavor to minimize duplication of staff effort, and time and cost to the applicant.

(c) The Commission will establish exempt categories in accordance with the section 3.10-3 of the Compact, and for projects determined not to have a substantial effect on the water resources of the basin. In dealing with Federal or federally licensed projects, the Commission will take the provisions of reservations (r) and (w) of United States Pub. L. 91-575 (84 Stat. 1509) and provisions of the Compact into account.

(d) It is expected that project review procedures will be modified following adoption of the comprehensive plan. In the meantime the Commission will: (1) Base its review and comments pertaining to proposed projects within the basin coming under the purview of the Commission, on review and comments of signatory parties. In general, the Commission review will seek to ascertain the completeness of procedures followed by the signatory parties in their review, and will refrain from specifically rechecking detailed evaluations. (Susquehanna River Basin Commission Resolution No. 725)

(2) Require as it determines necessary, submission of pertinent project plans and documents for its independent review and approval. The purpose of this review will be to ascertain whether all relevant provisions of the Compact and actions taken pursuant thereto have been observed:

(i) When the Commission has determined that a project may have significant effect on the water resources of the basin.

(ii) When a proposed project does not fall under the review jurisdiction of any agency of the signatory parties. § 801.5 Comprehensive plan.

(a) The Compact requires that the Commission formulate and adopt a comprehensive plan for the immediate and long-range development and use of the water resources of the basin.

(1) The plan will include existing and proposed public and private programs, projects, and facilities which are required, in the judgment of the Commission, to meet present and future water resources needs of the basin. Consideration shall be given to the effect of the plan, or any part of the plan, on the receiving waters of the Chesapeake Bay. The Commission shall consult with interested public bodies and public utilities and fully consider the findings and recommendations of the signatory parties, their various subdivisions and interested groups. Prior to adoption of the plan the Commission shall conduct at least one public hearing in each signatory State.

(2) The plan will reflect consideration, of the multiobjectives of national economy, regional development and environmental quality; and multipurpose use of projects.

(3) Water quantity and water quality planning will be studied together and correlated to the extent feasible, with existing and proposed land uses. The development of a basinwide land use study to enable full consideration of basic and alternative proposals to meet water resources needs will be explored.

(4) An important phase of the plan formulation process is a thorough review and evaluation of the Susquehanna River Basin Coordinating Committee Study report, pertinent plans and reports of the signatories, including water quality standards and other data available. The findings and recommendations presented in the Susquehanna River Basin Coordinating Committee Study report will be considered for incorporation in the Commission's plan to the extent they are feasible and compatible with the current and projected needs and interests.

within the basin and listings of discharge permits granted, and similar activities undertaken by offices or agencies of the signatory parties, be submitted to the Commission.

§ 801.3 Allocations, diversions, withdrawals and release.

(a) The extremes in availability of water in the basin means that water will not always be available when and where it is needed. One of the responsibilities of the Commission is to act upon requests for allocations, withdrawals, or diversions of water for inbasin or out-of-basin use. Water emergencies may be expected to develop in portions of the basin due to drought conditions or other causes. The Commission will act promptly to effect alleviation of the condition to the extent posible.

(b) The Commission will require evidence that proposed interbasin transfers of water will not jeopardize, impair or limit the efficient development and management of the Susquehanna River Basin's water resources, or any aspects of these resources for in-basin use, or have a significant unfavorable impact on the resources of the basin and the receiving waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

(c) The Commission may, in making decisions on allocations, diversions, withdrawals, and releases, consider the following principles among others:

(1) That allocations, diversions, or withdrawals of water be based on the common law principles of riparian rights which entitles landholders in any watershed to draw upon the natural stream flow in reasonable amounts and be entitled to the stream flow not unreasonably diminished in quality or quantity by upstream use or diversion of water; and on the maintenance of the historic seasional variations of the flows into Chesapeake Bay.

(d) When the need arises for action on requests for allocations, diversions, or withdrawals of water from either surface or ground waters of the basin the Commission shall:

(1) Allocate waters of the basin to and among the signatory States to the Compact as the need appears, and

impose related conditions, obligations, and release requirements.

(2) Determine if a proposed allocation, withdrawal or diversion is in conflict with or will significantly affect the comprehensive plan, and assure existing immediate and projected long term local and regional uses are protected.

(3) Impose conditions, obligations and release requirements for dams and/or diversion structures to protect prior local interests, downstream interests, and environmental quality.

(4) In the matter of drought, disasters or catastrophes, natural or manmade, which cause actual and immediate shortage of available and usable water supply, determine and delineate the area of shortage and by unanimous vote declare a state of water supply emergency therein, and impose direct controls on any and all allocations, diversions and uses of water to meet the emergency condition.

(5) In water emergencies coordinate the efforts of Federal, State, local, and other persons and entities in dealing with the emergency.

(6) Determine and delineate, after public hearing, areas within the basin wherein the demands upon supply made by water users have developed or threaten to develop to such a degree as to create a water shortage or impair or conflict with the comprehensive plan.

(7) When areas in need of protection from overdemand of safe yield of the supply have been delineated, declare such areas protected from further depletion, with the consent of the member or members from the affected State or States.

(8) Require that no person divert or withdraw from any protected area water for domestic, municipal, agricultural, or industrial uses in excess of such quantities as the Commission may prescribe by general regulation or pursuant to a permit granted heretofore under the laws of any of the sig. natory States.

§ 801.4 Project review.

(a) The Compact provides generally that no project affecting the water resources of the basin shall be undertak

en by any person, governmental authority, or other entity prior to approval by the Commission.

(b) In many instances, one or more of the signatory parties will exercise project review authority regarding proposed projects in the basin coming under the purview of the Commission. Accordingly the Commission will direct its attention to reviewing the completeness and effectiveness of the review procedures of the signatories and will endeavor to minimize duplication of staff effort, and time and cost to the applicant.

(c) The Commission will establish exempt categories in accordance with the section 3.10-3 of the Compact, and for projects determined not to have a substantial effect on the water resources of the basin. In dealing with Federal or federally licensed projects, the Commission will take the provisions of reservations (r) and (w) of United States Pub. L. 91-575 (84 Stat. 1509) and provisions of the Compact into account.

(d) It is expected that project review procedures will be modified following adoption of the comprehensive plan. In the meantime the Commission will:

(1) Base its review and comments pertaining to proposed projects within the basin coming under the purview of the Commission, on review and comments of signatory parties. In general, the Commission review will seek to ascertain the completeness of procedures followed by the signatory parties in their review, and will refrain from specifically rechecking detailed evaluations. (Susquehanna River Basin Commission Resolution No. 725)

(2) Require as it determines necessary, submission of pertinent project plans and documents for its independent review and approval. The purpose of this review will be to ascertain whether all relevant provisions of the Compact and actions taken pursuant thereto have been observed:

(i) When the Commission has determined that a project may have significant effect on the water resources of the basin.

(ii) When a proposed project does not fall under the review jurisdiction of any agency of the signatory parties.

§ 801.5 Comprehensive plan.

(a) The Compact requires that the Commission formulate and adopt a comprehensive plan for the immediate and long-range development and use of the water resources of the basin.

(1) The plan will include existing and proposed public and private programs, projects, and facilities which are required, in the judgment of the Commission, to meet present and future water resources needs of the basin. Consideration shall be given to the effect of the plan, or any part of the plan, on the receiving waters of the Chesapeake Bay. The Commission shall consult with interested public bodies and public utilities and fully consider the findings and recommendations of the signatory parties, their various subdivisions and interested groups. Prior to adoption of the plan the Commission shall conduct at least one public hearing in each signatory State.

(2) The plan will reflect consideration, of the multiobjectives of national economy, regional development and environmental quality; and multipurpose use of projects.

(3) Water quantity and water quality planning will be studied together and correlated to the extent feasible, with existing and proposed land uses. The development of a basinwide land use study to enable full consideration of basic and alternative proposals to meet water resources needs will be explored.

(4) An important phase of the plan formulation process is a thorough review and evaluation of the Susquehanna River Basin Coordinating Committee Study report, pertinent plans and reports of the signatories, including water quality standards and other data available. The findings and recommendations presented in the Susquehanna River Basin Coordinating Committee Study report will be considered for incorporation in the Commission's plan to the extent they are feasible and compatible with the current and projected needs and interests.

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