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Executive order-Continued.

Prescribing rules and regulations relating to wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.

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Prescribing rules and regulations 7060
relating to procedure for employ-
ment of workers under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.

Authorizing the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works
to continue to perform its func-
Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to methods of prosecut-
ing projects under the Emergency
Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.
Amending E.O. 7060, June 5, 1935,
prescribing rules and regulations
relating to procedure for employ-
ment of workers under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.

Providing that the expenditure of
funds under the Emergency Re-
lief Appropriation Act of 1936 be
made in accordance with regula-
tions issued for the expenditure of
funds appropriated by the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935 except as to rates of pay
and eligibility for employment.
Expenditure of funds under the
Emergency Relief Appropriation
Act of 1937 to be made in accord-
ance with the rules and regula-
tions issued for the expenditure of
funds appropriated by the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935 and the Emergency Relief
Appropriation Act of 1936 except
as to rates of pay and eligibility
for employment.

Transferring to the United States Housing Authority the funds, property, Federal Housing projects and employees of the Federal Emergency Administration Public Works.


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Transferring certain housing or 7839
slum clearance projects to the
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Ad-

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Appointing Harold L. Ickes Federal

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Administrator of


Public Works.

See footnotes on p. 192.


Page 163


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Executive order-Continued. Expenditure of funds under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937 to be made in accordance with the rules and regulations issued for the expenditure of funds appropriated by the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 and the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936 except as to rates of pay and eligibility for employment. Transferring to the United States Housing Authority the funds, property, Federal Housing projects and employees of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.


Transferring certain housing or slum 7839
clearance projects to the Puerto
Rico Reconstruction Adminis-

Appointing Harold L. Ickes Federal
Emergency Administrator of
Public Works.
Delegating certain functions and
powers to and providing certain
regulations for the Federal Emer-
gency Administration of Public

Authorizing certain departments,
independent establishments and
emergency agencies to make ex-
penditures out of allocations from
the appropriation for national in-
dustrial recovery.
Delegating certain powers and func-
tions to the Federal Emergency
Administrator of Public Works.
Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to wages, hours of work,
and conditions of employment
under the Emergency Relief Ap-
propriation Act of 1935.
Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to procedure for employ-
ment of workers under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.

Authorizing the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works
to continue to perform its func-

Prescribing rules and regulations 7083 relating to methods of prosecuting projects under the Emergency

Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.

See footnotes on p. 192.


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Executive order-Continued.




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Amending E.O. 7060, June 5, 1935,
prescribing rules and regulations
relating to procedure for employ-
ment of workers under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.
Providing that the expenditure of
funds under the Emergency Re-
lief Appropriation Act of 1936
be made in accordance with regu-
lations issued for the expenditure
of funds appropriated by the
Emergency Relief Appropriation
Act of 1935 except as to rates of
pay and eligibility for employ-
Expenditure of funds under the
Emergency Relief Appropriation
Act of 1937 to be made in accord-
ance with the rules and regula-
tions issued for the expenditure of
funds appropriated by the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935 and the Emergency Re-
lief Appropriation Act of 1936
except as to rates of pay and
eligibility for employment.
Transferring to the United States
Housing Authority the funds,
property, Federal Housing proj-
ects and employees of the Fed-
eral Emergency Administration
of Public Works.
Transferring certain housing or
slum clearance projects to the
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Ad-

[blocks in formation]

Appointing Harold L. Ickes Federal

[blocks in formation]




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Executive order-Continued.

Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to wages, hours of work,
and conditions of employment
under the Emergency Relief Ap-
propriation Act of 1935.
Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to procedure for employ-
ment of workers under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.

Authorizing the Federal Emer-
gency Administration of Public
Works to continue to perform its
Prescribing rules and regulations
relating to methods of prose-
cuting projects under the Emer-
gency Relief Appropriation Act
of 1935.
Amending E.O. 7060, June 5, 1935,
prescribing rules and regulations
relating to procedure for em-
ployment of workers under the
Emergency Relief Appropria-
tion Act of 1935.
Providing that the expenditure of
funds under the Emergency Re-
lief Appropriation Act of 1936 be
made in accordance with regu-
lations issued for the expendi-
ture of funds appropriated by
the Emergency Relief Appro-
priation Act of 1935 except as to
rates of pay and eligibility for
Expenditure of funds under the
Emergency Relief Appropria-
tion Act of 1937 to be made in
accordance with the rules and
regulations issued for the ex-
penditure of funds appropri-
ated by the Emergency Relief
Appropriation Act of 1935 and
the Emergency Relief Appro-
priation Act of 1936 except as to
rates of pay and eligibility for
Transferring to the United States

Housing Authority the funds,
property, Federal Housing proj-
ects and employees of the Fed-
eral Emergency Administration
of Public Works.
Transferring certain housing or
slum clearance projects to the
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Ad-

See footnotes on p. 192.

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