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It is no mere coincidence that Fidel Castro, in his December 18, 1966, speech at the University of Havana, stated that, "the mission of the universities is not to train just (sic) technicians, but revolutionary technicians."


Graduation of the first 67 technicians, specialists in tobacco. "Granma" Havana, Cuba, Feb. 14, 1967.

These "revolutionary technicians" are already graduating and, as this photograph indicates, they are indeed revolutionary in every aspect. They are the product of military training centers especially geared to prepare military technicians who can double as ordinary technical advisers if and when the regime sees the need for such a


In a speech delivered at the closing of the 4th Congress of Latin American Students (CLAE) on July 31, 1966, Major Pedro Miret Prieto, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, outlined the plans and objectives for the graduates of these schools.

"Our students have another task of capital importance: that of offering their experience in the revolutionary struggle and that of promoting the unity of all Latin American students in the struggle against the common enemy: Imperialism."

After stating that there already exist in Latin America the objective conditions for revolution, Major Miret added that the missing contingent factors would have to be created and a revolutionary conscience developed after the struggle has begun.

"These are not theories," Major Miret continued, "This is experience evidenced by reality and this reality has shown us that the peace

ful avenues for the solution of the big problems in Latin America are closed in most countries."

"It is the duty of the students," he emphasized, "to take their place in the vanguard of combat within the ranks of the Revolution. The unity of criteria and of objectives in the struggle is absolutely necessary. We cannot afford to allow divisionary elements to weaken the growing thrust of the movements of national liberation."


"Minas de Frio." "Be prepared to serve in any part of the world." The Minas de Frio (Sierra Maestra) training complex used for training of Marxist indoctrinators and/or Latin American "students" who actually are subversive agents.

As added emphasis to his words, Major Miret delivered his speech in the presence of the reserve troops of the University of Havana, massed in the "Juan Abrantes" Stadium.

Despite statements to the contrary, unity of action and ideology among Latin American Communists is far from being an accomplished fact. This is a source of apprehension for the Havana Communists.

The differences between Antonio Yon Sosa and the late Luis Augusto Turcios Lima, leaders of two guerrilla bands in Guatemala, reached such proportions that Fidel Castro saw fit to denounce them in his closing speech to the delegates of the Tricontinental Conference. As an object lesson, all material assistance to Yon Sosa was suspended with consequent near neutralization of Yon's dissident group.

More recently, in a speech delivered at the University of Havana on March 13, 1967, Fidel Castro bitterly denounced the Communist Party of Venezuela for not accepting his directives.

Actually the Venezuelan Communist Party had joined the other Venezuelan political organizations in condemning the political assassination by pro-Castro guerrillas of Julio Irribaren Borges, brother of Venezuela's Foreign Minister. (Elias Manuit Camero, Havanabased spokesman for the guerrillas, cynically claimed responsibility for the "execution" in a bulletin published March 6, 1967 in Granma, official organ of the Cuban Communist Party as follows:


The Government of Raul Leoni in a new show of its increasing weakness and frightened by the numerous attacks which the revolutionary forces have carried out against it, has just decreed a new suspension of the constitutional guarantees using as a pretext the recent execution of Julio Iribarren Borges.

Because of the disappearance of the revolutionary leaders Andres Pasquier and Felipe Malaver, assassinated by the Government, the national command of the FLN-FALN of Venezuela issued a communique to the effect that, for every fighter of the revolutionary movement assassinated by the Government, the patriotic forces would counteract by applying revolutionary justice to three representatives of the Government who are responsible for the oppression and poverty which our country, governed by traitors at the service of the Yankees, is suffering at this moment.

As in the cases of the different members of the revolutionary movement who have disappeared (it was proven later that they had been assassinated by the Government), the petitions before the ordinary tribunals of the country were of no avail. The same happened to the requests for information of the places of detention and the statements to the press by the mothers and wives of those victims. For these reasons, as the leaflets which were circulated in Caracas proclaimed, our movement decided to apply revolutionary justice to Julio Iribarren Borges. (He was) A high official of the Government and an accomplice in the deceit and outrages perpetrated on the Venezuelan workers through the Social Security system, which, until a few days ago, he directed. In addition, he was spying and reporting for the DIGEPOL. Many innocent workers and officials of the Social Security were incarcerated as a result of the reports of Julio Iribarren Borges, acting as an agent of the DIGEPOL.

With every execution, the assassins of the tyrannical government find an echo to their lamentations among their followers and also among those who pretend to be neutral or in the opposition. (Despite this) The people support and salute every one of these acts (executions). There is going to be a struggle to the death against the enemies of our people who, directly or indirectly, are involved in the predicament which Venezuela is now going through. The progressive measures of Leoni, the new suspension of constitutional guarantees, the arrest, tortures and assassinations will be of no avail. The Venezuelan people are no longer unarmed. They have an armed vanguard, firm, decided, and consistent that will protect it at any moment, will exact vengeance for each dead, and will lead it to the final victory which is total and final independence. FIGHT UNTIL VICTORY OR DEATH.


President of the National Command
of FLN-FALN of Venezuela.

HAVANA, CUBA, March 4, 1967.

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It was in this climate, and with the knowledge of the forthcoming summit meeting of the Organization of American States, that the Organizing Committee of the Latin American Solidarity Organization, (OLAS), as the assembly is called, met on February 15, 1967, to give its final approval to the agenda and the proclamation calling for a conclave of hemispheric Communists to convene in Havana from July 28 to August 5, 1967.

On February 22, 1967, Haydee Santamaria Cuadrado de Hart, secretary general of the organization and members of the central committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, made public the announcement at a conference attended by the other members of the Organizing Committee.

In an unprecedented move of direct intervention into the internal affairs of the United States, the agenda, under chapter 3 (Solidarity of the Latin American Peoples with the struggles of National Liberation), contains the following item:

Support of the Negro people of the United States in their struggle against racial discrimination and in defense of their civil rights and liberty.

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