LL Psalms of this Version in the Common Measure of Eights and
Sixes, that is, where the first and third Lines of the single Stanza
consist of eight Syllables each, the second and fourth Lines of six Syllables
each, may be sung to any of the most usual Tunes, namely, York Tune,
Windsor Tune, St. David's, Litchfield, Canterbury, Martyr's, St. Mary's
alias Hackney, St. Anne's Tune, &c.
As the Old 25th Psalm, may be sung the New 25, 31, 51, 67, 130, 142.
As the Old 113, the 37, 46, 50, 63, 76, 91, 110, 113, 120.
As the Old 148, the 136, 148.
The Psalms in this Version of four Lines in a single Stanza, and eight
Syllables in each Line, (if Psalms of praise or cheerfulness) may properly
be sung as the Old 100th Psalm, or to the Tune of the Old 125th Psalm,
Second Metre.
The Penitential or Mournful Psalms, in the same Measure, may be sung
as the Old 51st Psalm.