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they were from, what news, &c. and if convenient, copy a few of the most interesting, and send them to us. hardly form an idea with what eagerness we receive every scrap of intelligence from any part of the Christian world.— Write us long and frequent letters. Any thing respecting yourself, or the other brethren, will be interesting to us. I do not ask you to excuse this long letter, for I doubt not your interest in our concerns. Pray for us, and be assured you are constantly remembered by

Your still affectionate sister,


N. B. Mr. J. desires his love, and says you must receive

this letter as from both of us.

To strengthen the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Judson, Mr. Hough with his wife and two children, and Mrs. C. W. White, sailed in December for Rangoon, on board the Benjamin Rush. In reporting this intelligence, the editor of the Church Missionary Register says, "The Benjamin Rush-belongs to Mr. Edward Thomson of Philadelphia, a prince a mong the merchants of the earth, whose praise is in all the churches. He has afforded Mr. and Mrs. H. and their two children, and Mrs. W. a passage to Calcutta, on their way to Rangoon. He has done more-he has fitted up two rooms for their accommodation, and supplied them with every thing they are likely to need during the passage; for all which he refuses to accept the least remuneration; and has generously offered the use of his vessel on any future occasions. The names of such excellent men as Ralston and Thomson should sound through the world; not only because in the presence of the nations, their works so delightfully praise them; but as examples, which all owners of the ships of Tarshish will, it is hoped, before long, delight to emulate.

William Falconer, Printer,



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