REORGANIZATION PLANS NO. 1 AND NO. 2 OF 1949 NOISIAIQ HEARINGS BEFORE THE CoEE ON EXPENDITURES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 1 OF 1949 TO PROVIDE FOR A DEPARTMENT 94651 JULY 21, 22, 28, 29, AND AUGUST 3, 1949 REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 2 OF 1949 JULY 21, 25, 26, 27, AND 29, 1949 Printed for the use of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1949 CONTENTS Message from the President of the United States transmitting Reorganiza- tion Plan No. 1 of 1949, providing for a Department of Welfare. 98 Ewing, Oscar R., Federal Security Administrator, Washington, D. C. 11, 117 Fulbright, Hon. J. William, United States Senator from the State of Gale, E. Harold, member, council on legislation of the American Dental Association; accompanied by Francis J. Garvey, Chicago, Ill., legislative counsel, American Dental Association......... Hunt, Hon. Lester C., United States Senator from the State of Ijams, George E., director, national rehabilitation service, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Defense Building, Washington, Miller, Dr. James R., chairman, executive committee, board of trustees of the American Medical Association.......... Monfort, J. J., M. D., Batesville, Ark., councillor, Arkansas Medical Society, and practicing surgeon_- Pace, Frank, Jr., Director of the Bureau of the Budget, Washington, Shearon, Dr. Marjorie, editor, American Medicine and the Political Taft, Hon. Robert A., United States Senator from the State of Ohio. Young, Dr. Robert, president, American Association of Physicians and Zook, Dr. George F., president, American Council of Education, Letters, statements, telegrams, etc., submitted for the record by- American Legion, resolution-raising to United States Cabinet rank the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency-. Atwater, Reginald M., M. D., executive secretary, American Public Health Association, New York, N. Y., letter to Hon. John L. Blaisdell, C. Byron, M. D., chairman, subcommittee on legislation, Medical Society of New Jersey, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, Cowan, Nathan, E., CIO legislative director, letter to Hon. John L. 139 Executive committee of the Association of State and Territorial Affairs, telegram to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 20, 1949---. Green, William, president, American Federation of Labor, letter to Letters, statements, telegrams, etc.-Continued Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., Senator from the State of Minnesota, Page 132 Letter to Hon. Herbert Hoover, December 27, 1948- Kilker, C. C., manager, Kansas State Chamber of Commerce, letter to Hon. Andrew F. Schoeppel, July 26, 1949---- Lavelle, William, assistant legislative director, CIO, letter to Hon. Lawrence, Jos. S., M. D., director, Washington office, American Miller, Dr. James R., American Medical Association, statement- Perry, Leslie S., legislative representative, National Association for Sifton, Paul, national legislative representative of the United Auto- Stein, Fred W., Atchison, Kans., statement- Swope, Dr. Chester D., chairman, department of public relations, Taylor, John Thomas, director, national legislative commission, The Tyson, William S., Solicitor, Department of Labor, memorandum to the Secretary of Labor-Experience-rating systems under State unemployment-compensation laws... Wainwright, J. M., national commander, Disabled American Vet- Woodward, William C., M. D., former Commissioner of Health of Washington, D. C. and Boston, Mass., statement__ Wright, Mrs. C. D., chairman, legislative department, General Fed- eration of Womens Clubs, telegram to Hon. John L. McClellan, July Young, Robert E. S., M. D., president, Association of American 84 Zander, Edwin L., M. D., chairman, Committee on Congressional Matters, letter and statement to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 19, Message from the President of the United States transmitting Reorgan- ization Plan No. 2 of 1949, transferring the Bureau of Employment Security, now in the Federal Security Agency, to the Department of Labor and vesting in the Secretary of Labor the functions of the Fed- eral Security Administrator____ Argo, R. K., member, Committee on Social Security, Chamber of Donnelly, James T., executive vice president, Illinois Manufacturers' 201 Ewing, Oscar R., Federal Security Administrator, Washington, D. C. Findley, A. R., vice president, Wieboldt Stores, Inc., Chicago, Ill., and chairman, social security committee, National Retail Dry Goods Association, Chicago, IÌÌ. Goodwin, Robert C., Director, Bureau of Employment Security, Hatton, Robert E., chairman, unemployment compensation advisory Kerr, Paul W., member, board of directors, Indiana State Chamber 304 220 229 280, 285 Ketchun, Omar, director, legislative service, Veterans of Foreign Krawczyk, B. A., attorney at law; supervisor, compensation depart- Mackey, Walter J., representing the Ohio Manufacturers' Associa- Martin, Robert B., social security committee, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Ill.; treasurer, Kable News Co., Mount Pace, Frank, Jr., Director, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D. C. Patty, Kenneth C., assistant attorney general, Richmond, Va Rowe, Jame H., Jr., attorney at law, Corcoran, Youngman & Rowe, Washington, D. C.; member, Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government__ Russell, P. M., chairman, social security committee, New Jersey 317 231 239 Sattler, Charles, labor commissioner, West Virginia, and president, 315 270 215 155 Telegrams, letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by- Anderson, C. S., president, Belle City Malleable Iron Co., telegram to Argo, R. K., Birmingham, Ala., statement- 248 Ariens, Mando S., vice president, Ariens Co., Brillion, Wis., letter to 340 Atkinson, Herschel, executive vice president, Ohio Chamber of Com- 289 Brink, John T., Adams Bros. Salesbrook Co., Inc., letter to Hon. John 331 Cantrell, Frank, managing director, Associated Industries of Arkansas, Carlton, C. C., vice president-secretary, Motor Wheel Corp., brief_ 325 |