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CHAPTER VII.-False Accounts of Cheapness the real
extent of this-Mischievous Effect of a Statement in Mur-
ray's Hand-book of the cheapness of Heidelberg - The
place as dear as inhospitable to Strangers Living in
Lodgings and Travelling Expenses to be taken into the
account, in the comparative Cheapness of Foreign Resi-
dence-Cheapness in many parts of England equal to that
of the Rhine Country-The one great Economy of Ger-
EDUCATION demonstrated in comparison with
English School Charges-Danger attending sending Chil-
dren to German Schools-the only safe and economical
Plan to accompany them-Prices of Articles of Life in
Germany-of Articles of Clothing-Great Mystery of
Cheap Living in Germany remains to be solved-No English
can live for half the sum the German Families, in the same
apparent scale of expenditure, do-Requires Three Years'
Experience to learn to live properly there-Plan of entrust-
ing a number of Boys and Girls to a confidential English
Tutor or Governess considered. Excessive Dangers at-
tending sending Children to what are called the Cheap
Schools of Germany-German Do-the-Boys' Halls-Mode
of Living in German Schools- Danger of recommending
particular Schools-deficiency of Comforts and Requisites
in many of them-danger to Health and Constitutional
Vigour-Wretched state of an Invalid in a German School
-Plan for English Schools with all Continental advan-
tages-Dangers of sending Young Men to German Univer-
sities-Universal prevalence of Infidelity-the direct Con-
sequence of German Philosophy


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CHAPTER III.-Original Free Spirit and Customs of the
German race-The Norwegians and Swiss the sole branches

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