AUCTIONS DURING the ensuing forTNIGHT :-Mr. Hodgson, January 19 and 20, a Collection of Books in the various departments of literature; Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson, & Hodge, January 18 to 21, a Miscellaneous Collection of Books, English and Foreign; Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, January 16 to 21, a large Collection of Books; Southgate & Barrett, January 18 to 21, a Collection of Books. New Works PUBLISHED FROM THE 2ND TO THE 14TH OF JANUARY. The occasional Notes in italics after the titles are only given in cases of short or obscure titles appearing for the first time. They are not intended to be general, or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books; the sole object being to explain the title page, or to give such additional information concerning the nature of the work as may appear to be required. ACKLOM (Gertrude Mary)- Clear Shining' a Memoir of Gertrude Mary Acklom. By her Mother. With Introduction by Author of 'Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars.' Square 16mo. cl. ls. and 1s. 6d. (Hunt).... [1 AKERMAN (J. T.)-Handy Book for the Recovery of Debts in the Superior and County Courts, the Jurisdiction and Procedure. 12mo. pp. 56, cl. 6d. (Pettitt).. [2 ANGELO (Vichsel-Life of. By Herman Grimm. TransIsted by Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 890, cloth, 24s. (Smith & E.) [3 ARTHUR (T. S)-Sow Well and Reap Well. 12mo. pp. 210, cloth, 28. (Nelson)................ BAGNALL (George)-Piscatorial Rambles; or, the Fisherman's Pocket Companion. 12mo. pp. 100, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Kennett)... [5 BALLANTYNE (R. M.)-The Life Boat: a Tale of Our Coast Heroes. 2nd ed. 12mo. pp. 398, cl. 5s. (Nisbet).. [6 BAREFOOTED BIRDIE; a Simple Tale for Christmas. By T. OT. Edited by Charles Felix. 12mo. pp. 56, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Saunders & O.) [7 BARKER'S Joint-Stock Companies Directory for 1865. [8 Svo. pp. 740, cloth, 21s. (J. King) ..... BEKE (Mrs.)-Jacob's Flight; or, a Pilgrimage to Harran, and thence, in the Patriarch's Footsteps, into the Promised Land. With illustrations. With an Introduction and a Map by Dr. Beke. Post 8vo. pp. 360, cloth, 12s. (Longman) ... [12 BELL (Major Evans)-The Mysore Reversion- An Exceptional Case.' 8vo. pp. 230, cl. 6s. 6d. (Trübner).. [13 BERNARD (Thomas Dehany)-The Progress of Doctrine In the New Testament considered in Eight Lectures: Preached before the University of Oxford, 1864, on the Foundation of the Rev. John Bampton. 8vo, pp. 286, cloth, ss. 6d. (Macmillan) ... ..[14 Selected and arranged 32mo. pp. 376, cloth, ...[15 BIBLE WORDS for DAILY USE. by Author of 'Sunset Thoughts.' 2s. 6d. (Knight & Son)..... BOLTON (Abby)—The Lighted Valley; or, Closing Scenes in Life of Abby Bolton. By one of her Sisters. New edit. Ismo. cloth, 2s. (Hamilton)..... ......[16 BROWN BOOK for 1865. Post 8vo. pp. 208, sewed, 1s. (Saunders & O.)................ ..... .......... . [20 .[21 BUNSEN (Ernest de)-The Hidden Wisdom of Christ, and the Key of Knowledge; or, History of the Apocrypha. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 970, cloth, 28s. (Longman) BURKE (Sir B.)-Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 27th edit. royal 8vo. cloth, 38s. (Harrison) .[22 CANNING (Albert)-Kinkora: an Irish Story. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 608, cloth, 21s. (Chapman & H.)........ [23 A tale of the rebellion of 1798. CARACCIOLO (Princess Henrietta) - Mysteries of the Neapolitan Cloister: an Autobiography. 12mo. pp. 290, boards, 2s. (Blanch)..... ..[24 CASSELL'S Family Picture History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of Queen Victoria. Royal 8vo. pp. 94, boards, 3s. 6d. (Cassell) CHESNEY (Capt. C. C.)-Campaigns in Virginia-Maryland. Vol. 2, continuing the History to the End of the Third Year of the War. Post 8vo. pp. 230, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Smith & E.) [26 CHILDREN'S FRIEND, 1861-64. 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 6s. and 7s. 6d. (Seeley) .......[27 CHISENHALE-MARSH (T. C.)-Translation, with Marginal References, Notes, and Index, of the Domesday Book relating to Essex. Price 16s. (Burrell, Chelmsford) (Vacher) ..[28 CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By Author of John Halifax, Gentleman.' 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. 320, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 9] .. .[29 ..... [25 CHURCH (The) AS IT IS; with Special Reference to the Judgment of the Final Court of Appeal in the Cases of Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter; Williams, Appellant, v. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Respondent; and Wilson, Appellant, v. Fendall, Respondent. By a Worcestershire Vicar. 8vo. (Worcester) pp. 42, sewed, Is. 3d. (Whittaker).... ......[30 ...... COLENSO (J. W.)-The Pentatench and Book of Joshua Critically Examined. New edit. Part 3, post 8vo. pp. 100, sewed, Is. (Longman)... [31 COWPER (William)-Poems of. Edited, with Memoir, by Robert Bell. Vol. 2, 12mo. pp. 260, sewed, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. (Griffin) ..[32 CURETON (W.)-Ancient Syriac Documents relative to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the Neighbouring Countries, from the Year after Our Lord's Ascension to the Beginning of the Fourth Century. Discovered, edited, translated, and annotated by the late Rev. W. Cureton. With Preface by W. Wright. 4to. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Williams & N.).. .[33 DALE (R. W.)-The Jewish Temple and the Christian Church a Series of Discourses on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Post 8vo. pp. 420, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Jackson & W.)...... .....[34 DEMPSEY (G. D.)-Rudimentary Treatise on Drainage of Districts and Lands, and Towns and Buildings. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Weale's Series) (Virtue) (vide Adv. 50}. ....[35 DOMESDAY BOOK. A Literal Extension of the Latin Text, and an English Translation of Domesday Book in relation to the County of Worcester. By W. B. Sanders. To accompany the Facsimiles Copy Photozincographed under the direction of Sir H. James. Folio (Worcester, Deighton), boards, 14s. (Simpkin) ..[36 DUBLIN UNIVERSITY CALENDAR for 1865. 12mo. (Dublin, Hodges & Smith) cloth, 3s. 6d. (Longman).. [37 EARTH'S MANY VOICES. 2nd series, square 16mo. cloth. 28. (Christian Knowledge Society) .....[38 Complete. Square 16mo. cloth, 4s. (Christian Knowledge Society) [39 Short moral tales and apologues, with illustrations. EAST ANGLIAN; or, Notes and Queries on Subjects connected with the Counties of Suffolk, Cambridge, &c. No. 47, 8vo. (Lowestoft) sewed, 3d. (Whittaker)...... [40 With the Visitation of Suffolke. 8vo. sd. 9d... [41 EDGE (Frederick Milnes)-Major-General M'Clellan and the Campaign in the Yorktown Peninsula. With a Map by James Wyld. Post 8vo. pp. 196, cl. 4s. (Trübner).. [42 FARADAY (Michael) — Course of Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle. Edited by William Crookes. New edit. 12mo. pp. 210, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Griffin)... ..[43 FLEMING (Rev. James)-Select Readings from the Poets and Prose Writers of every Country. 2nd series, 12mo. (Bath, Peach) pp. 292, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Simpkin) ......[44 FLETCHER (Lieut.-Col.)-History of the American War, Vol. I. First Year of the Year, 1861-2. 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 18s. (Bentley) .[45 GALBRAITH (Rev. Joseph A.)-Manual of the Steam Engine. 12mo. pp. 70, sewed, 3s. (Longman)........[46 GIBBON (Charles)-The Dead Heart: a Tale of the Bastile. 12mo. pp. 310, boards, 2s. (Maxwell) ......[47 GIFFORD (E. H.)-The Glory of God and Man: Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in October 1864. 12mo. pp. 130, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Macmillan) [48 GOODMAN (Margaret)-Sisterhoods in the Church of England. 3rd edit. with a Preface, post 8vo. pp. 276, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Smith & E.)....... . [49 GORDON (Duchess)-Life and Letters of Elisabeth, last Duchess of Gordon. By Rev. A. Moody Stuart. 8vo. pp. 392, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Nisbet). .[50 ......... GOSSE (Philip Henry)-Land and Sea. 12mo. pp. 428, cloth, 5s. (Nisbet). [51 ........ GOURAND (Julie)--The Adventures of a Watch. Translated from the French. Square 16mo. pp. 86, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Duffy) .. [52 GRANTHAM (J.)—Iron Shipbuilding. 4th edit. text 12mo. and plates folio, 25s. sewed (Lockwood)....... . [53 GRAYSTON (J.) and BERKLEY (T. S.)-The Third 'Standard Reading and Home Lesson Book.' Containing Lessons in Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Dictation, and upwards of 1,000 Addition. Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Sums. Adapted to meet the requirements of the Revised Code for Standard III. 12mo. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 76, cloth, 7d. (Simpkin).... .(54 GREENWOOD (Thomas)-Cathedra Petri: a Political History of the Great Latin Patriarchate, Books 12 and 13, from the Concordat of Worms (A.D. 1122 to the Close of the Pontificate of Innocent III. A.D. 1216). Cloth, 14s. (Macintosh) [55 GRIFFITH (Thomas)-Faith Grounded on Reason. 8vo. sewed, 1s. (Hatchard).. ...[56 ......... HART'S New Annual Army and Militia Lists for 1865. 870. cloth, 21s. (Murray)..... ...[57 HUGHES (William) - Treatise on the Construction of Maps. 3rd edit. 12mo. pp. 160, cl. 5s. (Longman)....[64 JALLOT (Mademoiselle Desirée)-Ripe for the Sickle; or, a Brief Day and a Bright Sunset: being Memorials of Mademoiselle Desirée Jallot: containing an Account of her Conversion from the Romish Church, her Dedication to Missionary Work, and her Early Death; with Introductory Preface by J. R. Macduff. 18mo. pp. 100, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Nisbet).. ..[65 JESSOPP (Augustus)-A Manual of the Greek Accidence, for use of Beginners. Post 8vo. pp. 132, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Macmillan)...... [66 KALENDAR (A) of the ENGLISH CHURCH and Ecclesiastical Almanack for 1865. 12mo. 1s. 6d. and 2s. (Church Press Company) .......[67 KEMBLE (Rev. Charles)-Selection of Psalms and Hymus, with Music selected, arranged, and partly composed by Samuel Sebastian Wesley. Royal 8vo. cloth, 48. (J. F. Shaw)....... .....[68 KING (Rev. R.)-Alice Lisle: a Tale of Puritan Times. 12mo. pp. 246, sewed, 2s. 6d. (J. H. Parker).......... [69 KNIGHT (Henry)-Leaves of Autumn from the Vale of the Ems. 12mo. (Stamford, Ford) pp. 126, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Simpkin) ......[70 .............. LUTHER'S Letters to Women.' Collected by Dr. K. Zimmerman. Translated by Mrs. Malcolm. Post 8vo. pp. 168, cloth, 58. (Chapman & H.) .........[76 MACKENZIE (Morell)-The Use of the Laryngoscope in Diseases of the Throat, with an Appendix on Rhinoscopy. 8vo. pp. 152, cloth, 5s. (Hardwicke)...... [77 MALAN (C.)-Conventicle of Rolle. Translated from the French. 18mo. pp. 124, cloth, 1s. (Nisbet).......... [78 A theological dialogue between Swiss clergymen and others, originally published in 1821. The pamphlet is referred to by Dr. Malan as comprising an authentic view of his doctrines. MANCHESTER DIOCESAN CHURCH CALENDAR and General Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1865. 12mo. (Manchester) pp. 172, sewed, 1s. (Whittaker).. [79 MARTHA'S HOME, and How the Sunshine came into It. By F. M. S. 18mo. pp. 120, cloth, 1s. (Nelson)...... [80 MATTY HUNGRY'S Missionary Box, and the Message it Brought. By Author of Village Missionaries.' 18mo. pp. 620, cloth, Is. (Nelson)..... .[81 HEMYNG (Bracebridge)-The Orange Girl. 12mo. pp. 312, boards, 28. (Maxwell)... [58 HISTORY and MYSTERY of COMMON THINGS. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 286, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Beeton) ...159 HOME VISITOR, 1864. 8vo. cloth, 1s. 6d. and 2s. (Hunt). ...[60 HOWSON (Rev J. S.)- Hagar and Arabia: a Sermon preached at Cambridge at the Commemoration, October 30, 1864, with Notes on Allegory, Inspiration, and Evidences. 8vo. sewed, 2s. (Longman)..........[61 HIRST (Rev. John)-The New Evangelist: being Outlines for Village Preachers, Town Missionaries, and SundaySchool Teachers: with Subjects for the Christian in his Retirement. 12mo. pp. 230, cloth, 3s. (Simpkin).... [62 MONTH (The): an Illustrated Magazine of Literature, Science, and Art. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 560, cloth, 8s.; gilt, 9s. (Simpkin).. [84 MOORE (E. W.)-An Address on the Condition of the Agricultural Labourer and his Cottage Home, delivered at a Meeting of the Oxford Farmers' Club. 8vo. (Faringdon, Luker) pp. 60, sewed, 1s. (Simpkin) ....[85 NETTIE LEIGH'S BIRTHDAY. By A. E. R. 12mo. pp. 48, cloth, 6d. (S. W. Partridge). [86 In packet, folio, ...[91 ....[92 ........ OUTLINES for ILLUMINATING. 1s. 6d. (Simpkin) PARKER (Theodore) — Collected Works. Vol. 10, post Svo. cloth, 48. (Trübner) PATTERSON (R. H.)-The Economy of Capital; or, Gold and Trade. Post 8vo. pp. 460, cl. 12s. (Blackwood)..[93 PEARSON (John)-Exposition of the Creed. Revised by Burton. 5th edit. 8vo. 10s. 6d. (Macmillan) [94 PIESSE (Septimus) - Chymical, Natural, and Physical Magic. 3rd edit. 12mo. pp. 268, cl. 6s. (Longman) ..[95 PITMAN (Isaac-Manual of Phonography. 11th edit. fcp. 8vo. Is. 6d. (Pitman) ... [96 PRIVATE BILLS (The) in the Session 1865. Arranged in Two Lists alphabetically, and in numerical order, from the Examiner's List; and Orders relating to Private Bills. 12mo. pp. 86, sewed, 1s. 6d. (Vacher).......... [97 PROCTER (Francis)-History of Book of Common Prayer. 6th edit, crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. (Macmillan).. ......... .[98 [99 PUNCH. Vol. 47. 4to. cloth, 8s. 6d. (Office) PURSUITS (The) of CHILDREN; how to direct them in School and Play Hours: a Few Hints to Mothers and Teachers. By One of Themselves. 12mo. pp. 96, cloth, 1s. 6d. (S. W. Partridge)...... (100 PUSS in BOOTS. Edited, and illustrated with Etchings on Steel. Square 16mo. pp. 40, sewed, Is. (Cruikshanks' Fairy Library) (Routledge)... [101 RAILWAY ACTS.-Collection of the Public General Acts for Regulation of Railways, 1830-1864, with Index. By James Bigg. 12mo. pp. 473, cloth, 10s. (Waterlow) [102 RANKING (W. H.) and RADCLIFFE (C. B.)-The HalfYearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Vol. 40, July to December 1864. Post 8vo. pp. 430, cloth, 6s. 6d. (Churchill).... [103 ROUTLEDGE'S Everlasting Primer. New edit. 12mo. sewed, 6d. ; cloth, 1s. (Routledge) [104 ...... ...... ROYAL BLUE BOOK, 1865. 12mo. bound, 5s. (Gardiner)...... [105 SAYINGS ABOUT FRIENDSHIP. With some Reflections thereon: an Unphilosophical Essay. By Author of 'What My Thoughts Are.' 18mo. pp. 140, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Jarrold) SHAKSPEARE (Beeton) MEMORIAL. [106 Folio, cloth, 7s. 6d. [107 SHAKESPEARE. Works. Text revised by Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2nd edit. 8 vols. Vol. 5, 8vo. pp. 600, cloth, 10s. (Chapman & H.) [108 SHEEN (James Richmond)-Wines and other Fermented Liquors from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Dedicated to all Consumers in the United Kingdom. 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, ós. (Hardwicke) ... [109 SIMMS (Arthur)-A Chant Service for the Office of the Holy Communion. 18. 6d. (Novello)............................ [110 .... [114 SOLICITOR'S DIARY (The). Svo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ; bound, 5s. (Groombridge). STANLEY'S (A. P.)-Eastern Church. 3rd edit. 8vo. cloth, 12s. (Murray)....... [115 STANLEY'S (A. P.)- Historical Memorials of Canterbury. 4th edit. post 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. (Murray).............. [116 STIRLING (James Hutchison) - The Secret of Hegel: being the Hegelian System, in Origin, Principle, Form, and Matter. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1,120, cloth, 28s. (Longman) [117 STOW'S (David)—Bible Training: a Manual for Sabbath School Teachers and Parents. 9th edit. enlarged, fcp. cloth, 28. (Hamilton)............. ....... [118 [121 TENNYSON (Alfred) — Selection from the Works of Alfred Tennyson. Square 16mo. pp. 260, cloth, 58. (Moxon's Miniature Poets) (Moxon) [119 TEXT-BOOK for Elementary Classes. Compiled for the Evening Classes connected with the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes. 12mo. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 48, sewed, 6d. (Simpkin)......... [120 THOMPSON (D'ArcyW.)-Day Dreams of a Schoolmaster. 2nd edit. fcp. 8vo. 5s. (Hamilton)... TILSTON (Thomas)-Edwy and Elgiva: a Tragedy. 4to. pp. 112, 10s. 6d. (Moxon)..... [122 TODHUNTER (I.)-Examples of Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions. 2nd edit. crown 8vo. 4s. (Macmillan). [123 TODHUNTER (I.)-Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 4th edit. crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. (Macmillan).......... (124 TRIMBLE (Robert)- A Review of the American Struggle, in its Military and Political Aspects, from the Inauguration of President Lincoln, 4th March 1861, till his Re-Election, 8th November 1864. 8vo. (Liverpool) sewed, id. (Whittaker).......... TROTTER (Lionel James)-Studies in Biography. pp. 370, cloth, 12s. (Moxon) TYTLER (Patrick Fraser)-The History of Scotland, from the Accession of Alexander III. to the Union. 4 vols. Vol. 4, post 8vo. pp. 434, cloth, 48. 6d. (Simpkin).. [127 VAUGHAN (Charles John)—Plain Words on Christian Living. 12mo. pp. 262, cloth, 48. 6d. (Strahan).... [128 Brief essays on apathy in spiritual things, temptation, conscience, a good old age, &c. VOGT (Dr. Carl)-Lectures on Man: his Place in Creation and in the History of the Earth. Edited by James Hunt. 8vo. pp. 496, cloth, 16s. (Longman).................... [129 WARNER (E.)—Karl Krinken, his Christmas Stocking. New edit. 18mo. pp. 252, cloth, 18. 6d. (Nisbet).... [130 WEEK in the COUNTRY with Bella Seldon. By Emily K. 12mo. pp. 110, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Macintosh) [131 WELD (Charles Richard)-Last Winter in Rome. Post 8vo. pp. 620, cloth, 148. (Longman)... [132 WELLS (T. Spencer)-Diseases of the Ovaries, their Diag nosis and Treatin ent. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 392, cloth, 98. (Churchill).. [133 WILBERFORCE (William)-Recollections of. By John S. Harford. 2nd edit. post 8vo. pp. 342, cloth, 78. (Longman) [134 WILSON (J. Crauford)-Elsie: Flights to Fairy Land, &c. Post 8vo. pp. 246, cloth, 6s. (Moxon) [135 WORDS of CONSOLATION for the TRIED and the SORROWFUL. With Hymns and Illustrative Anecdotes, Original and Selected. By a District Visitor. In large type. 12mo. pp. 30, cloth, 6d. (Macintosh).. [136 .............. Books Reduced in Price. BUTLER (C.)-Medicine Chest Directory. 12mo. cloth, 3s. (Simpkin) [137 HAPS and MISHAPS of the SIMPLETON FAMILY Abroad. Square 16mo. cloth, 18. 6d. (Simpkin) .. [138 REID (Capt. M.)-Quadroon. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. (Routledge)..... [139 French, German, &c. ACRONIS et PORPHYRIONIS Commentarii in Q. Hora- 58. BROUILLET et MEILLET.-Epoques antediluvienne et 48. Musikalische Märchen, Phantasien u. Skizzen. 1st Series. With Illustr. after Drawings by v. J. C. Lödel, G. Schlik u. S. Thon. 8vo. (Leipzig). 6s. CHERUEL (A.)-Mémoires sur la vie publique et privée PRESSENSE (Mde. E. de)-Le Journal de Thérèse. 12mo de Fouquet, surintendant des finances, d'après ses lettres et des pièces inédites. 2 vols. 12mo. (Paris) 6s. COCHET (L'abbé)-La Seine-Inférieure historique et archéologique, époques gauloise, romaine et franque. 4to. (Dieppe)...... 12s. 6d. COLECCION de autores espanoles. Vol. 17. Cuadros de Costumbres por Fernan Caballero. 8vo. (Leipzig, 1865).... .... .... ....... ..... 3s. 158. (Paris) 2s. 6d. (E. de)-Le pays de l'Evangile,, notes d'un voyage en Orient. 12mo. (Paris) 2s. 6d. PROCLI Opera inedita, quæ primus olim e codd. MS. parisinis italicisque vulgaverat nunc secundis curis emendavit et auxit V. Cousin. 4to. (Paris)...... £2 115. REICHERT (K. B.)-Beitrag zur feineren Anatomie der Gehörschnecke d. Menschen u. der Säugetiere. 3 Plates. 4to. (Berlin) 3s. 6d RICHTER (L.)--Neuer Strauss für's Haus. 15 Drawings. Fol. (Dresden) 78. 6d. ..... DEMANGEAT (C.)— Cours élémentaire de droit romain. 2 vols. 8vo. DOCUMENTS iconographiques et typographiques de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique. Fac-simile photolithographique, avec texte historique et explicatif. Part 1, folio (Bruxelles). 10s. ERASMI ROTERODAMI silva carminum antehac nunquam impressorum. Gouda, 1513. Reproduction photo-SCHNORR (J.)-12 Compositionen zu den Hymnen d. lith. Avec notice sur la jeunesse et les premiers travaux d'Erasme par M. C. Ruelens. 4to. (Brussels)...... 128. ETTINGSHAUSEN (C. R. v.)- Die Farnkräuter der Jetzwelt zur Untersuchg. u. Bestimmg. der in den Formationen der Erdrinde eingeschloss. Ueberreste v. vorwelti. Arten dieser Ordng. nach dem Flächen-Skelet bearb. 180 nature-printed plates. Royal 4to. (Wien) £5. EXPEDITION, die preussische, nach Ost-Asien. Nach amtl. Quellen. Vol. 1, royal 8vo. (Berlin) FIGUIER (L.) Histoire des plantes. Faguet. 8vo. (Paris) 12s. Illustrée par SEGUR (A. de)-Fables, illustrées par Froelich. GASPARIN (Mad. de)- La Bande du Jura. 2 vols. 12mo. (Paris).. GEIBEL (E.)-Gedichte u. Gedenkblätter. 8vo. (Stutt- TIECK.-Briefe an Ludwig Tieck. Ausgewählt u. hrsg. gart). ... 3s. von K. v. Holtei. 4 vols. 8vo. (Breslau) GOETHE (Faust)-Eine Tragödie. Mit Zeichngn. v. ULLMANN (C.)-Werke. Vol. 1. Die Sündlosigkeit Jesu. E. Seibertz. Royal 8vo. (Stuttgart) 8s. Svo. (Gotha) ....... 38. GUTZEIT (W. v.)-Wörterschatz der deutschen Sprache UNGER (F.) u. KOTSCHY (T.)-Die Insel Cypern ihrer Livlands. Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. (Riga) 6s. physischen u. organischen Natur nach m. Rücksicht HAHN (K. A.)-Auswahl aus Ulfilas gothischer bibelübauf ihre frühere Geschichte geschildert. 8vo. (Wien ersetzung. 1865) Mit e. wörterbuch u. m. e. grundriss zur goth. buchstaben- u. flexionslehre. 2nd edit. 8vo. (Heidelberg) HALLEGUEN (E.) - L'Armorique bretonne, celtique, romaine et chrétienne, ou les Origines armorico-bre. tonnes. Vol. 1. Armorique romaine et chrétienne. 8vo. (Paris) ..... 5s. HARTMANN (R.)- Naturgeschichtlich-medicinische Skizze der Nilländer. Part I, 8vo. (Berlin 1865).. 5s. 6d. HELMHOLTZ (H.)—Die Lehre v. den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage f. die Theorie der Musik. 2nd edit. 8vo. (Braunschweig 1865)................ 10s. HILFERDING (A.)-Geschichte der Serben u. Bulgaren. Aus d. Russ. v. J. E. Schmaler. 2 Parts. 8vo. (Bautzen) 4s. 6d. I ..... VARNHAGEN v. ENSE-Briefwechsel zwischen Varn BOOKS FOR PRESENTS. PULPIT RECOLLECTIONS: Sermons Each Work complete in 1 vol. price 5s. (any of which can be had separately), elegantly printed and bound, and illustrated by MILLAIS, HOLMAN HUNT, LEECH, BIRKET FOSTER, JOHN GILBERT, TENNIEL, &c. preached during a Six Years' Ministry at Cheltenham and Highbury New Park, London. By the Rev. GORDON CALTHROP, M.A. Post 8vo. 68. AMILY DEVOTIONS, in a Course arranged HURST & BLACKETT'S Special Occasions. By the Rev. FIELDING OULD, 9. A Life for a Life. By the Author of John Halifax.' 10. Leigh Hunt's Old Court Suburb. 11. Margaret and her Bridesmaids. 12. Sam Slick's Old Judge. 13. Darien. By Eliot Warburton. 14. Sir B. Burke's Family Romance. 15. The Laird of Norlaw. 16. The Englishwoman in Italy. M.A., Rector of Tattenhall, Cheshire. Post 8vo. 4s. 6d. THE Whitfield, Green, & Son, 178 Strand. (3) THE GENIUS of the FRENCH LANGUAGE: being a Complete Guide to its Idiomatic Phraseology. By H. HOLT. 4th Edition, 17. Nothing New. By the Author of 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. John Halifax.' 18. The Life of Jeanne d'Albret. Miss FREER. A KEY to the ABOVE, containing TranslaBy tions of the Exercises. 2s. 6d. |