ually approve supplemental agreements resulting from repricing actions. (i) This limitation provides that when the gross redeterminable amount is in excess of $1,000,000, the repricing action whether involving an increase or decrease will be reviewed by Office of the Procurement Committee (MCPC), Hq AMC, and manually approved by a duly authorized approving official within the Directorate of Procurement and Production, Hq AMC, according to paragraph (a) (8) of this section. The term "gross redeterminable amount" is defined as the maximum amount expendable under the contract and subject to the current repricing action. (ii) When the gross redeterminable amount subject to current repricing action is not in excess of $1,000,000 regardless of the amount of increase or decrease brought about by the repricing action, manual approval is delegated to: (a) Commanders, air materiel areas and Dayton AF Depot with power of redelegation to no lower than the director of procurement and production. (b) Commander, ARDC, with power of redelegation. (c) Commander and Deputy Commander, AMC centers, with power of redelegation. (d) Commanders, air materiel forces with power of redelegation to no lower than the director of procurement and production in the first echelon of command immediately subordinate to the air materiel force, except that an increase in price in excess of $350,000 will be reviewed by MCPC, Hq AMC, and manually approved according to paragraph (a) (8) of this section. (e) Commander, 2709th AF Vehicle Control Group, with power of redelegation to no lower than the Chief, Procurement and Production Division, except that an increase in price in excess of $350,000 will be reviewed by MCPC, Hq AMC, and manually approved by a duly authorized approving official within the Directorate of Procurement and Production, Hq AMC. [26 F.R. 12332, Dec. 27, 1961, as amended at 27 F.R. 1611, Feb. 21, 1962; 27 F.R. 9915, Oct. 9, 1962; 27 F.R. 11760, Nov. 29, 1962] § 1001.458 Manual approval of contracts for services of experts and consultants. (a) Prior approval in the form of findings and determinations personally signed by the Secretary are required for contracts for the services of experts and consultants entered into by authority of Public Law 600 (79th Congress), act of August 2, 1946, section 15 (60 Stat. 810; 5 U.S.C. 55a), and the current implementing appropriation acts. If the Secretary has made the necessary findings required by law, he may direct others to manually approve contracts for such services. In his findings and determinations made in support of the contracts, the Secretary generally includes a statement that, by his direction, the contracts will be approved by the Commander, AMC, or his designee. (b) Except for the particular classes covered in § 1001.459, contracts described in this section may be approved by the following persons pursuant to designations by the Commander, AMC; (1) Director and Deputy Directors of Procurement and Production, Hq AMC. (2) Commander, ARDC, or his designee for contracts entered into by ARDC. Designees of the Commander, ARDC, may not be other than a staff officer responsible for procurement within Hq ARDC, or within the headquarters of the first echelon of command immediately subordinate thereto. [26 F.R. 12334, Dec. 27, 1961] § 1001.459 Manual approval of architect-engineer contracts. as (a) The Commander, AMC, has been authorized to review and approve contracts involving $1,000,000 or less for architectural and engineering services when findings and determinations authorizing such contracts have been made by the Secretary. Except otherwise authorized, the authority applies only to contracts written according to the format contained in Subpart QQ, Part 1007 of this chapter. Use of letter contracts is not authorized except as indicated in paragraph (b) (1) (ii) of this section. (b) The authority described in paragraph (a) of this section has been delegated by the Commander, AMC, to the Director of Procurement and Production, Hq AMC, who has further delegated the authority, subject to limitations shown, to the following: (1) For contracts involving $1,000,000: (i) Commander in Chief, United States Air Force, Europe; Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Force; Commander, Alaska Air Command; and Commander, Caribbean Air Command; with power of redelegation to the vice commander and ble for procurement (not below the director of procurement within the major command headquarters). Commanders and vice commanders, and the major command staff officer responsible for procurement may further redelegate this authority to the commander of any AF base under their jurisdiction for contracts involving $5,000 or less. a major command staff officer responsi- § 1001.460 Priorities authority; DO and (ii) Commander and Deputy Commander, AMC Ballistic Missiles Center (includes letter contracts). (2) For contracts involving $500,000 or less that are authorized by an individual findings and determination, and for contracts involving $100,000 or less that are authorized by a blanket findings and determination: (i) Commanders of major air commands, other than Air Materiel Command and those commands set forth in subparagraph (1) (i) of this paragraph, with power of redelegation to the vice commander and a major command staff officer responsible for procurement (not below the director of procurement within the major command headquarters). Commanders and vice commanders, and the major command staff officer responsible for procurement may further redelegate this authority to the Commander of any AF base under their jurisdiction for contracts involving $5,000 or less, except that Strategic Air Command may also redelegate to the Commander, 16th Air Force for contracts involving $50,000 or less. (ii) Commander and Deputy Commander, AMC Aeronautical Systems Center and AMC Electronic Systems Center. (iii) Commanders and deputy commanders, air materiel areas. (iv) Commander and deputy commander, Dayton AF Depot. (v) Commanders and deputy commanders, air materiel forces. (3) Chief, Joint U.S. Military Group, Spain, for contracts involving $50,000 or less. (4) For contracts involving $5,000 or less: (i) Commander and Deputy Commander, 2709th AF Vehicle Control Group. (ii) Commanders of activities subordinate to an air materiel force. DX ratings; allotments, and rescheduling deliveries. (a) The Commander, AMC has been delegated authority as described below with respect to: (1) DO rating program, (2) DX rating program for contracts and orders identifiable to programs of the highest national priority, and (3) allotting and rescheduling deliveries. These authorities are to be exercised within the limits of such allocation determinations or other quantitative restrictions as may be established from time to time by proper authority (see § 1.307 of this title). Each person who redelegates the authority will maintain a record of such redelegation and limits placed thereon. (i) Authority to apply or assign the right to apply DO and DX ratings to contracts and delivery orders to meet DOD programs authorized for priorities support by the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization or designated by OCDM as eligible for priorities support through the Department of Defense. on (ii) Authority to apply or assign the right to apply DO and DX ratings to certain prime or subcontractors orders for delivery of production equipment specifically required to support authorized programs of the Department of Defense or of such other specifically designated programs. (iii) Authority to apply or assign the right to apply DO and DX ratings to certain contractors on orders for delivery of construction equipment for use on construction in Alaska, Hawaii, or outside the United States. (iv) Authority to make allotments of controlled materials and to apply or assign to others the right to apply allotment numbers to ratable contracts and delivery orders within the allotment jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (v) Reschedule deliveries of materials which are required in support of the Aircraft (A1) program and the AF portion of the Missiles (A2) program. Such authority is limited to rescheduling deliveries on rated orders or authorized controlled materials orders which: (a) Bear the designated program identifications, and (b) were issued by or pursuant to the authority of the delegate, or, if not, that the rescheduling is requested or concurred in by the department or associated agency under whose authority they were issued. Reschedul ing of delivery may be directed only if it requires no change in the production schedule of the person making the delivery. (vi) Administer the DMS Audit Program of Selected Airframe and Aircraft Component Plants assigned to DOD under the Department of Defense-Department of Commerce Interagency Compliance Agreement. (b) The Commander, AFLC and the Commander, AFSC have redelegated through their respective procurement (and production) directors the authority described in paragraph (a) (1) through (3) of this section to and through successive echelons of command to all contracting officers of the Air Force, including procuring and administrative contracting officers. (c) The authorities to the Commander, AFSC, in paragraph (a) (3) (iv) through (vi) of this section have been redelegated to the AFSC, Director of Procurement, and in turn to the Commander, AFSC Aeronautical Systems Division, with power of redelegation. [27 F.R. 1611, Feb. 21, 1962, as amended at 9914, Oct. 9, 1962] § 1001.461 Contracts for public utility services extending beyond current fiscal year. (a) Contracts for power, gas, and water. (1) The Commander, AFLC, has been authorized to enter into contracts for public utility services (power, gas, water) for periods extending beyond the current fiscal year but not exceeding 10 years, under one or more of the following circumstances: (i) Where there are obtained lower rates, larger discounts, or more favorable conditions of service than those available under contracts the firm term of which would not extend beyond a current fiscal year. (ii) Where connection or special facility charges payable under contracts the firm term of which would not extend beyond a current fiscal year are eliminated or reduced. (iii) The utility refuses to render the desired service except under a contract the firm term of which extends beyond a current fiscal year. (2) The authority described above has been delegated by the Commander, AFLC, to the Director and Deputy Directors of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC. (3) The statute authorizing definite term utility service contracts for periods not exceeding 10 years is 40 U.S.C. 481(a)(3). The statute as well as 10 U.S.C. 2304(a) (10) will be cited on all definite term utility service contracts extending beyond the current fiscal year. NOTE: Indefinite term utility service contracts as contemplated in Subpart KK, Part 1007 of this chapter (which are in effect until terminated) do not impose any obligation on the Government except as the service is actually used and therefore, do not come within the purview of this section. Such contracts will be approved pursuant to §§ 1001.457 and 1007.3706 of this chapter and will cite only 10 U.S.C. 2304(a) (10) as statutory authority. (b) Contracts for communication services. (1) The Commander, AFLC, has been authorized to enter into contracts for communication services for periods extending beyond the current fiscal year but not to exceed 10 years, under one or more of the following circumstances. (i) When services are obtained from communication common carrier whose rates are regulated by a Federal, State, or other public regulatory body; (ii) Where the services are obtained by competitive means from other than communication carriers and; (a) Where there are obtained lower rates, larger discounts, or more favorable conditions of service than those available under contracts the firm term of which would not extend beyond a current fiscal year. (b) Where nonrecurring or termination charges payable under contracts the firm term of which would not extend beyond a current fiscal year are eliminated or reduced. (iii) The termination liability incurred by the contract, when added to the cumulative termination liabilities of existing contracts does not exceed the termination liability ceilings imposed by public law or departmental administrative procedures. (2) The authority of the Commander, AFLC, as described in paragraph (b) (1) of this section has been delegated to the Director and Deputy Directors of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC, with power of redelegation. (3) The authority referred to in paragraph (b) (2) has been redelegated by the Director of Procurement and Production to the persons listed below: (i) Commander, Air Force Communication Service, with respect to leased private line services and leased tactical on-base communication services, with power of redelegation to a major command staff officer responsible for procurement (not below the director of procurement within the major command headquarters). (ii) Commander, ROAMA, with respect to initial installations and major modification of base support leased facilities, with power of redelegation to Commander, GEEIA, with further power of redelegation to the Commanders of the GEEIA regions. (iii) Commanders of major air commands and commanders of air materiel areas, with respect to miscellaneous base services and facilities, commanders of major air commands and commanders of air materiel areas may redelegate to contracting officers of subordinate functions that portion of the above authority involving the procurement of miscellaneous base services and facilities under indefinite delivery contracts issued by AFLC (ROAMA) or GSA. [27 F.R. 1611, Feb. 21, 1962] (Applicable to AFLC only.) (a) Commanders, AMAs, Dayton AF Depot, and 2709th AF Vehicle Control Group have been authorized by the Director of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC, to sign PRs and MIPRs that are initiated within their procurement activity and are supported by production program funds administered by the procurement activity. The authority has been granted without limitation as to dollar amount involved. Further redelegation may be made as shown: (1) Deputy commanders, during absences of the commander, without limitation as to dollar amount. (2) Directors of procurement and production-PRs and MIPRS involving $1,000,000 or less. (3) Contracting officers in the procurement activity-PRs and MIPRs involving $100,000 or less. (b) Authority to sign PRs and MIPRS initiated within the Directorate of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC, has been delegated to division chiefs without limitation as to dollar amount. (c) Commander and deputy commander, air materiel forces have been authorized by the Director of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC, with power of redelegation, to sign PRs and MIPRS without limitation as to dollar amount. [27 F.R. 1612, Feb. 21, 1962] § 1001.464 Delegation to Commander, Air Training Command. In addition to the authorities delegated to him as a commander of a major air command, the Commander, ATC, has been authorized by the Director of Procurement and Production, Hq AFLC, to exercise the authorities described below. The authorities may be exercised only with respect to negotiated contracts for (a) Procurement of services described in AFR 50-9 (Special Training), and (b) procurement of services for primary pilot training. (1) Authority to execute findings and determinations in support of cost or costplus-a-fixed-fee type contracts, provided facts have been obtained which established that: (i) Such method of contracting is likely to be less costly than other methods. (ii) It is impracticable to secure services of the kind or quality required without the use of such type contract. (a) The authority may be redelegated only to the staff officer responsible for procurement within Hq ATC, provided further that the authority may not be exercised by any person who is or will be the contracting officer for the procurements involved. (2) Authority to authorize ATC contracting officers to enter into contracts containing any of the price redetermination clauses set forth in Subpart D, Part 1003 of this subchapter, provided facts have been obtained which established that: (i) It is impractical to secure services of the kind or quality required without the use of such a price redetermination clause. (ii) The conditions for use of the price redetermination clauses which are set forth in pertinent sections of Subpart D, Part 1003 of this subchapter, have been satisfied. The authority may be redelegated only to the staff officer responsible for procurement within Hq ATC. (3) Authority to authorize ATC contracting officers to enter into master bailment agreements, bailment agreement, and amendments thereto for loaning Government property to AF contractors for some specific purpose in connection with AF contracts when it has been determined that: (i) The bailment is necessary in the interest of the national defense. (ii) It will not adversely affect the competitive aspect of procurement. (iii) The property is not available to the contractor in the open market within the time requirements of the Air Force. (a) The authority may be redelegated not below the level of a staff officer responsible for procurement in the first echelon of command immediately subordinate to Hq ATC. [27 F.R. 9915, Oct. 9, 1962, as amended at 27 F.R. 11760, Nov. 29, 1962] §1001.465 Release of program data and procurement information. (a) Information concerning proposed procurement and purchases of supplies, including construction and maintenance projects, will not be released prior to the issuance of invitation for bids or requests for quotations. In the preparation of work projects estimates, local contractors often render invaluable aid to AF base personnel in supplying information concerning local wage rates, material costs, etc. The Air Force does not intend that such contracts be curtailed; however, preliminary or approved project estimates will not be discussed with prospective contractors or made a matter of public knowledge (except as provided in § 1.311 (c) of this title) until after an award has been made, whether the contract is advertised or negotiated. The foregoing statement is particularly applicable to engineers and project estimators of AF installations or maintenance offices and to purchasing and contracting personnel. (b) The Deputy Chief of Staff, Materiel, Hq USAF and the Commander, AMC, are authorized to release approved programming data when essential to prospective bidders, subbidders, contractors, or subcontractors in planning longrange production requirements or for insuring timely availability of their field engineers and technical representatives. The authority granted herein may be redelegated. Bidders, subbidders, contractors, or subcontractors requiring classified programming data must be properly cleared. (c) Requests for programming data will be submitted to the appropriate Directorate, Hq USAF, Washington 25, D.C., or to the appropriate AMC organization as follows: (1) For approved program data affecting production requirements, except as set forth in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, to the appropriate AMC center. (2) For approved program data affecting production requirements of items where the AMA or the AF depot is assigned prime class procurement responsibility, to the commander of the appropriate AMA or AF depot. (3) For approved program data affecting use of technical representatives and contract technicians within AMC, to the Commander, AMC, attn: MCMT. (4) For approved program data affecting use of technical representatives and contract technicians within major commands other than AMC, to the Director of Maintenance Engineering, Hq USAF, attn: AFMME-PD. (5) For approved depot level maintenance program data affecting production requirements, to the Commander, AMC, attn: MCMP. (6) For forecasts of industrial facilities deficiencies, to the Commander, AMC Aeronautical Systems Center, attn: LMBI. (7) For approved program data pertaining to communications-electronic systems to the AMC Electronic Systems Center. (8) For types of program and planning data not specifically listed above, to the Commander, AMC. The office of primary interest at Hq AMC, will contact the appropriate office in Hq USAF, for concurrence or approval, as appropriate. (d) Responsibility—(1) All AF personnel. All AF military and civilian personnel will refrain from releasing to individual business concerns or their representatives any preknowledge that such personnel may possess concerning proposed procurements or purchases of supplies (including construction or maintenance projects) by any AF procuring activity. Such information will be released to all potential contractors at the same time, as nearly as possible, and only through duly designated agencies so that one potential contractor may not be given an unfair advantage over another. All dissemination of such information will be according to existing authorized procedures and only in connection with the necessary and proper discharge of official duties. |