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on account of the diminution of their height, drew after them gradually the lighter parts, and in procefs of time cleanfed the valleys of thefe accumulations of mud and fand; fo that there remained only the heavy and unwieldy maffes, and those whofe pofition refifted the action of the waters.

Our Author's voyage round the famous Mont Blanc, or White Mountain, was made in company with two young philofophers, of very uncommon merit, and it is highly interefting. That ftupendous fabric of Nature's fimple and majestic architecture, and the furrounding mountains, furnish our Author with materials for a great variety of inftructive remarks relative to the height and fituation of thefe awful maffes, to magnetic experiments, to the nature of the foil, its ftrata, and natural productions. We find here, alfo, new obfervations concerning the Structure of the primitive mountains, and their greater or lefs refemblance of the fecondary ones, together with all the lights that the formation of mountains exhibit to improve our knowledge of the true theory of the earth. Our Author unfolds the caufes that contribute to the formation of the Glaciers, or Icy, mountains of Faucigny and Switzerland, and thofe likewife that occafion their growth or diminution.-The remarks, relative to the formation of granit which terminate this volume, are curious and inftructive.


II. Precis Hiftorique et Experimental des Phenomenes Electriques depuis l'Origine de cette Decouverte jufqu'à ce jour. i. e. An Hiftorical and Experimental Summary or View of Electrical Phenomena, from the Origin of that Discovery to the prefent Time. By M. SIGAUD DE LA FOND, Profeffor of Experimental Philofophy, and Member of feveral Academies. 8vo. 742 Pages, with Cuts. Price 6 Livres (about 5 s.) Paris. 1781.-The electrical phenomena which, in the early periods of their dif covery, were only objects of curiofity, become daily more interefting from their tendency to advance many important branches of natural philofophy, and also from their fubferviency to public. utility. They have therefore an undoubted right to the attention of the learned; and it is of confequence to make them known in a certain degree to the generality of those that read.The work before us is a very elegant and judicious hiftory of the progrefs of electricity. It contains an account of all that has been attempted or done, and also a variety of hints, relative to what may be done farther towards the improvement of this important branch of natural philofophy. The facts are related, and the fubject is treated with the greateft accuracy and perfpicuity; fo that the reader, with this book alone before him, may repeat the experiments himself. The work is divided into five large fections. In the first, the Author treats of the electrical



matter or fluid, and indicates the bodies that were found to bề fufceptible of electricity, fo far down as the famous experiment of Leyden. The fecond contains a circumftantial account of the Leyden experiment, and of the theory of Dr. Franklin. In the third, the Author treats of the analogy between the electrical matter, lightning, and magnetifm. In the fourth, he points out the different applications of the electrical fluid to the animal fyftem, to vegetation, and its ufe in feveral chymical operations. The electricity of the Torpedo, of the eel of Surinam, of the Tourmaline, and other electrical phenomena, are explained in the fifth fection, in which we find alfo the method of conftructing the electrophorus, and making with it all the experiments; alfo an account of the two curious electrical machines for the pocket, contrived, the one by Mr. Canton, the other by Mr. Ingenhouz. The details into which the Author enters in these fections are ample and inftructive, and prove the great merit of compilations, when the materials are happily chofen, and well digefted. This work is terminated by an explication of the electrical machine, ingeniously contrived by Dr. Watson, so as to communicate the electrical fhock to the person who opens a door to come into an apartment.

III. Reflexions Philofophiques fur l'Origine de la Civilisation, &c. i.e. Philofophical Reflections on the Origin of Civilization, and on the Means of correcting the Abufes that accompany it. By M. DE LA CROIX, Advocate. Paris. 1780.-This work, which comes out in Numbers, contains a multitude of excellent obfervations relative to political ceconomy, and the adminiftration of juftice. It is certain, that if the ftate of natural liberty be unfavourable to the progrefs of the human mind in knowledge and virtue, the state of civil fociety has given rife to innumerable abufes, calamities, and miferies. To redrefs thefe is the firft duty of fovereignty; but is, generally fpeaking, the laft object of its attention. The good citizen that compofed this useful work, has a right to be heard; because he fpeaks the language of humanity, good fenfe, and public fpirit.-Will he be heard? That is another question.




Art. 14. Authentic Rebel Papers, feized at St. Euftatius, 1781. 4to. 1 s. Kearfly.

H publication might have proved more fatisfactory to the wary

AD these authentic papers been more formally authenticated, their

and circumfpect reader, who has often been taken in by the catch


penny productions of the prefs. "Who is the Editor ?" he will naturally afk,-and "by what means do these papers come into his poffeffion "Suppofing thefe queftions fatisfactorily answered, the pamphlet is not unworthy the attention of the Public.

Art. 15. Obfervations on the Natural and Civil Rights of Mankind, the Prerogatives of Princes, and the Powers of Government. In which the equal and univerfal Right of the People to Election and Representation, is proved by direct and conclufive Arguments. Addressed to the People of England. By the Rev. Thomas Northcote, Chaplain in the Royal Artillery. 8vo. I s. Dilly, &c. 1781.

The great object of this pamphlet is, to prove the people's equal and univerfal right of election and reprefentation. Although, in our opinion, this propofition needs no proof, yet, to those who may have thought otherwife, we recommend this argumentative and animated effay. The author's accurate difcrimination between the rights of nature, and thofe civil rights which are derived therefrom, are new and matterly; and his refutation of the abfurd and dangerous notion, that "Men give up their natural rights when they form communities, and feek the protection of government," does him fingular honour. Every true and intelligent friend to a parliamentary reformation who fhall read this little work, will feel his mind grow ftronger, his hopes expand, and his ardour increase: he will love the fellowcitizen, who so feelingly defends the rights of men; and he will revere the patriot, who, with equal contempt of every faction, teaches his countrymen the way to be free.


Art. 16. A fecond Addrefs from the Committee of Affociation of the County of York, to the Electors of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs within the Kingdom of Great Britain. To which are added, the Refolutions of that Committee, at their Meeting, held on the 17th of October, 1781. 8vo. 6d. York printed; and fold by Debret, &c. in London.

In our Catalogue for March lat, we mentioned the First Addrefs from the Yorkshire Committee, and we intimated our fincere approbation of the public spirited views and proceedings of thefe worthy Northern patriots. We have now before us their second Addrefs; which is written in the fame manly ftrain, and expreffed with the fame laudable regard for our ancient and true conftitutional rights and privileges: particularly the great, ineftimable right of ELECTION


The Committee have here, more especially, expatiated on their favourite object, the means of recovering the British Conftitution from that alarming decline into which it has fallen, through the prevailing corrupt influence of the Crown over the reprefentatives of the people in parliament. They have given a clear and difpaflionate furvey of the various plans of parliamentary reformation which have been offered; and their choice feems to be fixed on that in which, according to their judgment, fi acy and practicability are most advantageously combined,-viz. Triennial Parliaments, and the addition of 100 members to the representation of the counties and the metropolis. The Committee have urged many things in fupport of this "more moderate

moderate scheme," in preference to the "more extenfive plan" of annual elections.

We have, on former occafions, declared our preference of the laft mentioned, moft original part of our parliamentary fyftem; and we are ftill inclined to think that the revival of it would prove the most efficacious means for completely recovering the impaired Conftitution of this country. The gentlemen of the Yorkshire Committee, indeed, appear convinced of the fuperiority of this plan; but they are apprehenfive that, under the prefent circumftances of the nation, the fcheme is too extenfive for establishment. This opinion it is not, at this time, our with to controvert. If, as the gentlemen contend, the fytem which are would vote for is impracticable, we should moft fincerely rejoice to fee the measures, which are here so ably recommended, carried into execution, as, at all events, a palliative remedy is, beyond difpute, highly preferable to a total, perhaps fatal, neglect of the diforder.

POLITICS OF IRELAND. Art. 17. A Review of the Conduct of John Earl of Buckinghamfhire, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, during his Administration in that Kingdom; in a Letter addressed to a Noble Lord. Evo. s. Dublin printed, and fold in London by Robinson. 1781.

A panegyric on the late Irish administration; and fo far countenanced by truth, that, perhaps, laws more favourable to the effential interefts of that country were obtained within the term of it, than within any former period of the fame duration.


N. Art. 18. Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath. Printed for the Benefit of the Pauper-Charity in that City. Vol. IV. 8vo. 3s. Baldwin. 1781.

It is fufficient commendation of this elegant Mifcellany to mention, among other refpectable names, those of Anfty, Seward, Potter and Hayley, as contributors to it. There are, befides these, several whofe names appear in the poetical world for the first time, who amply merit the deflinction they have obtained. Indeed, we scarcely recolle& any publication of this kind, in which the materials have been felected with more care.

That it may not be thought we have a predilection in favour of any particular name, our fpecimen of this publication fhall be


By Anonymous.

They, who content on earth do ftay,
To earth their views confine;

With rapture, Miller, will farvey
This Paradife of thine!


I, too, my willing voice would raife,

And equal rapture shew;

But that the fcenes which others praise,
For me are much too low.


I grant the hills are crown'd with trees,
I grant the fields are fair;
But, after all, one nothing fees
But what is really there.

True tafte ideal profpects feigns,
Whilst on poetic wings;

'Bove earth, and all that earth contains
Unbounded fancy springs.

To dwell on earth, grofs element,
Let groveling fpirits bear;
But I, on nobler plans intent,
Build Catles in the Air.

No neighbour there can disagree,
Or thwart what I defign;

For there, not only all I fee,
But all I wish, is mine.

No furly Landlord's leave I want,
To make, or pull down fences;
I build, I furnish, drain, and plant,
Regardless of expences.


One thing, 'tis true, excites my fear,
Nor let it feem furprifing;
Whilft Minifters, from year to year,
New taxes are devifing;

Left, Earth being tax'd, as foon it may,

Beyond what Earth can bear;

Our Financier a tax should lay

On Caftles in the Air.


Well with the end the means would fuit,

Would he, in these our days,

Ideal plans to execute,

Ideal taxes raife.

Art. 19. An Effay on Death, a Poem. In Five Books. By
James Kenton. 4to. 2 s. 6d. Moore, in Drury-Lane.

This was printed in the year 1777; but having been very little, if at all, advertised, it escaped our Collector's notice at the time of its publication. We have, however, lately, been advised of its exiftence, by a nameless correfpondent, by whofe direction we procured the copy now before us.-But it might, perhaps, have been as well if Mr. K.'s performance had been fuffered to remain in that obfcurity to which it seems to have been configned;' for, in truth, we never perused a lefs interefting, or lefs affecting production, on a fubject, with respect to which every reader, not loft to nature's tendereft feelings, must be deeply affected. The poem is fericus, laboured, moral, REV. Nov. 1781.



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