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that I should certainly either sell or kill him. However, ho could not resist his internal monitor. He came and heard. Having sat a few days under the sound of the gospel, he began to cry aloud under the painful sense of his sins, which he compared for number to the sands of the

rich Village near Cape Town, with a handsome Church. My mind was greatly perplexed, for I knew not whether I ought to consider this as a temptation to divert me from my attention to the Heathen, or as a call from the Lord to a more useful station. In this state of my mind, that word was deeply impressed-desert. Indeed he had been an "Call upon me in the day of atrocious offender. After he had. "trouble, and I will deliver thee, for some time mourned bitterly "and thou shalt glorify me." on account of his transgressions, Accordingly I committed my- he began to speak of the love of self most earnestly to the Lord, Christ to sinners in general, and entreating him to give me clear- to himself in particular. This ness in this affair, and manage was now his darling topic all the it for me. My mind soon recov- day long, while his eyes overered its composure, and I re- flowed with tears of love and ceived a strong providential inti- gratitude. His heart was now mation that it was not the Lord's so entirely taken up with the will to send me to the Pearl as a things of God, that he could stated Minister, some difficulty scarcely bear to speak of any being started on the subject, thing else; when spoken to on which I was not anxious to re- some worldly business he would move; and from that very time say "Oh, I have spoken too the Lord vouchsafed to bless my "much about the world, let me labors in a remarkable manner, "now speak of Christ." Indeed, so that many persons whose he did speak of him, in a way hearts had been harder than the that greatly surprised me; I rocks among which they lived, am persuaded he never heard began to cry out "What must any person speak the same we do to be saved?" Frequently things. He was most evidently in a literal sense, the very hills and eminently taught of God. In resounded with their loud com- the mean time his walk and conplaints. versation were such as became One of the first converts, at his profession. In his heathenthis time, was the old Bastardish ignorance he had formerly Hottentot John.* For some time four wives, and two at the time past he had felt a strong inclina- of his coming to hear the gostion to come and hear the word pel. He came to me one day of God. From this design, some and said, He must put away his of the neighboring Farmers, be- two wives. I asked him why? ing carnal men, had endeavored He answered," Because when I to dissuade him; insinuating 66 go to God in prayer, my heart "tell me it is bad; and Christ 66 more near to me than ten "thousand wives. I will sup

*A Bastard Hottentot does not mean a person of illegitimate birth, but one whose parents are not both pure Hottentots, one of them being of another nation.

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"will take the first whose heart yet for the sake of the gospel he "be changed." After a short would give him leave to come. but lively course of grace, which Cornelius joined us, and the continued five or six months, the Lord was pleased to bless the Lord laid him on a sick bed, word of reconciliation to his soul from which he never recovered. also. At first he cried mightily He now insisted upon being car- to the Lord to forgive his sins, ried to our place of worship, say- and thought to move him by the ing that as long as he could hear, earnestness of his intreaties, yet he would endeavor to catch some he found no peace within, till at of the words of life. Two days length he learned that he could before his death I went to see be justified only by the blood of him. I asked him how he felt. Christ; he then obtained solid "A little low-spirited," was his peace in the contemplation of answer; "for though I am the person of our Redeemer. (6 sure that I have surrendered His heart was filled with admi4 every inch of my own self to ration, love and gratitude, and Christ, from the moment I he felt a strong desire to pro"first saw his loveliness, yet I claim our Saviour to those who s6 am not so certain, at present, knew him not. Indeed he tho't "whether he has accepted of my himself called upon to forsake "surrender." I endeavored to his wife and children, and go to satisfy him on this subject; but distant tribes to preach Jesus to he found no clearness till the them. For half a year he strugday of his departure, when call-gled against this impulse; his ing on him again, he said to me, body wasted in this secret con"O Sir, I now see that the Lord flict, for he concealed from every "Jesus love me with an ever-mortal what passed in his bo66 lasting love; that he has ac

cepted of me, and that he will "be my portion for ever; and 26 now, though the vilest sinner on earth, relying on his blood "and righteousness, I will die, "and go Christ, and there I will wait for you."

som. At length, unable any longer to sustain this burden, he suddenly flung his knapsack over his shoulders, and marched off into the wilderness. Here he fell on his knees to pray; when those words came powerfully into his mind, "Thou didst well His eldest son, Cornelius, who "that it was in thine heart;" was a servant to a Farmer at a but it seemed added-" Go back distance, came to visit his father" to thy house and family, and just at this moment. He burst" first try to bring them near into tears, and said, “Ah, my "the Lord; after this I will let "father die so happy in Jesus," thee know what thou shouldest "and I have no opportunity to "hear his gospel." Moved by his sorrow, I wrote to his master, requesting he would permit him to come and live with us. ceived a very Christian-like letter from him, saying, that altho' he would not, on any other account, part with his best servant,


"do." Accordingly he returned home, where he conducted himself in a pious manner, and I have reason to hope that at resome future period he may become very useful to his countrymen.

If my time permitted, I could relate many more instances of

of Government. He, perceiving our intention, determined to be revenged, and while we were at worship in the church, contrived to poison our well. Our lives would certainly have been destroyed, had not a little girl providentially watched him, when committing this atrocious act. She gave us timely notice; the slave was examined, and we found in his clothes the remainder of the poison, which was a sort of moss, resembling human hair; this powerful vegetable has the property of contracting the bowels in a convulsive manner. The culprit was sent to Cape Town, and we returned thanks to the Lord for this great deliverance.

the Lord's gracious dealings with our people; some of them perhaps, may appear hereafter, in detached accounts. I must not omit, however, the case of Esther. Her original name was Tray, a Coranna by birth. When she made her first appearance among us, I could scarcely persuade myself she was of the human species. Her whole carriage denoted brutality in the extreme. Her Kaross, or sheep skin garment, was the most filthy I ever saw or smelt. Many a time have I thought, Surely it is absolutely impossible that such a being should ever be converted! But, where sin and wretchedness abounded, grace was still more to abound. Soon did her penitential tears begin to flow under the hearing of the word of peace, and when asked, Why she wept? the reasons she assigned were always so pertinent and proper, that I was convinced her understanding was far superior to what I had sup-charge a volley of poisoned arposed. After some time, she rows at me; but, by the same found herself obliged to leave girl who saved the life of Brothher husband, who had three other Kramer from the dagger of er wives, and followed us in all our future journies. For more than a year she continued to be uneasy under a sense of her sins; but, at length, the Lord comforted her soul; she was baptized, and is become one of the most active, industrious, and useful members of my congregation. Her conduct is unexceptionable.

About this time, several Farmers having assembled at our house, to partake of the Holy Communion, a run-away slave made his appearance. We soon discovered who he was, and thought of sending him back to his master, agreeable to an order

Another singular escape from death deserves to be recorded. In the evening of a day which was uncommonly sultry, I was sitting near an open window, when a concealed party of Boschemen were just about to dis

Vigilant, they were detected, and made off in haste.

During our continuance here, a man whose name was Peter Goeiman, repeatedly visited us from the Great River, in order to hear the word. He long withstood the humbling truths of the gospel, refusing to be stript of his own fancied righteousness, and submit to the righteousness of God our Saviour. At length, however, he yielded; and while at work with Mr. Scholtz, (being employed in making a dam for the water) confessed that he had formerly hardened his heart against the representations of the gospel, that he was in a misera

ble state, being unable to do any of Stephanos, a Greek by birth, thing good, as he now clearly and who, for making base coin understood. He acknowledged at Cape Town, had been sententhat till lately he had been full ced to death, but effected his esof prejudices against our doc-cape from justice, a few days trine, having flattered himself previous to that which was fixed that though he had done much for his execution. The rumor evil, he had nevertheless done of this affair had indeed reached much good also. But now, since my ears, and when he came to God had revealed this great truth my house, in the absence of the to his mind, namely, that he had Brethren Kramer and Scholtz, given his only begotten Son to who were gone six days journey be a sacrifice for him on the from us with presents of tobacCross, he had been gradually co, to invite more Boschemen to freed from his former prejudices, come and hear the gospel, I especially under a discourse from thought I perceived tokens of Mr. Scholtz, in which the only guilt in his countenance. But source of all good works, the his conversation was so religious, love of God, had been explained, and his pretence that he came together with the utter inability to assist us in building a chapel, of a natural man to perform so plausible, that I blamed mygood works." From that time," self for harboring any suspicion, said he, "I sought pardon for and therefore permitted him to "all my sins alone from Christ, sleep in the room next to my "and in him I have found it. own. It should seem that he had "Now, I believe in Jesus, and contrived a scheme to murder "wish to be his eternal property, me, that he might seize on my "now I am assured that I shall waggon and goods, and then de"one day be completely deliv-part to a distant horde. In the "ered from all my sin, and en-night, he actually approached "joy eternal happiness with "Christ." Asking him, whether he did not wish to commend the truth to others? he replied that he did so every day; and that his wife already afforded him some hope that she would yield to convictions, and this encouraged him, he added, to speak to others, declaring to them the name of that blessed Jesus, who had done such great things for him.

Before I conclude the narrative of my first stay at Zak River, it is proper to mention another remarkable deliverance, which the good Providence of God afforded me, from the hands of a person who came to our house under the fictitious name

my bed; but the Keeper of Israel, who never slumbers nor sleeps, was pleased suddenly to rouse me in a fit of terror, in which I cried out to him, as if privy to his bloody design. He was disconcerted; stammered an apology of a pain in his bowels; and then went away out of my house. In the morning I found he was gone off, having stolen my gun, and having taken with him many of the Boschemen, whom he had seduced, by pretending that the white men were coming to be revenged on them; Boschemen, having always an accusing conscience, are ever ready to take such a hint. My Hottentots pursuing them, overtook them in the de

sert; a truce was concluded, the natives who seem to be conboth parties piling up their arms siderably impressed with the suat some distance, when Stepha- periority of the gospel dispensanos was compelled to restore my tion, both to Hindooism and Mafowling-piece, and dismiss our hommedanism; and who shew Boschemen. Thus, retiring from an evident desire of becoming the country by himself, he was more acquainted with its nature. met by Brethren Kramer and The ties of the cast, indeed, apScholtz, who obliged him to re-pear to have been gradually loosturn to Zak River with them.ening for some time past; and This involved me in a fresh dif- this effect has, without doubt, ficulty, and occasioned me much been accelerated by the transla sorrow; for I was now certain tion of the New Testament into that he was the identical male- the Bengalee language, and the factor who had broken prison at dispersion of Bengalee tracts, rethe Cape. I begged my two commendatory of Christianity, brethren to keep the wretch con- and containing a comparison of cealed at a distance from our its claim to belief with that of premises, with a view to enable the reigning superstitions. A him to make his escape. In the few extracts from the diary of night I met him, gave him my the Missionaries, we doubt not, advice, some provision, and a bi- will prove acceptable to our ble, and suffered him to go away readers. towards the Great River, little thinking what mischief he would there do to our cause, of which hereafter.

(To be continued.)

Religious Intelligence.

Aug. 14, 1803. "We stopped at a small village, called Neescheendopoor, two miles from Chandoreea, to purchase fish. About twenty people were assembled on the bank of the river, to whom we began speaking the word of life. Perceiving no brahman amongst them, I did not begin with the Hindoo system; but told them that they were sinners, and that for such Jesus Christ died they heard with unusual willingness, and one old man whom I was addressing seemed to shed tears. After laboring much to make them understand the gospel, I appealed to Bharut, Petumber, and Moorad for confirmation: they each came for

Mission in Bengal. AN account of the Baptist Mission in Bengal has recently been published, from which it appears that between the beginning of July, 1802, and the month of July last, eleven Hindloos and one Mussulman had embraced Christianity and been bap-ward; and, in a different way, tized, and that some of these were addressed them upon the subject. likely to be useful in instruct- Petumber invalidated, in a very ing their country men. But be- striking manner, the Hindoo sides those who have renounced shasters and worship. Bharut their former faith and assumed told them what he had been, and the open profession of Christian- how he had embraced the gosity, there are great numbers of pel; called their attention to

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