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GRIFFITH & FARRAN, The Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard. APPROVED WORKS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BY THOMAS DARNELL. PARSING SIMPLIFIED: An Introduction and Companion to all Grammarsi consisting of Short and Easy Rules (with Parsing Lessons to each) whereby young Students may, in a short time, be gradually led through a knowledge of the several Elementary Parts of Speech to a thorough comprehension of the grammatical construction of the most complex sentences of our ordinary Authors, either in Prose or Poetry, by THOMAS DARNELL. Price 1s. cloth. ANSWERS to the ARITHMETICAL TESTS. THE FIRST BOOK of GEOGRAPHY. Price is. 6d. cloth. All the operations of Arithmetic are presented under Ferty Heads, and on opening at any one of the examinatca papers, a complete set of examples appears, the whole carefully graduated. ONE THOUSAND ALGEBRAICAL TESTS ANSWERS to the ALGEBRAICAL TESTS. ** Though arranged nominally under 1,000 Questions, the separate sums amount to about 1,600. 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