vessel of mercy, and an heir of glory. Think not that you are converted, unless you have had a change of heart, as well as of life. Unless you have cordially turned to God as your rightful Lord; being reconciled to his law and government, and to the absolute sovereignty of his Providence and grace. Unless you love God for what he is in himself, and have returned to him as your chief good; being able truly to say to him with the psalmist, "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and none upon earth do I desire besides thee." Nor unless you have trusted in Christ, as the only way to the Father; relying upon him alone, as the meritorious ground of hope toward God. Nor unless you live by faith on the Son of God, have learnt of him, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. 2. It may be seen from our subject, that the inducement set before sinners in the gospel, to repent and be converted, is infinitely weighty and powerful. How great, how necessary, how infinitely important a thing must it be, to have your sins so blotted out, that they will not be brought in against you, to your everlasting condemnation, when the books shall be opened in the day of judgment ! 3. The greatest of sinners may hence see that there is hope in their case. The crucifiers of their Saviour were taught to entertain a hope that their sins might be blotted out; and thousands of them were pricked in their heart, converted and saved. Christ is exalted to give repentance, and remission of sins. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." SERMON XVIII. ON SAVING FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. JOHN VI. 29. This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. SOME would have ministers preach only on plain practical subjects, and not trouble their unlearned hearers with controverted points of doctrine. And undoubtedly it is true, that things which "come home to men's business and bosoms," are more suitable for the pulpit, than matters of mere speculation. But practical subjects, are not all of equal importance. People should be instructed in every duty required of them in God's perfect law; but it most of all concerns them to be rightly informed respecting that duty which is made absolutely necessary to their salvation, in the gospel of his grace. "What must I do to be saved?" is the all-important question for a sinner. And to this question, the all-comprehensive answer is given, by our great Teacher, in the words now to be insisted on. The preceding part of the chapter contains an account of Christ's feeding about five thousand men, with only five loaves of bread and two small fishes. By this miracle, these men were impressed with a 1 on plain pract. Su unlearned itarer wi arine. Aaduтновитеш #come home to mer more suitable for las pup speculation. Bir pretati equal importance. Ieup every duty required of Le but it most of all concerns ed respecting that duty wir cessary to their salvation, "What must I do to have ant question for a sinner all-comprehensive aw Teacher, in the wor The preceding par count of Christ's wear with only five loave By this mirac. linciy T E |