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Mr. O'CONNOR. I would also like to have admitted into the record as of necessary use all air travel tickets reflected by the Gray exhibits. Mr. HAYS. Without objection, it is so ordered.

Mr. O'CONNOR. And all vouchers which were examined by Mr. Gray in his audit reflecting air travel.

Mr. HAYS. Without objection, it is so ordered.

Mr. O'CONNOR. Thank you, Mr. Gray.

(Witness excused.)

Mr. HAYS. Who is next?

Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Derrickson.

Miss Stolman, the exhibits which have been admitted by the chairman should bear the following consecutive numbers: Exhibit 5 will be all vouchers reflecting air travel examined by Mr. Gray during his audit. Gray exhibit 6 will be all exhibits prepared by Mr. Gray and used during these committee hearings. Gray exhibit 7 will be all air travel tickets reflected by the Gray exhibits.

(The above-referred-to documents were marked "Gray Exhibits Nos. 5 through 7" and received in evidence.)

Mr. HAYS. Bring in Mr. Derrickson.

Mr. Derrickson, will you raise your right hand while you are standing.

RUSSELL C. DERRICKSON, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows:

Mr. HAYS. Be seated, please.


Q. Will you state your name and address for the record, please. A. My name is Russell C. Derrickson. I live at 4000 Cathedral Avenue NW.

Mr. HAYS. Mr. Derrickson, your appearance before this committee will be in executive session unless you request that it be in public session. If your appearance is in executive session the public and press will not be admitted to the hearing room and pursuant to paragraph 26, House of Representatives rule XI, your testimony may not

be released or used in a public session without the consent of the committee. If your appearance is in public session the public and news reporters will be admitted.

I ask you whether you choose to appear before this committee in executive or public session.

The WITNESS. I really have no preference. Whatever you desire. I would assume that it might be better to be in executive session, but if you prefer it public I have no objections either way.

Mr. HAYS. Well, it is really your choice, Mr. Derrickson.

The WITNESS. Let's make it executive.

Mr. HAYS. All right.

You do not have counsel with you?

The WITNESS. No, sir.

Mr. HAYS. You did receive a copy of paragraph 26, rule XI, with the letter?

The WITNESS. Yes, sir.

Mr. HAYS. And were you here I guess you were not here when I read the opening statement the other day, were you?

The WITNESS. No, sir; but I have read it since.

Mr. HAYS. Have you seen it?

The WITNESS. I have just read it in the waiting room.

Mr. HAYS. And you understand it?



Q. Mr. Derrickson, state your present employment.

A. I am presently employed as a staff director of the Committee on Education and Labor.

Mr. HAYS. Before that, you do desire to proceed without counsel? I thought I asked you.

The WITNESS. Yes; I do.


Q. Pardon me, what is your present occupation?

A. Staff director, Committee on Education and Labor.

Q. And how long have you been so employed?

A. Since April 16, 1951. I have not been staff director all that time.

I have been staff director since 1961. Prior to that I have been chief investigator as well as clerk.

Q. That is on the Education and Labor Committee?

A. That is right.

Q. And you were so employed during the 89th Congress?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. From January 3, 1965, to the present?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Now, in connection with your duties as staff director, are you required to travel?

A. I work at the chairman's instruction or the committee's instruction. It so happens that I have not done any travel during the 89th Congress. I did in the previous Congress.

Q. You haven't traveled at all during the 89th Congress?

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A. No, sir; except this last trip with the subcommittee that went to Europe to study. But that is counterpart funds. No committee funds are involved.

Q. Do you have an airline credit card issued to you?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. In your name?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Have you loaned that card to anybody at any time?

A. Only at the instruction of the chairman, I have allowed other staff members to use it when instructed by the chairman.

Q. Well, during the 89th Congress have you permitted the use of that travel card by other employees?

A. Yes; I have.

Q. What other employees have had access to that card?

A. Odell Clark has had it, and to my knowledge he is the only one, although while it was in his possession I have no knowledge of what he may have done with it.

Q. How long did he have it in his possession?

A. Well, at times he has had it for as much as a week before I could get it back. Most times he would use it to pick up tickets and return it.

Q. And do I understand your testimony that you have made no air travel during 1965 or 1966?

A. No travel of any kind.

Q. This is on committee business?

A. On committee business.

Q. I have here 26 airline tickets which reflect travel by Russellor R. Derrickson, during the period January 3, 1965, to September 30, 1966. Would you examine those travel vouchers or those airline tickets and tell us, one, did you make the travel; and second, on certain tickets there is a signature. Is that your signature on those tickets? A. Well, immediately, I know I did not use I did not travel at all during that time.

Is the signature supposed to be up at the top?

Q. The signatures on yellow shuttle flight tickets. Yes; that is supposed to be a ticket.

A. That is not mine, that is not my signature.

Q. The signature will only appear on the yellow shuttle in-flight tickets.

Mr. HAYS. Just check them all and if you find there is one that you have signed, otherwise you can say you signed none of them, if that is the fact.

Off the record.

(Discussion off the record.)

The WITNESS. None of them are my signature.


Q. None of the signatures appearing on those airline ticket receipts were made by you?

A. That is right, none of them.

Mr. O'CONNOR. Will you please admit these as Derrickson exhibit No. 1 in the records?

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