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Give me that heart, which in itself doth war
With many frailties, who like traitors are
In a befieged fort, and hath to do
With outward foes, and inward terrors too;
Yet of himself and them a conquest makes,
And ftill proceeds in what he undertakes.
For this is double valour; and fuch men,
Although they are mif-cenfur'd now and

Enjoy thofe minds that best composed are,
In lawful quarrels are without compare :
And when the coward hoodwink'd goes to

Dare charge their fterneft foes with open

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To the Authors of the ENGLISH REVIEW.

I Greatly approve of the edict against the modern corrupters of our language in your Review for laft June, and beg leave to point out the following inStances of the corruption which daily gains ground, and the fource from which it fprings. The latter I apprehend to be the deluge of affected writers which overflows our land, deftroys its native plants, and introduces ufelefs exotics to fupply their place, or to corrupt their species by an heterogeneous mixture. I fhall firft fet down the Scottifms which are now in vogue, and then translate them into English in the oppofite column.


A ftair of twenty fteps,

He was in ufe to do it,

Implements of venery,


A fair-cafe, or flight of steps.
He used to do it, or frequently did it.
Implements of hunting.

The third, fourth, &c. Henry. Hume. Henry the third, fourth, &c.

This applies to the cafe,

In place of,

Two years back,

To determine,

To captivate, or incarcerate,
To liberate, and liberator,


Not only might parties, &c.

Not only was this innovation, &c.
Government could not agree,
Administration laid before proprie.

Orders from direction,

This is applicable to the cafe.
In the room, or inftead of.
Two years fince, or ago.
To terminate, or put an end to.
To take prifoner, to imprison.
To deliver or releafe, deliverer.

The perfon who imprisons, or the jailor.
Parties might not only. Gallicifms,

non feulment, &c.
This innovation was not only.
The goverment could not, &c.
The minifters, or the ministry, laid be-
fore the proprietors.
Orders from the directors.

Oppofition Spoke against adminiftra- Those who oppose the ministry spoke a


gainst it.

The omiffion of the definite article the in the four laft instances, and in numberlefs others, and the abfurd practice of using abstract terms, 'render the phrafes indefinite and vague; and is contrary to the idiom of our own and every other langage; as in the abfurd, though generally adopted, mode, of omitting the


The Reward of Early Industry. A Tale.


particle to in the fuperfcription of letters: A Monfieur Monfieur, Al Signor Signor, Domino Domino A. B. is the invariable mode in the modern and ancient languages: and the name without To feems to mean the writer of a letter, and not the person to whom it is addressed. Befides, it is ungrammatical *.

Whilft, amongft, betwixt, and pretext, found very harshly; while, among, between, and pretence, are certainly more harmonious, and confe quently more elegant. I must not omit the ufe of the fimple past tense, instead of the principle, in the compound past tense. I have wrote, he has drove, he was chofe; it is fell, they have took †, &c. inftead of written, driven, chofen, fallen: the first of thefe, at least, you frequently ufe in the Review; and I amforry to say that, by fo doing, you, who are critics by profession, countenance fuch inaccuracies. Lay for lie hath found its way from the mouths of the vul gar into the public prints, and from thence into the writings of fome refpectable authors. I fuppofe the two negatives will next creep into the newspapers, and then be adopted by our novel writers, &c. as well as most highest, most ftraiteft, and more liker, now used by the vulgar. You was, though fre quently ufed, is as abfurd as we am or thou were, inftead of we are, thou waft t


near Welwyn, Herts, Aug. 15th, 1786.

I am, Gentlemen,

Your obedient fervant.
R. W-nne.

PS. I forgot to mention unwell, which is an Hibernifm ufed by our mos dern refiners, in converfation at leaft: they may as well fay, unwhite for black, or unblack for white.

The Reward of Early Industry. A Tale from the Veillées du Murais, just


IN ancient times there was a farmer at Grange in the county of Cork, who had a numerous family of children. Nicol, one of the younger fons, confidering that his elder brothers would have the farm, and that he had nothing to expect but from his own industry, was alarmed at his future pro fpects. The beauty of the wool of Connaught, and the gain that might be made by dealing in it, made the fubject of converfation one day at his father's. The difcourfe made a lively impreffion on the boy; he felt within himself the fpirit of traffic before he had the means, for of this latter no mention had been made in the converfation VOL. IV. N° 22.

he had liftened to. Nicol fecretly made preparations for fitting himself out as a dea ler in wool: he procured a coarfe coat fit for defending him against rain, an excellent pair of brogues, fuch as they wear in Ireland, a little flafk for holding water, and a stick tipt with iron to protect him against danger. Thus provided, he left his father's houfe without money or goods to exchange, and made his way to the county of Galway, living upon the wild fruits he found by the road, or upon the hofpitality of the charitable. He was delighted with the view of the fine wool which he faw here; but it now for the first time occurred to him, that a mer NA chant

* Every nominative cafe, except the cafe abfolute, belongs to some verb, either expressed or implied. Lowth's Grammar, p. 131. See the grammar of any language, ancient or modern. ↑ The abfurdity of the mode of expreffion will be easily perceived in examples of other verbs, which have not been thus perverted, viz. I have knew, he has faw, they have gave, they are

went, &c.

Was is not the fecond perfon of the verb in either number. Etois and eri are never used by the French or Italians in the plural number.

chant must have something to give before he can receive. This thought afflicted but did not difcourage him. Since his arrival, he had heard that one of the nobles of his native county was then in the town, whofe reputation for benevolence was known to every body. He introduced himself to the nobleman as a native of Cork, who had come to Galway to purchase wool, but who had no money. The Baron of Baltimore, who was indeed of that county, was astonished at the fight of a boy who announced himfelf as a dealer in wool. He interrogated Nicol; who made him a very simple and honeft detail of his present and future defigns. Baltimore was ftruck with the fingularity; he discovered a deal of natural fagacity in the youth; and being affured that he was no fugitive libertine, he lent him a fum of money. He was perfuaded that it was a gift; the lad's ignorance of commerce expofing him to the hazard of being duped in the outfet. However, faid he, I fhall have the fatisfaction of paying the premium of his apprenticeship.

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Nical, now poffeffed of a fum more confiderable than he had ever expected, ran to make his bargain; and whether it was his own fagacity, or that the people of Connaught had not the heart to impofe on a trader fo young, his bargain was advantageous. He travelled to the counties where Theep were fcarce, fuch as King's County, Kildare, and Balyclough, and difpofed of his wool with confiderable profit.

Now it happened at this time, that the Baron of Baltimore was come to Balyclough; and Nicol having learned it, went to present himself before his benefactor: "My Lord," said he, "I have been fuccessful with the money you lent me; here is the principal, which I return with the humbleft acknowledgments, the produce will be fufficient for my future traffic; and may Heaven for ever blefs you for having had pity on me." The Baron was as much pleafed with the fuccefs as with the probity of his little merchant, and would have had him retain the loan. (6 No, my Lord," faid Nicol," I have now advanced a Acp; but if I Thould keep your fum, Ifhould be but wherel began. I only beg you would permit me to wait upon you wherever you are, and to give you an account of my little ftock, the produce of your bounty.' The Baron was ftill more charmed with his fpirit than before; and he promised to take an intereft in his concerns at all times. Nicol departed ftill in the fame mean drefs to purchase wool at Connaught. His return made the rich traders confide in him; and they gave him not only a bargain for his money, but allowed him a little parcel on credit. Thus he proeared a confiderable quantity of the finest

wool, and had a ready and lucrative mar ket for it at Ballyclough, where the Baron still was. Nicol did not fail to inform him of his fuccefs, and to renew his acknowledgments. Thou art grateful," said the Baron to him," and will profper; go on young man, and remember that I intereft myfelf in the increase of thy little fortune." Nicol retired, accumulating benedictions on his generous patron.


He returned to Connaught, paid what he owed, and laid out all his money: for he was at no unneceffary expence, and had now double credit. In this way he made feveral excurfions: he went to the country and to the farms, and had a part of his merchandise from the first hand, which he foon difpofed of to advantage, particularly at Carrickfergus and Belfait. At this laft place he heard of his benefactor, and flew to pay his refpects. "Nicol," faid the domeftics, feeing him ftill with his brogues, you are furely not doing well, boy?" " Pretty well," faid our young trader. Being admitted to the Baron, he informed him of his affairs. "I congratulate you, Nicol," faid he, " on your fuccefs; but how comes it that you do not drefs yourself better now?" "I am as I fhould be, my Lord: If I had finer clothes, I would but attract the attention of robbers, and make myself be imposed on by the rapacity of inn-keepers : a man well dreffed muft eat and drink and fleep like a gentleman; but in my coarfe apparel, I am contented with a morfel of bacon and a draught of small beer. I fleep in the stable with my beafts, and take care that they do not want in the night." "Well, well," cried the Baron, " you are wifer, Nicol, than those that offer you their advice; you cannot fail to profper, especially if you double your profit by returns. col thanked the Baron with a heart full of gratitude; and having fold all his wool, he returned to the county of Galway, where he had been impatiently expected.


Now Nicol had paid attention to the recommendation of his kind benefactor, double your profit by returns. He procured at Belfaft the articles he recollected to be in greateft request at Galway; and when he arrived, difpofed of them quickly, and with confiderable profit. "Oh! how much am I obliged to the Baron," would he fay; "I now double my ftock, and make myself better known than ever; the people all around bring me wool, while they buy my wares, and I fhall not be half the time in making my purchases."

After feveral trips, Nicol came to Cork, the capital of his native county; but he did not yet choose to vifit his parents. He inquired after the Baron, and was informed that he had gone to Chefter in England. Nicol was afflicted at mot feeing his patron;


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The Reward of Early Industry...... A Tale.

but he refolved to go in quest of him. Upon his return to Galway, he difpofed of the merchandifes he had picked up at Cork, made his purchases of wool, paffed through Tipperary and Kilkenny, and came to Wexford. There he embarked a cargo, fet out from the point of Carnfore, and landed the fame evening at Chefter. His firft business was to inquire for the Baron; and having learned that he was at the castle, he fet himfelf to difpofe of his wool, which he fold cheaper than that of the country though of a finer quality for money being lefs plentiful in Ireland, its productions were comparatively cheaper. Nicol now found himfelf in poffeffion of a confiderable fum; but he went to wait on the Baron before he made the purchase of his returns: he thought, that in a country where labour was dear, his bargains could not be advantageous. He therefore fhowed the Baren his whole fortune in fpecie. "My young friend," said his patron, you will certainly become a great merchant, and will be a man whom I have gained to Ireland. I am of your opinion with regard to the returns from hence; yet there are many articles very rare in our country which are common in Chefter;-try the broad cloath and woollen manufactures." Nicol followed his advice; he bought fine cloath with one half of his stock, and coarfe with the other; and having renewed his profeffions of gratitude to the Baron, he set out on his return to Ireland.

Here he fold the coarfe cloaths to the common people, and carried the fine to Ballyclough, to Waterford, and Thuam, where they were bought with avidity by the nobles: in fhort, he had now managed fo well, that he found himself in a condition to revifit his parents at Grange.

Nicol ftill wore the veft he had on when he left his father's houfe, aud he was still in brogues. He arrived one evening while the family were at fupper, having left a fervant, whom he had for fome time employed, at an inn with his horses. He knocks at the door : "Who is there?" fays one. "It is I," anfwers Nicol. "Ah! it is my poor brother," cries the firft. Up rofe mother and fifters, and flew to the door. "It is, it is my poor child," fays the mother. "O! poor Nicol," cried the fifters. Nicol embraced his mother; who, while fhe was loading him with careffes, took notice that he still had on his old veft. "Yes, my dear mother," faid Nicol," and I have kept it that I might never wear it without think ing of you.' The good woman led her fon by the hand: "My dear," faid fhe to his father," it is a long, long time fince we have feen him; let the anxiety he occafioned us be forgotten; I know you are too happy to chide."

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"We have found you again then, my poor fellow," faid the farmer" La! how tall he is grown!But where have you been, Nicol?" "Father," replies Nicol modeftly, "I will tell you all, but fuffer me first to make a few prefents to my brothers and fifters." At the mention of prefents the farmer reddened: he looked at his fon, who prefented him with a purfe of 100 guineas: he gave one of 50 to his mother, and one of 25 to each of his brothers and fifters. "O wretch that I am!" exclaimed the farmer, "how have I offended heaven, that it has permitted my fon to become a robber ?** "No, no, dear father," interruped Nicol, God forbid I fhould be fo unworthy of you or of the favour of heaven. Only hear what has befallen me.' He then related how he had been at Galway; how he had found the Baron of Baltimore; how that lord had lent him a little fum; and how he had returned it; how he had profpered by economy, and by going meanly dreffed for fear of robbers; how the Baron had given him excellent advice; and how he had gone to fee him at Chefter among the English." What!" cried the farmer, "it it poffible that you are the little trader in wool that I have fo often heard talked of?" "Yes, my father, and I will prove it to you by my fervant, who is hard by with my baggage, and by the people of all the neighbouring towns who know me." His parents embraced him with double tranfport; he fent for his goods from the inn; he made prefents of fine cloath to his father and mother, to his bro thers and fifters, and there was joy over all the house. Nicol remained eight days at the Grange, and then departed to profecute his commerce.

It was ten whole years befere he faw again his benefactor. At this period, having come to Waterford, he learned that the Baron of Baltimore had been raised to the first offices and honours of the state. Nicol, ftill in his old homely drefs, haftened, to throw himself at the feet of his protector, who received him very kindly. Lord," said he, “Fortune, by her favours, has exceeded my defires, and I now am master of twenty-thousand pounds." "I fincerely, rejoice to hear it, Nicol; but now that you are rich, you must enjoy your good fortune


-get yourfelf comfortably clad. People are not afraid of robbers now-a-days, and you may live decently without hazard." "I do intend it, my Lord; but first, I bes feech you to grant me a favour; allow me to make you a prefent." "A prefent to me, Nicol? you furely do not mean it; if I did not know you better, I would fay you forget yourself." "I fhould be for ever wretched, my Lord, if I thought I was capable of forgetting what I owe to you; Nn 2


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but I flatter myself the prefent will not difplease you, confidering the gracious recep tion you have ever given me.' "The Baron gave him his permiffion; and willing to mark the confideration he thought was due to a diftinguished merchant, conducted Nicol back in his carriage. One is better here than on foot, fays our wool merchant, and one may with propriety enjoy the comforts of life, when they have been earned with toil and unceafing industry.

Next day Nicol prefented himself before the Baron in a plain fuit of the finest cloath, having come in a coach, elegant, but not gaudy. The Baron received him in this decent equipage with accustomed condefcenfion. My Lord," faid Nicol, fhowing a hox," here is the prefent I beg leave to offer you." He then drew out a painted cloth rolled up, and an empty frame. "My Lord," faid he," there are many fine pictures in this hall; will you permit this one to enjoy a place among fo many more wor

thy?" "Let us fee it," faid the Baron, Nicol unrolled it. It was his own portrait, in the fame coarse garb which that nobleman had firft seen him in. "This," fays Nicol," is the only prefent I dare make to you, my early friend, my first benefactor! Perhaps at fome convivial hour, when your noble guests are admiring the beauties of this rich collection, fome one may fay, why is that beggarly peafant here? Deign then, my Lord, I befeech you, to inform them that it is Nicel, borrowing from you his first stock, which he hath fo much increafed that he now rides in his coach: Nicol and his fortune are your creation, and all the comforts he enjoys are so many benefits beftowed by you."

The picture, in a plain wooden frame, is ftill in the cabinet of the Barons of Balti more; and is at once a memorial of ingenuous benevolence, of gratitude unfeigned, of virtuous frugality, and honeft industry.

Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By ROBERT BURNS, Kilmarnock,

WHEN an author we know no- queftions of fuch a catechifm, per

thing of folicits our attention, we are but too apt to treat him with the fame reluctant civility we fhow to a perfon who has come unbidden into compány. Yet talents and addrefs will gradually diminish the diftance of our behaviour, and when the first unfavourable impreffion has worn off, the author may become a favourite, and the ftranger a friend. The poems we have just announced may probably have to ftruggle with the pride of learning and the partiality of refinement; yet they are intitled to particular indulgence.

Who are you, Mr Burns? will fome furly critic fay. At what univerfity have you been educated? what languages do you understand? what authors have you particularly ftudied? whether has Ariftotle or Florace directed your tafte? who has praised your poems, and under whofe patronage are they published? In fhort, what qualifications intitle you to inftruct or entertain us? To the 3

haps honeft Robert Burns would make no fatisfactory anfwers. My good Sir, he might fay, I am a poor country man; I was bred up at the fchool of Kilmarnock; I understand no languages but my own; I have ftudied Allan Ramfay and Fergufon. My poems have been praifed at many a fire fide; and I ask no patronage for them, if they deferve


I have not looked on mankind through the spectacle of books. An ounce of mother wit, you know, is worth a pound of clergy; and Homer and Offian, for any thing that I have heard, could neither write nor read.' The author is indeed a ftriking example of native ge nius burfting through the obfcurity of poverty and the obstruc tions of laborious life. He is faid to be a common ploughman; and when we confider him in this light, we cannot help regretting that way. ward fate had not placed him in a more favoured fituation. Those who


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