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(b) To the Department of Agriculture, so much thereof, related to the functions delegated by the provisions of Part II of this order, as may be determined jointly by the Secretary of Agriculture and the said Director.

SEC. 303. Funds. There shall be transferred to the Department of Agriculture and to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare so much of the appropriations, allocations, and other funds (available or to be made available) of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization as shall be determined in pursuance of the provisions of section 202 (b) of the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 581c (b)) and section 1(k) of Executive Order No. 10530 of May 10, 1954.

SEC. 304. Prior Executive orders. Exclusive of Executive Order No. 10952 of July 20, 1961, all prior Executive orders (including Executive Order No. 10773 of July 1, 1958, as amended, and Executive Order No. 10902 of January 9, 1961) are hereby superseded to the extent that, immediately prior to the issuance of this order and in respect of the functions delegated by the provisions of Parts I and II of this order (to the extent there delegated), they delegate or otherwise assign, or authorize the delegation or other assignment of, functions or subject, or authorize the subjection of, the performance of functions to supervision, direction, control, or coordination.

SEC. 305. Other prior actions. Except to the extent that they may be inconsistent with the provisions of this order, and except to the extent revoked, superseded or otherwise rendered inapplicable before the date of this order, all determinations, authorizations, regulations, rulings, certificates, orders, directives, contracts, agreements, and other actions heretofore made, issued, or entered into with respect to any function delegated by the provisions of Part I or of Part II of this order (to the extent there delegated) shall continue in effect until such time as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare or the Secretary of Agriculture, as the case may be, under the authority of this order, shall amend, modify, or terminate them. The status of prior Executive orders shall be governed by the provisions of section 304 of this order.

(Emphasis added.)


Executive Order 11179-Sept. 22, 1964


By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including Section 703 (a) and 710(e) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2153 (a); 2160 (e)), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. There shall be in the Executive Branch of the Government a National Defense Executive Reserve composed of persons

1 See Ex. Ord. 11725.

selected from various segments of the civilian economy and from government for training for employment in executive positions in the Federal Government in the event of the occurrence of an emergency that requires such employment.

SEC. 2. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning (hereinafter referred to as the Director) shall administer the Executive Reserve program; coordinate the activities of other agencies in establishing units of the Reserve; provide for appropriate standards of recruitment and training; approve prospective members of the Executive Reserve; and issue necessary rules and regulations in connection with the program.

SEC. 3. The Director, in carrying out his responsibilities under this order, may utilize the services of other departments and agencies in the maintenance of agency and centralized rosters and in the development of training programs and materials.

SEC. 4. (a) The head of any department or agency of the Government (hereinafter referred to as a Secretary), designated by the Director after appropriate consultation, may establish a unit of the Executive Reserve (hereinafter referred to as Executive Reserve Units) in his respective department or agency.

(b) Executive Reserve Units existing under Executive Order No. 10660 of February 15, 1956, as amended, on the date of this order shall henceforth be deemed to be Executive Reserve Units under this order. SEC. 5. Membership in Executive Reserve Units shall be subject to the following:

(1) Subject to the provisions of this order, particularly paragraph (4) of this section, an individual who on the date of this order was a member of an Executive Reserve Unit under Executive Order No. 10660 may continue to serve therein without further designation.

(2) A Secretary desiring to designate an individual to serve as a member of an Executive Reserve Unit of his department or agency shall submit the name of the prospective designee to the Director for approval. Upon approval of the prospective designee by the Director, the Secretary concerned may designate the individual as a member of the Executive Reserve Unit of his department or agency.

(3) An individual whose membership in an Executive Reserve Unit has at any time expired, or is at any time about to expire, under the terms of this order may be redesignated as a member under the procedure set forth in paragraph (2) of this section.

(4) Without limiting the authority of the respective Secretaries to terminate the membership of any individual in an Executive Reserve Unit at any time, it is directed that continued service of a member under paragraph (1) of this section, and the designation or redesignation of a member under paragraph (2) or (3) of this section, respectively (including any designation of an individual occurring at the expiration of his continued service under paragraph (1)), shall be for a period not to exceed three years.

SEC. 6. Activities of any person by reason of his continuance, designation, or redesignation as an Executive Reservist under this order shall not include acting or advising on any matter pending before any

(Emphasis added.)

department or agency but shall be limited to receiving training for mobilization assignments under the Reserve program.

SEC. 7. The Director shall report to the President annually, and at such other times as may be appropriate, on the status and operation of the Executive Reserve program.

SEC. 8. Executive Order No. 10660 of February 15, 1956, entitled "Providing for the Establishment of a National Defense Executive Reserve," as amended, is hereby superseded.


Executive Order 11485-Oct. 1, 1969


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States and the National Guard of the District of Columbia under the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 6 of the Act of March 1, 1889, 25 Stat. 773 (District of Columbia Code, sec. 39-112), and section 110 of title 32 and section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. The Secretary of Defense, except as provided in section 3, is authorized and directed to supervise, administer and control the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard of the District of Columbia (hereinafter "National Guard") while in militia status. The Commanding General of the National Guard shall report to the Secretary of Defense or to an official of the Department of Defense designated by the Secretary on all matters pertaining to the National Guard. Through the Commanding General, the Secretary of Defense shall command the military operations, including training, parades and other duty, of the National Guard while in militia status. Subject to the direction of the President as Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary may order out the National Guard under title 39 of the District of Columbia Code to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

SEC. 2. The Attorney General is responsible for: (1) advising the President with respect to the alternatives available pursuant to law for the use of the National Guard to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia; and (2) for establishing after consultation with the Secretary of Defense law enforcement policies to be observed by the military forces in the event the National Guard is used in its militia status to aid civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

SEC. 3. The Commanding General and the Adjutant General of the National Guard will be appointed by the President. The Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the Attorney General, shall at such times as may be appropriate submit to the President recommendations with respect to such appointments.

SEC. 4. The Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General are authorized to delegate to subordinate officials of their respective

Departments any of the authority conferred upon them by this order. SEC. 5. Executive Order No. 10030 of January 26, 1949, is hereby superseded.


Executive Order 11522-April 6, 1970


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the Federal Civil Defense Act, as amended, Executive Order No. 11490 of October 28, 1969, is amended by inserting immediately after Part 28 a new Part 28A, as follows:


"SECTION 2850. Functions. (a) The Director of the United States Information Agency shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs for the continuation of essential emergency foreign information activities. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness which will permit continuing necessary activities under all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.

"(b) The Director shall (1) develop plans for the formulation and execution of foreign information programs utilizing the Agency's overseas posts and all media designed to promote an intelligent understanding abroad of the status of the emergency within the United States and the efforts, policies, activities, needs, and aims of the United States in dealing with the international situation then existing; (2) develop emergency plans and programs, and emergency organizational structures required thereby, as an integral part of the continuing activities of the United States Information Agency on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying on such programs during an emergency; (3) provide and maintain the capability necessary for simultaneous direct radio broadcasting in major world languages to all areas of the world and wireless teletype to all United States Embassies; (4) provide advice to the Executive Branch on foreign opinion, and its implications for United States policies, programs, and official statements; (5) maintain liaison with the information agencies of friendly nations for the purpose of relating the United States Government information programs and facilities to those of such nations; (6) participate in the development of policy with regard to the psychological aspects of defense and develop plans for assisting the appropriate agencies in the execution of psychological operations with special attention to overseas crises short of war;

1 See Ex. Ord. 11490.

(Emphasis added.)

(7) maintain United States Information Service staffs abroad for the conduct of public information for all agencies of the Government, recognizing that in a theater of operations the United States Information Agency would make available to the appropriate Commander all United States citizen personnel on the staff of the Agency, who agree to remain, to serve in support of psychological operations; and (8) lend appropriate support in psychological warfare to the military command in the theater or theaters of active military operations, and provide daily guidance and basic informational materials.

"(c) The Director shall insure development of appropriate plans necessary under this Part and issue emergency instructions required to implement all appropriate plans developed under this Part." RICHARD NIXON

Executive Order 11526-April 22, 1970



WHEREAS the Congress has enacted a number of statutory provisions authorizing Federal assistance to areas devastated by largescale disasters; and

WHEREAS the Federal Disaster Act (P.L. 81-875), the Federal Disaster Relief Act of 1966 (P.L. 89–769), and the Disaster Relief Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-79) are, pursuant to delegations of authority by the President, administered by the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness; and

WHEREAS the Departments of Defense, the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation, and the Small Business Administration and the Office of Economic Opportunity, also administer important disaster assistance programs; and

WHEREAS a prompt and effective Federal response to a major disaster requires coordinated action by all of the Federal agencies involved; and

WHEREAS Federal coordination will be served by the establishment of a National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance:

NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Establishment of Council. (a) There is hereby established the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") which shall be composed of the Director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, who shall be the Chairman of the Council, and policy level representatives of the Departments of Defense, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation, and of the Small Business Administration and the Office of Economic Opportunity, and such other members as the President may from time to time designate.

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