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1. PURPOSE. This order establishes uniform policies and procedures for the award and administration of aviation research grants and Centers of Excellence established under the authority of the Federal Aviation Administration Research, Engineering, and Development Authorization Act of 1990, Public Law 101-508, and the Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-604. This order implements OMB Circular A-110, Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations (appendix 1) and 49 CFR (code of Federal Regulations) Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments. Other applicable public laws, executive orders, and directive are listed in appendix 2.


DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to division level in Washington, branch level at the FAA Technical Center, regional administrator level in regions, and the director level at the Aeronautical Center.


BACKGROUND. Public Law 101-508 was enacted to enhance the Federal Aviation Administration's access to resources and research facilities available at colleges, universities, and other non-profit research institutions. It authorizes the FAA to establish research grant programs that encompass a broad spectrum of aviation research activities and Centers of Excellence that are targeted at specific areas of long-term aviation research. These programs encourage and support innovative, advanced research of potential benefit to the FAA mission. As a result, the aviation research talent base will be increased and this valuable resource will be available to the FAA and the aviation community. By encouraging academic institutions to establish aviation research programs, and by expanding the role these institutions play in aviation research, the FAA will nurture the long-term growth of the aviation industry. Public Law 101-604 was a response to the report issued by the President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism. This law authorized the creation of a grants program to accelerate and expand the research, development, and implementation of technologies and procedures to counteract terrorist acts against civil aviation.


DEFINITIONS. The following basic terms pertaining to FAA research grants have the indicated meanings. The definitions of other terms used in the order are contained in the relevant chapters.


A grant is a legal instrument which permits an executive agency of the Federal Government to transfer money, property, services, or anything of value to a grantee to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation. No substantial involvement is anticipated between the agency and the recipient during the performance of the contemplated activity. (The cooperative

research and development agreement, known as a CRDA, authorized under the Technology Transfer Act of 1986 is not part of this program.)

Chap 1

b. A cooperative agreement is a legal instrument which permits an executive agency of the Federal Government to transfer money, property, services, or anything of value to a grantee to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation. It may be used when an assistance project requires substantial FAA involvement during the project performance period. Substantial FAA involvement may be necessary when an activity is technically or managerially complex, or requires extensive or close coordination with other federally supported work, or to help assure suitability or acceptability of certain aspects of the supported activity. In this order, policies, practices, and procedures which are applicable to grants are taken to be similarly applicable to cooperative agreements unless otherwise noted. (The CRDA authorized under the Technology Transfer Act of 1986 is not part of this program).


A college or university is a public or private institution of postsecondary education which, if it is a U.S. college or university is listed in the current edition of the Directory of Postsecondary Institutions, published in two volumes by the Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, and for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.

d. A nonprofit institution is any corporation, trust, association, cooperative, or other organization which is operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest; is not organized primarily for profit; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations.


REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION. Inquires regarding this subject matter should be directed to the Office of Research and Technology Applications, ACL-1, of. the Technical Center.

FORMS AND REPORTS. Refer to appendix 3 for the forms and availability requirements.



AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THIS ORDER. The Executive Director for System Development may issue changes to this order necessary to implement and manage the Research Grants Program. The Administrator reserves the authority to approve changes which establish policy, delegate authority, or assign responsibility.



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