&c. Lev. ii. 1. it are given at large in the Levitical Inftitutions. And, as we are inform'd, in another Place, every Burnt-Offering that was made, was to be accompanied with a xv.z.&c. Meat-Offering and a Drink-Offering, of a Quantity ascertain'd according to the Nature of the Sacrifice. Numb. Lev. vi. 14. &c. The Law concerning this kind of Offering is again repeated, in another place; This is the law of the meat-offering; The fons of Aaron fhall offer it before the LORD, before the altar. He shall take of it his handful; of the Flour of the meat-offering, and of the Oyl thereof, and all the Frankincenfe which is upon the meat-offering, and fhall burn it upon the altar, for a sweet savour,even the memorial of it unto the LORD. And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and his fons eat; all the males among the children of Aaron fhall eat it: It shall be a ftatute for ever in your generations, concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire. That is, the Meat-Offerings when made alone, and by particular Perfons: For those which were made, with the Burnt-Offering properly fo call'd, were to be intirely confum'd along with it. SECT SECT. V. The PEACE-OFFERING. The Peace-Offering, which was offer'd upon two Accounts, either to Supplicate for Peace and Safety in any Cafe, or to return Thanks for the Enjoyment of them, was to be, without Blemish; whe- Lev. iii. ther Male or Female; whether of the 1, &c. Herd, or the Flock. All the Fat from the infide, and wherever it could be eafily taken off, was to be burnt on the Altar. The Breast and the right Shoulder, were the Fees of the Prieft; as was also a part of the leavened Bread, and of the Cakes appointed to accompany the Peace-Offering of Thanksgiving. Of the Breast and Shoulder of the Peace-Offering, the Daughters of Aaron, as well as his Sons, were allow'd to eat, tho' not of the Meat- Lev. x. Offering. The reft might be eaten by those that brought the Offering. But conditionally; If it were a Thanksgiving, it was to be all eat the fame Day; If it was a Vow, they might leave some of it to the next Day, M 3 Lev. vii, 11. &c. 14. Day, if they thought fit: But otherwise, they are forbidden to eat it, under the Penalty of being cut off from their People. Under the Sentence of which Commination they lay likewife, in Cafe they eat either the Blood or the Fat of that which they offer'd. And these Prohibitions, in fome Places, are fo generally express'd, that they seem to leave no Liberty at all, as to these two Exceptions laft mention'd, in any Cafe whatever; and therefore the Jews, (as it is faid) religioufly abstain from both. And indeed, in Regard to the Particular of eating Blood, they were prohibited from it, not only by frequent Injunctions in the Law, but by the Precept Gen. ix. deliver'd to Noah. Flesh, with the life thereof, which is the Blood thereof, shall you 4. Pfalm cxvi. 12. &c. not eat. To this Offering the Pfalmift alludes, when he fays; What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits towards me? I will take the cup of falvation and call upon the name of the LORD. I will pay my vows unto the LORD, now in the prefence of all his people. I will offer to thee the facrifice of thanksgiving, &c. SECT. The SIN-OFFERING. We come next to the Sin-Offering ; Lev. iv. which was to be made, diverfely, as occafion requir'd; either for the priest; or the whole congregation of Ifrael collectively; or a Ruler; or any one of the common people, if they fhould happen to commit any Sin through ignorance, and it afterwards came to their knowledge. For the Priest, or the whole Congregation collectively, it was to be a young Bullock without Blemish. And, either the Prieft, or the Elders of the Congregation, whichever had been guilty of the Sin, were to lay their hand upon his head, and then he was to be kill'd. Then the Prieft was to dip his finger in the blood, and Sprinkle it feven times toward the veil of the fanctuary; then to put fome of the blood upon the borns of the altar of incenfe, within the tabernacle; and to pour all the rest of it, at the bottom of the altar of burnt-offering; on + This was to be done but once a Year. Exod. 30. 10. M 4 which which he was to burn all the fat; but, to carry forth every other remaining Part of the Beast, even the whole bullock, except the Fat and the Blood, unto a clean place without the camp, and burn him with fire till he was confumed. Of which St. Paul takes notice, in his Epiftle to the Hebrews, and makes it to be a Type of Chrift's Heb. xiii. fuffering without the gate. 11, 12. Lev. vi. 25. For a ruler, it was to be a kid of the goats, a male without blemish; for any private perfon, a female kid or lamb; and fome of the Blood was to be put upon the borns of the altar of burnt-offering only; the rest, to be pour'd round about the altar; and the fat to be burnt, as in the other. But, in the two laft Cafes, the Remainder was not to be carried out of the Camp and burnt, but to be eaten by the Males in the Priest's Family. All the males among the priests fhall eat thereof; it is moft holy. But no fin-offering whereof any of the blood is brought into the tabernacle of the congregation to reconcile withal, in the holy place (that is, put upon the Horns of the Altar of Incense, as before) fhall be eaten; it fhall be burnt in the fire. There |