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As the cock seems to have been of all birds the first reclaim-ed from the forest, and the longest under the care and pro-tec-tion of man, so he ex-hi-bits the greatest number of va-ri-e-ties; there being scarcely two birds of this species that ex-act-ly re-sem-ble each other in form and plumage. The tail, which makes such a beau-ti-ful figure in the gen-eral-i-ty of these an-i-mals, is en-tire-ly wanting in some.

No an-i-mal has greater courage than the cock when op-po-sed to one of his own kind. He is very at-ten-tive to his females, and sometimes per-fect-ly in-fu-ri-ate in defence of his young.

The hen has seldom more than one brood of chickens in a season; but she will lay upwards of two hundred eggs in the course of a year, if well fed and sup-pli-ed with water. During the period of in-cu-ba-tion, nothing can exceed her patience and per-se-ve-rance; and when her little offspring are pro-du-ced, her pride and her af-fec-tion seem to alter her very nature, and render her equally bold and ab-ste-mi-ous on their account, though nat-u-ral-ly timid and vo-ra-ci-ous.

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WHEN the peacock appears with its tail ex-pand-ed, none of the fea-ther-ed cre-a-tion can vie with it in beauty; but the horrid scream of its voice abates the pleasure we find in viewing it; and its glut-ton-y and spirit of de-pre-da-tion make it one of the most nox-i-ous do-mes-tics that has been taken under human pro-tec-tion.

It feeds on corn, and its chief pre-di-lec-tion is for barley; but there is scarcely any food that it will not, at times, covet and pursue.

In our climate the pea-hen seldom lays above five or six eggs before she sits. She is smaller than the male, her plumage is less splendid, her crest is lower, and her feet are gen-er-al-ly without spurs.

Our first peacocks were brought from the East Indies,

and they are still said to be found in vast flocks in the islan of Java and Ceylon.

There are varieties of this bird, some of which are whit and others richly va-ri-e-ga-ted: that which is called the pe cock of Thibet, ex-hib-its the most vivid colours in its pl mage, and may be con-si-der-ed as the most beau-ti-ful of t fea-ther-ed cre-a-tion.


NOTHING, indeed, can charm the eye with greater richne and va-ri-e-ty of or-na-ment, than this beau-ti-ful bird. The in of the eye is yellow, and the eyes themselves are sur-roundby a scarlet colour, sprinkled with small specks of blac The plumage of the female is in-fe-ri-or to that of the male

Not-with-stand-ing the coldness of our climate, and tl ten-der-ness of its con-sti-tu-tion, it has mul-ti-pli-ed in a wi state. In the woods, the female lays from eighteen to twent eggs in a season; but in a domestic state she seldom pro-d ces above ten. In the same manner, when wild, she hatch and brings up her brood with pa-ti-ence, vi-gi-lance, ar at-ten-tion; but when kept tame, she sits so ill, that a hen ge-ne-ral-ly her sub-sti-tute upon such oc-ca-si-ons.

On all accounts, therefore, this bird seems better a-daptto range at large in the woods, than to be brought up in state of cap-tiv-i-ty.


In his wild state, the raven is an active and greedy plu der-er. Nothing comes amiss to him; for whether his pre be living, or com-plete-ly pu-tres-cent, he falls to with a v ra-ci-ous ap-pe-tite; and after sa-ti-a-ting himself, he flies acquaint his fellows, that they may par-ti-ci-pate in the spo

In a do-mes-tic state, indeed, the raven has many qual-i-ti that render him ex-treme-ly a-mu-sing. Busy, in-qui-si-tiv and im-pu-dent, he goes every where, affronts and drives the dogs, plays his pranks on the poultry, and is par-ti-cu-lar

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of black. the male.

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as-si-du-ous in cul-ti-va-ting the good will of the cook-maid. He frequent-ly, how-e-ver, incurs disgrace by his dep-re-dations on the pantry or the larder; and, if not watched, will often steal money, rings, or tea spoons, and carry them to some favourite hole.


THE Parrot is the best known among us of all foreign birds, as it unites the most beau-ti-ful plumage, with the greatest do-cil-i-ty. Its voice, also, is more like man's than any other: the raven is too hoarse, and the jay and magpie too shrill, to re-sem-ble the truth; but the parrot's note is of the true pitch, and ca-pa-ble of a va-ri-e-ty of mo-dul-a-ti-ons.

In their native woods these birds, live to-geth-er in flocks, and gen-er-al-ly breed in hollow trees, where they make a round hole for the ac-com-mo-da-ti-on of their young; but do not take the trouble of lining it within. They lay two or three eggs, about the size of those of a pi-ge-on, and marked with little specks. The natives are very as-sid-u-ous in seeking out their nests, and u-su-al-ly take them by cutting down the trees. By this means, indeed, the young parrots are li-a-ble to be killed; but if one of them survive, it is con-sid-er-ed as a suf-fi-ci-ent re-com-pense. The old ones are shot with heavy arrows headed with cotton, which knock them down without killing them.

The fa-cil-i-ty with which the parrot is taught to speak, and the great number of sen-ten-ces it is ca-pa-ble of re-peating, are equally sur-pris-ing.


ALL the nu-me-rous and beau-ti-ful va-ri-e-ties of this tribe derive their o-ri-gin from the stock-dove or wood-pigeon, which is of a deep, bluish ash-colour; the breast dashed with a fine change-a-ble green and purple; the wings marked with two black bars; the back, white, and the tail barred near the end with black. Such are the colours of the pigeon in its nat-u-ral state; and from these simple tints, the effects of

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do-mes-ti-ca-ti-on, have pro-du-ced a va-ri-e-ty that words ca not describe, nor even fancy suggest.

The ring-dove is con-sid-er-a-bly larger than the forme and derives its ap-pel-la-ti-on from a beau-ti-ful white circ round the neck; all attempts to do-mes-ti-cate it have hit er-to proved in-ef-fec-tu-al.

The turtle-dove is a smaller bird than either of the pre-ce ing. The fi-del-i-ty of these birds has fur-nish-ed poets a sen-ti-men-tal writers with the most beau-ti-ful al-lu-si-ons.

The car-ri-er pi-ge-on is dis-tin-guish-ed from all others a broad circle of naked white skin, which surrounds the eye From their at-tach-ment to their native place, these birds a em-ploy-ed in sev-er-al countries as the most ex-pe-di-ti-o car-ri-ers of letters.


WHEN this bird comes upon land, it makes a very in-d fer-ent figure; its motions being ex-treme-ly awkward, and i neck stretched forward with an air of stu-pid-i-ty: but, wh smoothly sailing along its fa-vour-ite el-e-ment, com-mand-i a thousand graceful at-ti-tudes, and moving at pleasure witho the slightest ex-er-ti-on, there is not a more beau-ti-ful obje in an-i-ma-ted nature.

The females lay seven or eight large white eggs, and nearly two months before the young are ex-clu-ded. Duri this time, they are so fierce that it is almost im-pos-si-ble approach them without danger. One of these an-i-mals whi in the act of in-cu-ba-ti-on, ob-ser-ved a fox swimmi towards her from the op-po-site shore; she in-stant-ly dart into the water, and, having kept him at bay for a con-sida-ble time with her wings, suc-ceed-ed in drowning him.

All the stages of this bird's approach to ma-tu-ri-ty are slo and seem to mark its lon-gev-i-ty: it is two months hatchin a year in growing to its proper size, and, unless de-stroy-ed, is gen-er-al-ly supposed to live upwards of a hundred years.

The black swan is a native of New Holland, where it w first dis-cov-er-ed. It is a very el-e-gant bird. The pluma is of a deep black, with a bill of the finest red; the legs a black, and the feet somewhat paler.

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Nearly similar in Sound, but different in Spelling and Signification.


a man's name | Ball, any round thing | Brake, - a thicket
having power Bawl, to cry out Break, to part by force
a country Bread, a part of food
a fruit Bred,
naked Borough, a corporation

Accidence, a book Barbary,
Accidents, chances Barberry,
Accompt, a reckoning Bare,

a regard Bear,
deeds Baron,

a hatchet Barren

doth hack

to carry

a title Burrow,

brought up


for rabbits

part of the body

unfruitful Breach, a broken place Breech, a


doth add Bass, a part in music

bay leaves Brews,

'doth brew,

to hurt

-si-ons. others by


the eyes. birds are







a cooper's axe Bays,
an element Base,

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$, and sit
-si-ble to
hals while

ly darted


are slow,

hatching royed, it


re it was




foundation Bruise,
to exist Buy,
an insect By,

to drink


to bore with Bier, a carriage for the Calendar,

dead Calender,

from to be Canon,

an emmet Beet, a kind of plant

Aunt, a parent's sister

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to frequent
Ascent, a going up
Assent, an agreement Berry,
Assistants, helpers Blew,
Attendance, a waiting Blue,
on Boar,
Attendants, waiters Bore,
Augur, a soothsayer
Auger, a carpenter's Bolt,
tool Boult,
a surety Boy,
of cloth Buoy,
Baize, a sort of cloth Bough,
Bays, a garland Bow,


to ring Sell,

a young lady Cellar,
a small fruit
to inter



did blow Censor,

a colour Censure,

a male swine Cession, to make a hole Session, a clown


a fastening Century,
to sift meal Sentry,

a lad Choler,
a water mark Collar,

a branch Ceiling,
to bend Sealing,

to purchase



a law

a cave

to dispose of under ground

one who sells

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