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particles as they pass into the body. The mouth is highly distensible; at times allowing particles as wide as two-thirds the greater diameter of the body to pass in without any apparent extra effort. It seems undeniable that it possesses discriminative powers in regard to the quality of its food. This one may readily judge of for himself, by seeing the unerring precision with which the particles of floating matter are thrown, by the spasmodic incurvature of the larger flagellum, against the mouth, where, if they are not swallowed, they are detained but for an instant by the smaller cilium, quickly adjudged to be worthless, and then thrown off with a twirl of the organ which held them in temporary abeyance. If, however, the captured morsel proves to be agreeable, the larger cilium assists the operations of the smaller one, and the lip, by abruptly bending itself at its point of attachment and laying its basal part across the food, and pressing it into the mouth, while the terminal portion is kept in a constant wavy vibration, and curved toward the posterior end of the body. This is usually done in three or four seconds and then the cilia return to their usual positions, while the introcepted edible passes toward the center of the body, and is there immediately enclosed in a digestive vacuole. For a while the food dances about in this vacuole with a very lively motion, but finally it subsides into quietude.

The contractile vesicle.-There is a two-fold difficulty in discov ering the presence of this organ. In the first place it is comparatively quite small, and secondly it pulsates so slowly that it is very rarely possible to see it contract twice in succession between any two of the abrupt, lateral deviations of the body, which the spasmodic twitchings of the arcuate flagellum produces. On this account it has not been possible to determine the precise rate of its systole and diastole. It seems to contract from three to four times a minute. It lies near the surface, about half way between the two ends of the body, and nearly midway betwixt the two extremes of its greater diameter. At the completion of its diastole it has a circular outline, and appears like a clear colorless vesicle in the midst of the yellowish tissue of the body. Upon contraction it disappears and leaves no trace of its presence. The systole progresses slowly, as in Anisonema (A. sulcata Duj.? and A. nov. sp.), Cyclidium (C. nov. sp.), and Phacus pleuronectes Duj.; and in this respect contrasts strongly with the same process in Heteromita fusiformis Jas.-Clk., Astasia tricophora Clap., and Cryptomonas (C. nov. sp.), in which the last half of the systole is very abrupt and marked.

The stem. In addition to what has already been said of the general appearance of this part of the organism it may be added that the older and basal portions of the branches are flat, and have a distinct longitudinal, irregular striation; to all appear

ances made up of the older, laterally agglutinated twigs. The youngest, terminal portions of the branches which, under the name of twigs, have been described in this paper as the immediate supporters of the colonies of monads, are evidently tubu lar. They appear to be as flexible as a spider's thread, and are usually quite irregular in outline, and in the calibre of the canal which permeates them. The wall of these tubular twigs is quite thick, and is alike rough on the exterior and interior faces. The substance within the tubes appears homogeneous, but whether it is solid or fluid could not be determined. The oldest part of the stems is of a reddish brown color, but as they taper off into branchlets they gradually assume a gamboge color, and finally terminate in scarcely colored twigs.

Reproduction by fissigemmation is the only method of propagating individuals which I have observed. As a preliminary to this process the monad gradually loses its fusiform shape, and assumes at first an oval contour and finally becomes globular. During this transition both of the prehensile cilia become much more conspicuous than usual, and the body develops a closely fitting hyaline envelope about it; thus passing into a sort of encysted state. The contractile vesicle, however, does not seem to cease its pulsations during this period, and moreover it becomes quite conspicuous. This arises mostly from the fact that the body is in a nearly quiet state, and allows the observer to obtain a prolonged and undisturbed view of it. Unfortunately the rate of the pulsations of this organ was not ascertained when the following observations were made, because the whole time was occupied in watching and drawing the various and rapidly changing phases of self-division.

After the body assumes a globular shape, as above mentioned, both the larger and smaller cilium seems to be undergoing a change, and becomes indistinct in outline.' Presently two larger

1 In a new fresh water genus (see note 2) of sedentary, monadiform Protozoa-possessing two contractile vesicles, and only the sigmoid flagellum, the latter arising within a deep bell-like flange, or projecting rim which embraces the anterior end of the body--this arcuate filament disappears altogether by a sort of withering down from tip to base--reminding one of the shrivelling of the end of a cotton thread in the flame of a lamp--preliminary to the commencement of the longitudinal fissigemmation of the body and its bell-like flange; and then the new flagellum of each resultant of self-division grows out in about twenty minutes.

2 Codosiga: xwdwr a bell, ayaw to be silent. C. pulcherrima, n. sp. Body obliquely obovate, and tapering at its posterior end into a slender pedicel; truncate and abrubtly constricted in front where the base of the bell meets the body. Sigmoid, arcuate flagellum as long as the body and bell. The two contractile vesicles in the posterior third of the body; superficial, large, and quite conspicuous; each contracting, alternately with the other, once in about half a minute. Bodies attached, in groups of from two to eight, by their pedicels to the tip of a slender stem; erect or divergent, but not pendent. Mouth at the base of the flagellum, i. e., terminal. Anus near the mouth. No eye-spot. Bell slightly flaring; half again deeper than broad; fully as deep as the length of the body; highly contractile. Color of the body--excepting the hyaline bell--pedicels and stem deep yellow. Common on fresh-water weeds about Cambridge.

flagella burst upon the view, apparently by the longitudinal splitting of the previously single one of the same kind, and rapidly separate from each other by the broadening of the body, and leave between them the smaller cilium. The latter at this time appears much thicker than usual, and seems to be composed of two closely approximated, parallel threads. By this time the contractile vesicle has also divided into two, which lie closely side by side.

At this moment the time noted in one series of observations was 2.30 P.M. By 2.35 P.M. the larger flagella had separated still farther, and the smaller cilium had split into two very conspicuous filaments; as yet, however, attached to a common point of the body. From this time forth to the completion of the process of fissigemmation all of the cilia kept up a slow vibration, in which they undulated from base to tip with a sort of snake-like motion. By 2.45 P.M. the body had become quite appreciably broader than long; the contractile vesicles were widely separated, and the smaller cilia had left between them a considerable space, and each one had approximated quite near to the base of a larger flagellum. At 2.50 P.M. the body had become nearly twice as broad as long, and the space between the two pairs of cilia was nearly twice as great as in the last phase, and considerably depressed in the middle, so that the body had a broadly cordate outline. By 2.52 P.M. the posterior end of the body-at a point a little to one side of the spot where it was attached to the pedicel-was also slightly indented, so that in outline it presented a guitar-shaped figure, each rounded half of which bore a pair of unequal cilia, and contained a contractile vesicle. In one minute more the contraction had increased to such an extent that the body was divided about half way through. By 2.54 P.M. the animal had a dumb-bell shape, and the pedicel was attached to one of the segments near the point of constriction. Still the process went on very rapidly, and by 2.55 P.M. the new bodies were widely separated, but still attached to each other by a mere thread. At 3 P.M. the body which was attached to the pedicel was left alone, and its companion swam away to seek a new attachment, and build up its stem.

To the last moment the hyaline envelope remained about the segments, and in fact so long afterwards that time and circumstances did not allow me to ascertain its final disposition. I would remark, however, that when the ovate bodies of the half grown monads are contracted temporarily into a globular shape, they appear identical-excepting that they lack the hyaline envelope with these recently fissated forms. In all probability, therefore, the latter lose their envelope and assume the shape of the former.


As to the development of the stem I think it quite certain that it grows out from the posterior end of the body. The best proof of this is that I have frequently found a monad-especially in the condition of the one which I described above as breaking loose from its companion-nearly sessile upon a clean spot, and attached by a very short, faint, film-like thread. From this size upward I had no difficulty in finding abundant examples as gradually increasing in diameter as they did in length; thus furnishing a pretty strong evidence that the stem grows under the influence of its own innate powers, and is not therefore a deposit emanating from the body of the monad, except, perhaps, as far as it may be nourished by a fluid circulating within its hollow core.

Cambridge, Mass., May 21, 1866.

ART. XXXVI.-Address of Prof. De Candolle to the recent Botanical Congress in London.'

In order to derive the full advantage from a meeting of so many lovers of science, horticulturists and botanists, brought together from all parts of Europe, it is necessary that the common object for which they have met should be perfectly understood.

It devolves on me, who am called upon to preside (an honor of which I feel myself unworthy), to point out the bond which unites us, and of which perhaps you have at present but a vague, and, so to speak, an intuitive perception.

In my opinion, we are not here merely as amateurs to satisfy our curiosity. The proof of which is, we are here assembled to listen to discussions, instead of wandering about the fairy-like garden of the Exhibition. Evidently we seek something more than a mere flower show, and that something is, in my opinion, instruction. It is not sufficient for horticulturists merely to see -they must also study and reflect; neither is it sufficient for botanists to observe details minutely; they must also see the plants on a large scale and in grouped masses. The connection.

of practice with theory, and of art with science, is acknowledged to be indispensable; and in accordance with this prevalent opinion we here affirm, by our presence in this room, the necessary union of botany and horticulture. The aim of my brief observations will be to call to mind how they aid each other, and to

The first meeting of the Botanical Congress was held in the Raphael Room of the South Kensington Museum on Wednesday, May 23, at 11 A. M., Prof. DeCandolle in the chair. A very large meeting, including almost all the British and foreign botanists and horticulturists present in London were assembled to hear the President's address.

show how much more they might do so. If I am not mistaken, it will follow from the facts to which I shall allude, that our united efforts, scientific or practical, modest though they appear, contribute to increase the well-being of man, in all conditions and in all countries.

1. The advantages of horticulture to botany.-Let us first mention the services that horticulture renders, or may render, to botany. Without being myself a horticulturist, I affirm or recognize them willingly, the advancement of science rendering it necessary to have recourse to all its collateral branches.

We no longer live in those times of illusion, when botanists merely occupied themselves with European plants, or with a few from the East, and, from a spirit of caution rather than from ignorance, pictured to themselves all distant countries as possessing much of the same general vegetation, with a few uncommon or exceptional species. A century of discovery has made known the extreme variety in the floras, the restricted limits of many species, and the complicated entanglement of their geographical distribution. To see all the different forms of vegetation of the world, would be to realize in a degree the history of the Wandering Jew; besides, with this constant travelling, where would be the opportunities for that reflection or study which create true science?

The traveller is too much exhausted in warm countries, too distracted in those temperate regions favorable to active life, and his faculties are too much benumbed in the colder regions, to enable him to devote himself to minute researches with the lens or the microscope, or even to sketch or properly describe that which he has gathered. He sees, in passing, a crowd of things, but he can scarcely ever stop to enter into details, especially of those that present themselves in rapid succession. Rarely can he see the fruit and flower of a species at the same time, and it is quite impossible for him to study their complete development during the whole year. The notes taken by the most intelligent naturalist are so affected by these fatal circumstances, that it is seldom they add anything to that which a dried specimen can teach the sedentary botanist.

It is horticulture, then, which brings before us a multitude of exotic plants in a condition best adapted for study. Thanks to the variety of species it accumulates and successfully cultivates, the botanist can investigate the most difficult questions, and pursue his researches in families whose genera are not indigenous in Europe. In the herbarium, more minute observations can be made than is generally supposed; nevertheless, for certain researches, it is absolutely necessary to have the living plant, particularly for those relating to the relative disposition, the origin and development of the several organs, as well as for

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