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S'ankara Acharya's com.
mentary on the Br. Ar.
Up. quoted, 34, 204

his comm. on the
Chhandogya Up., 296

his comm. on the
Pras'na Up. quoted, 191
on the Taitt. Up.

quoted, 191
S'ankara Misra comm. on
Vaiseshika, 120, 125
Sankhya aphorisms, 133,
Sankhya-kärikā, 138, 166
shya, 196 ff.
S'antanu, 45
Saptadasa-stoma, 11

Sarasvati, goddess, 14,
254 f., 257, 282

mother of the

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sayana, his Vedartha-pra-
käs'a, or commentary on
R.V. quoted, 58 ff., 76,
78, 80, 105, 206, 215,

Sayugvan, 296
Siddhanta-muktavali, 133
S'iksha, 206
Skambha, 3

Skanda, 264
S'lokas, 9, 205

Smriti, 24, 181, and passim
Smritis, extent and con-
ditions of their autho-
rity, 181 ff.

Sobhari, 229

Soma, god, 8, 223

source of inspira-

tion, 264 ff.

Somas arman, 92

Soul, unity of, 190, 203
Souls, diversity of, 169,

Sound, eternity of, affirm-
ed, 71 ff., 90 ff.
denied, 89, 109,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

8, 8, 5, 10, 234

iii. 3, 9, 1,-10

10, 11, 3,-16
12, 9, 1,-15

Taittiriya Samhita quoted,
i. 2, 1, 1,-59 f.
ii. 5, 8, 3,-212
vii. 3, 1, 4,-17

Taittiriya Upanishad, 65
— comm. on, 191
Tamas, 12, 32, 150, 202
Tamasa works, 202
Tapas, 250

Tarka-sangraha, 127, 133,

Taksh (to fabricate), 232,


[blocks in formation]

Udayana Acharyya, 128

Uddālaka Aruni, 286
Uktha, 224, 278
Ukthya, 11

Ulysses, 270

Unborn Female, 165, 171
Unborn Male, 165
Upabhrit, 20

Upanishads, 1, 2, 138, and

superior to other
parts of the Veda, 31

their doctrines uni-
form according to S'an-
kara, but really various,
108, 175
Upapurānas, 30
Urvasi, 45 ff., 205, 247
Usanas, 249
Ushas, 243
Ushmas, 44
Ushnih metre, 11, 278
Uttararani, 47


Vach, 8, 10, 104f., 253f.,
256 f., 282

Vachas, 224
Vājasaneyins, 53
Vājasaneyi ritual, 53

Samhita quoted-
iii. 53,-229
v. 2,-46
xiii. 53,-9
xvi. 53,-60
xviii. 52,-223
XXX. 18,-53

Varūtrī, 255
Vāsavyā, 41

Vashat, 254

Vashaṭkāra, 14, 21

Vasishtha, 34, 216 ff.
Vasishthas, 223, 246
Vastosnpati, 253
Vasus, 102, 226, 234
Vatsa, 243

Vatsyayana quoted, 115
Vayu, 5 f., 222

Vayu Purana, 27 f., 39,

Vedantas, 1, see Upani-

Vedanta Sutras, 98 ff.
Vedartha-prakasa on R.V.
quoted, 58 ff., 80

on T.S., 83 ff.
Vedas, general account of,
1 f.

division into Man-
tra and Brahmana, 1, 62
sprang from sacri-
fice of Purusha, 3

from Skambha, 3
from Indra, 4
from Time, 4
from the Odana-

oblation, 4

objects of worship
and supplication, 4

sprang from Agni,

Vayu, and Surya, 4 f., 61

their eternity af-
firmed, 6, 18, 71, 76, 78,
105, 303

their eternity de-
nied, 109, 117, 119, 130

their superhuman
character (apaurusheya-

Vajins, 51 f.

Vairupa, 11

tva), 6

[blocks in formation]

37, 45, 47

31 f., 45

Triple science, 8

Trisarvi, 53

Trishtubh, 278

Trita, 212
Tritsus, 277
Trivrit, 11

Tvashtri, 252


Vaktratunda (Ganes'a), 264
Valakhilya xi. 6,—262
Valmiki, 77

Varuna, 227, 243, 247 f.,

source of inspira-
tion, 262, 266

sources of the

names, forms, and func-
tions of creatures, 6, 16,

created by Prajā-
pati and from the waters,
8, 14

the breathing of
the great Being, 8, 135,

created by means
of speech and soul, 9

one with speech,
mind, and breath, 9

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