S'ankara Acharya's com. his comm. on the his comm. on the quoted, 191 Sarasvati, goddess, 14, mother of the Sayana, his Vedartha-pra- Sayugvan, 296 Skanda, 264 Smriti, 24, 181, and passim Sobhari, 229 Soma, god, 8, 223 source of inspira- tion, 264 ff. Somas arman, 92 Soul, unity of, 190, 203 Sound, eternity of, affirm- 8, 8, 5, 10, 234 iii. 3, 9, 1,-10 10, 11, 3,-16 Taittiriya Samhita quoted, Taittiriya Upanishad, 65 Tarka-sangraha, 127, 133, Taksh (to fabricate), 232, 235 Udayana Acharyya, 128 Uddālaka Aruni, 286 Ulysses, 270 Unborn Female, 165, 171 Upanishads, 1, 2, 138, and superior to other their doctrines uni- V Vach, 8, 10, 104f., 253f., Vachas, 224 Samhita quoted- Varūtrī, 255 Vashat, 254 Vashaṭkāra, 14, 21 Vasishtha, 34, 216 ff. Vatsyayana quoted, 115 Vayu Purana, 27 f., 39, Vedantas, 1, see Upani- Vedanta Sutras, 98 ff. on T.S., 83 ff. division into Man- from Skambha, 3 oblation, 4 objects of worship sprang from Agni, Vayu, and Surya, 4 f., 61 their eternity af- their eternity de- their superhuman Vajins, 51 f. Vairupa, 11 tva), 6 37, 45, 47 31 f., 45 Triple science, 8 Trisarvi, 53 Trishtubh, 278 Trita, 212 Tvashtri, 252 Manvantara, Vaktratunda (Ganes'a), 264 Varuna, 227, 243, 247 f., source of inspira- sources of the names, forms, and func- created by Prajā- the breathing of created by means one with speech, |