STUDENTS' MANUALS FAMILY DEVOTION: in a Course arranged for one Month; with Hymns and Prayers for Special Occasions. By the Rev. FIELDING OULD, M.A., Rector of Tattenhall, Cheshire. Post Svo. antique boards, 4s. 6d. The STUDENT'S MANUAL of THE ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. By the Rev. W. L. 1861-4; containing 1,000 Engravings from Pictures by Popular Artists, with many hundred pages of Letterpress. Bound in one handsome volume, cloth, 6s.; cloth lettered, 78. 6d. The Trade is respectfully informed that the Third Edition of the CHILDREN'S FRIEND for Cover, 1s. 6d. ; cloth lettered, 2s.; cloth, gilt edges, 1864 is now ready for delivery. Illustrated Paper 2s. 6d. (82) Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 54 Fleet Street. S. W. Partridge, 9 Paternoster Row. A CHILD'S INSTRUCTION BOOK in the ART of COLOURING PRINTS, DRAWINGS, and PHOTOGRAPHS. By W. ALDER. With a simple and easily-understood Introduction to some of the Scientific Principles GRAM-involved, by Mr. A. H. WALL. Price 6d.-Now ready. MAR. By Professor CURTIUS. Translated under the Revision of the Author. Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. 'A neat, cheap little book, the advent of which our juvenile friends will doubtless hail with much pleasure. The STUDENT'S LATIN GRAM-So far as we know, it is quite alone in the book-market.' MAR. By WM. SMITH, LL.D. Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. (78) ART STUDENT. London: Bysh & Rose, 58 & 60 Albany Road, Old Kent Road; and Hall, Smart, & Allen, Paternoster Row. (83) SAMPSON LOW & CO. beg to announce that they are preparing for immediate publication a New and Cheap Edition of Mr. CHARLES READE'S celebrated Novel 'HARD CASH,' price Six Shillings, uniform with Low's Favourite Library'' HROMO-FULGENT SCRIPTURE U TABLETS. A new and beautiful Series of Scripture Tablets. Size, 6 by 10 inches. Nos. to 12, each being a striking Portion of Holy Scripture, printed in a large clear type, with highly-enamelled surface and silvered border, with ribbon for suspending from walls. Price 10s. 6d. per set of 12; single Tablets, 1s. each. Thomas Baines & Co., Belsize Road, St. John's 65 PATERNOSTER ROW: CAUTION. In consequence of nume NAPOLEON III., Empereur des Français. To Publishers, Wholesale Booksellers and Sta- WILLIAM E. GOULDEN (late ADDRESSES of Wesleyan 15,000 Local Preachers. Apply to S. O'DAY. ARTHUR rous enquiries regarding Betting Lists and Ireson, 35 Kenyon Terrace, Birkenhead. Sporting Guides, Advertisements of which have been for some time appearing in various Newspapers, dated from Clerkenwell, Albany Road, and Brook Street, Regent's Park, and purporting to be issued by Houlston and Wright,' we, the undersigned, desire to state that we have no con nection with nor knowledge of, the persons issuing such Advertisements. HOULSTON & WRIGHT, warranted to denote Solar Time correctly. 6d. and Now ready, gratis and post free, WILLIAM GLAISHER'S NEW TRADE CATALOGUE; Comprising a great variety of Popular Modern Books," Including that elegant volume (of which he has just bought the entire Remainder) THE VICTORIA REGIA; Also, Dr. Cumming's 'Sabbath Readings on the New Testament,' with others of his works; Captain London: W. GLAISHER, 52 Lambs' Conduit Street, W.C. (88) 頷 LEIGHTON, SON, & HODGE beg to intimate to Publishers, Printers, and the Public generally, that they execute in the best style, and on the most moderate terms, every description of WHOLESALE BOOKBINDING, either in CLOTH or LEATHER (also Account-Book Binding), with promptitude and punctuality. Their stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive and varied, and designed in the best taste; and their powerful Machinery and Steam-power give them great advantages in the rapid execution of large Orders. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention. LONDON: 13 Shoe Lane, E.C. DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen, execute in the best style, on the most reasonable terms, and with despatch, every description of Lithography, Chromo-lithography, and Steel and Copperplate Printing, Artistic or Commercial. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention. Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. NEW NEW AMERICAN BOOKS (vide List, p. 62).-Importations received Every Week, which include all the New Books of interest in advance of, or immediately upon, American publication. Lists forwarded regularly, where requested; and any work not in stock will be obtained within six weeks from order. London: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & MARSTON, English and American Booksellers and то BOOKSELLERS.-Wanted, to pur chase, a BUSINESS in an eligible Suburb of London. Incoming not to exceed £1,000; also a BUSINESS in a good Provincial Town. Incoming from £400 to £600.-Apply to the Manager, Registry Institution, 10 Southampton Street, Strand. Partnerships arranged, and Valuations made on economical terms. WANTED, a Copy of Miscellaneous or Hints for Essays,' by Arthur Browne. Crown 8vo. 2 vols. 1798. Robinson. Address Mr. Porter, 59 Church Street, Birkenhead. TO PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, &c. A MANAGER is required for a Book or Premises where there is an opening.—Address, stating full particulars as to situation, amount required, and returns, to Alpha, care of Mr. W. Clark, 17 Warwick Lane, London, E.C. binding Establishment in London; one who thoroughly understands all the branches, and who is able to produce testimonials as to his ability and steady conduct.-Apply to G., Publishers' Circular Office, 14 Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. VANTED, a Young Man, of good address, as ASSISTANT to the Bookselling and Stationery Business.-Address, stating age, references, and salary required (indoors), Mr. Geo. Noyes, Bookseller and Stationer, Chippenham, Wilts. ELECT TO AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. LECTROTYPES of superior WOOD ENGRAVINGS. The Publisher of the 'ART-JOURNAL' respectfully announces that he has in hand a large and varied Stock of Wood Engravings, which have appeared in that Journal and in other illustrated works issued by him; and that he is now prepared to supply Electrotypes of the best quality from any of these Blocks, at the rate of Ninepence per square inch (with a few exceptions). The Electrotypes will be delivered ready for Printing, and guaranteed to work equally as well as the original Wood Engravings. They comprise several complete Series, in addition to a large Miscellaneous Collection, amounting in all to about 20,000. Copies of the whole may be seen at any time, at James S. Virtue's, 294 City Road, London; or further information will be furnished by post to enquirers. ** A very extensive Stock of Engraved STEEL PLATES, in good condition, are also available for printing from, on very moderate terms. R. GEO. NEWMAN has for Disposal a very safe and old-established Station R. PAGE has been directed to Sell the TRADE of a Bookseller and Stationer in a rapidly increasing district West, close to a RailMr. Page, Accountant and Valuer, 20 Devereux Station. way About £270 required.-Apply to Court, Temple, W.C. MR. HOMMES is the following circum R. HOLMES is instructed to find a stances: the Eldest Son of a Gentleman recently deceased wishes to meet with a PARTNER, in order to purchase from the Executors the Business carried on by his father and family through three generations. The Son has managed the Business for some time. It produces £800 a-year after all expenses. This is a rare opportunity for securing £400 a-year without risk. £1,250 (in cash) required.-Apply to Mr. Holmes, Valuer and Accountant to the Trade, 48 Paternoster Row. MR. R. HOLMES is instructed to Sell the Commercial Town. Returning about £1,400 per leading BUSINESS in a small Country Town. annum. Price £500.-Apply to Mr. Geo. New-Rent can be cleared by letting. All at a valuation; man, Agent and Trade Valuer, 26 Great Winchester about £600 required. Good Stock, Printing Office, Street, E.C. &c., and a thorough safe, eligible little Business. Apply to Mr. Holmes, Valuer to the Trade, 48 Paternoster Row. [R. GEO. NEWMAN is instructed to MR. find an 'immediate purchaser for a wellestablished Stationery and Printing CONCERN in the neighbourhood of the West-end. Returning MR. HOLMES is instructed to Sell an £1,400 per annum ; amount required about £650. Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, 26 Great Winchester Street, E.C. old-established (twenty-five years) BUSINESS in one of the principal metropolitan thoroughfares. About £350 required. Rent £35. Capital house with small garden. Could be managed by a Lady. Apply to Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. favourite part of the West-end Bookselling, MR. Stationery, and Fancy Repository. Returns £10 per week; profits good; amount required about £450.-Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, 26 Great Winchester Street, E.C. R. HOLMES is instructed to Sell a small PRINTING BUSINESS near Holborn. £300 to £600 required. In same hands nearly thirty years. The Office contains an excellent Plant suitable for an extensive Jobbing Business. Apply to Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. то PRINTERS & BOOKSELLERS. PRINTERS and BINDERS.-Wanted, A rare opportunity for a Young Man.—To be Disposed of, the well-established BUSINESS of a Printer, Bookseller, Stationer, and Paper-Hangery Dealer, in a small Market Town in the East Riding of Yorkshire. A sufficient reason for the disposal of the same can be given. Arrangements could be made for a portion of the money to remain on good security. Amount to purchase, from £200 to £300, as stock could be reduced. arrangements could be made to have the Printing work done off the premises.-Address O. P., 17 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, London. several good COMPOSITORS. Also, an active Stationery FORWARDER, and a general FORWARDER who could assist in Blocking and Finishing occasionally. Terms and references.Bemrose & Sons, Derby. O To If desired, STATIONERS.-Wanted, an active Counter, and understands the manufacturing part Lad, of good address, who can attend to the of the business.-Apply, by letter only, stating terms and last employer, to W.S. S., 9 Strand, W.C. COMPOSITORS.-Wanted, a quick LOCAL NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. - A Gentleman, thoroughly experienced in all matters connected with Local and General Newspapers, can give his services two Editor Sub-editor, and, TO. CO Merotable Turnover APPRENTICE or three days a week as Ir, toro London Local or for Bookwork.-Apply to Walker & Sons, Otley, Yorkshire. Suburban Newspaper. Amount of remuneration of secondary importance. An hour's ride by rail not objected to. Unexceptionable references.Address J. W., 28 Albion Grove West, Barns WANTED immediately, by a Bookseller bury, N. Printer, a Young Man who thoroughly understands both branches of the Trade, and can bear the strictest investigation into his general business habits and references. He would be required to live out of the house. -- Address Mr. M. Low, Bookseller, Ipswich. To O PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS. Wanted, by an experienced Assistant, a Reengagement; age 21.-Address F. P., Publishers' Circular Office, 14 Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. |