Specimen of the Illustrations, two of which will appear in each monthly issue of 'THE ARGOSY.' THE ARGOSY: A New Illustrated Magazine for the Fireside and the Journey. No. I. on Dec. 1. Price Sixpence monthly. THE ARGOSY' will address itself alike to the travelled and the untravelled;-to the former, seeking to recall the delight of scenes to which distance only lends enchantment: and to the latter, to furnish pictures vivid enough to stand in the place of realities. In story-telling it will welcome all who can create new worlds of lofty hopes, and fancies chaste and noble,' and who can clothe incidents of natural construction with the real interest of human action and passion. In its essays it will try to display the lights and shadows of our age, bring out its harmonies and discords, aid its aspirations, and laugh at its absurdities. And it is intended that its every page, whether prose or verse, shall attest the presence of that genial poetic spirit, from which the best fruits in any gracious art may be anticipated. London: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & MARSTON, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. Specimen of the Illustrations in Watts's Divine and Moral Songs."' Illustrated with One Hundred Woodcuts in the first style of Art, from Original Designs by R. BARNES, T. D. SCOTT, T. KENNEDY, ERIC WIMPERIS, A. J. WAUDBY, W. J. ALLEN, W. SMALL, HUGH CAMERON, R. P. LEITCH, H. WEIR, &c. &c. Small 4to. cloth, 75. 6d. London: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & MARSTON, Milton House, Ludgate. Hill. Illustrations 35 Specimen of the Illustrations in Watts's 'Divine and Moral Songs'-continued. THE DIVINE AND MORAL SONGS DR. ISAAC WATTS. Small 4to. One Hundred Illustrations, 7s. 6d. OF Whatever opinion may be entertained by connoisseurs as to the value of Dr. Watts's Hymns as 66 Poems," none can doubt the earnest piety that dictated them, nor the unmistakable popularity they have ever enjoyed, both at home and abroad, and which fully entitles them to be considered as genuine "Household Words."' Numerous as are the editions already published, more or less illustrated, none have as yet approached the standard of completeness or excellence which such popularity deserves. The projectors of this effort fully believe that this want will be amply supplied by the production of the present edition. The names and number of the artists employed, together with the general care and finish bestowed throughout, they trust will be sufficient guarantee that their labour has not been in vain.'-Extract from Preface to this edition. London: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & MARSTON, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. Specimen of the Illustrations in Pictures of Society.' PICTURES OF SOCIETY, GRAVE AND GAY: Comprising One Hundred Engravings on Wood, from the Pictures of Eminent Artists, Including J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. and F. W. PICKERSGILL, R. A., C. W. COPE, R.A., J. D. WATSON, GEORGE THOMAS, J. C. HORSLEY, &c. &c. Illustrated by the Pens of Popular Authors, including Mrs. S. C. HALL, E. K. HARVEY, BARRY CORNWALL, TOM HOOD, EDWARD LEWIN, NOEL JONES, CUTHBERT BEDE, the Author of The Gentle Life,' WALTER THORNBURY, &c. &c. Beautifully printed by Messrs. DALZIEL BROTHERS; handsomely bound in cloth, with an elaborate and novel Design, by Messrs. LEIGHTON & Co. Royal 8vo. 215. PICTURES of ENGLISH LIFE: illustrated by Ten folio page Illustrations on Wood by J. D. COOPER, after Drawings by R. BARNES and E. M. WHIMPERIS, with appropriate descriptive Poems, printed in floreated borders. Imperial folio, cloth extra, 145. 'This handsome volume is entirely in the English taste.'-Spectator. 'Pictures that do you good to look at them.'-Illustrated Times. 'An elegant volume, containing speaking pictures that might have owned the parentage of Gainsborough or Morland; thoroughly national in character and detail.'-Reader. London: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & MARSTON, Milton House, Ludgate Hill. |