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Chapter 1


1. HQ USAF Office Responsible for Retired Matters:

a. The staff office within HQ USAF responsible for providing assistance and guidance to retired personnel is the Retired Activities Section, Directorate of Personnel Services.

b. Assistance in matters before retirement may be obtained from the servicing Central Base Personnel Office (CBPO).

2. Retired Activities Section:

a. Mission. The Retired Activities Section, Directorate of Personnel Services, HQ USAF, has been established for the specific purpose of assisting retired members of the Air Force. This section is the official point of contact with the Air Force on all matters regarding rights, benefits and privileges, exclusive of individual pay matters and information from retired records. Its mission includes disseminating information to the retired component concerning major changes in Air Force policy, new developments and their progress, and fostering continued interest in Air Force activities by retired members.

b. Correspondence. All correspondence from retired members covering rights, benefits, and privileges, exclusive of individual pay matters, should be sent to the Retired Activities Section. Address correspondence to USAFMPC (AFPMSDM1), Randolph AFB Tex 78148. Inquiries pertaining to pay matters should be sent to the Retired Pay Division, Directorate of Allotments and Retired Pay, Air Force Accounting and Finance Center; address cor

respondence to: AFAFC (MR), 3800 York St Denver Colo 80205. These two offices have been designated to monitor all correspondence pertaining to retired personnel. Full name, grade, and service number should be included in all correspondence for accurate identification purposes.

c. Records. The Retired Activities Section does not maintain the personnel records of the retired personnel. Requests for information from these records and requests for addresses of retired personnel should be directed to USAFMPC (AFPMDR), Randolph AFB Tex 78148.

d. Publications:

(1) The Retired Activities Section is responsible for publishing this pamphlet and its changes which contain information and guidance on matters of rights, benefits, and privileges to which Air Force personnel are entitled after retirement. It is distributed to all Air Force bases for guidance of personnel responsible for counseling members before retirement. Each member of the Air Force will receive a personal copy before his date of retirement and will receive automatic distribution of changes and revisions published after he retires. It is suggested that the pamphlet be kept in a safe place for ready reference and that changes be incorporated as soon as received so that information will be current at all times.

(2) The "USAF News for Retired Personnel" is a monthly publication distributed by the Retired Activities Section to each retired member beginning the month following retire

ment. It contains information concerning proposed legislation, new public laws, Air Force regulations (how they affect the rights, benefits and privileges of retired personnel), the latest Air Force activities and programs, Federal employment opportunities and items of general interest. Members will find it to their advantage to start a loose-leaf notebook for filing the newsletter so that it will be available for ready reference and easy use in conjunction with this pamphlet.

e. Change of Address:

(1) The Retired Activities Section does not maintain addresses on retired personnel.

The Retired Pay Division of the Air Force Accounting and Finance Center is the single source agency for such information, therefore, retired members should notify AFAFC of their address changes (see paragraph 54e, this pamphlet, for procedure). Through support agreements with AFAFC, the Retired Activities Section and other Air Staff offices, obtain addresses of retired members as needed.

(2) Retired members having reserve status should also keep the Air Reserve Personnel Center informed of address changes. This may be done by sending a postcard to ARPC(RM), 3800 York St Denver Colo 80205.

Chapter 2


3. Statutory Provisions for Retired Lists:

a. The Secretary of the Air Force shall maintain a retired list containing the name of: (10 USC 8966.)

(1) Each retired commissioned officer of the Regular Air Force.

(2) Each person entitled to retired pay under any law providing retired pay for commissioned officers of the Air Force, other than the Regular Air Force.

(3) Each retired warrant officer or enlisted member of the Regular Air Force who is advanced to a commissioned grade.

(4) Each retired warrant officer of the Air Force.

(5) Each retired enlisted member of the Regular Air Force.

b. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force, there shall be maintained retired lists containing the names of the Reserve of the Air Force who are in the retired service. (10 USC 1376.)

c. The Secretary shall maintain a temporary disability retired list of the names of Air Force members. (10 USC 1376.) (10 USC 1376.) Accordingly, the name of a member retired in agreement with any provision of law will be placed on one or more of the appropriate retired lists as indicated above.

Chapter 3


4. General. The official identification card will serve as a convenient and positive means of identification. Photographing or other reproduction of identification cards is prohibited by 18 USC 701. Retired personnel and their dependents are cautioned that identification cards are not transferrable and are the property of the U.S. Government. The right to an identification card may be forfeited by misuse, such as abuse of privileges and when used in connection with cashing bad checks. Such misuse could result in the confiscation of the card by appropriate authorities. The identification card should be carried at all times and may be used for base entry purposes, and to determine eligibility for the privileges and facilities available at Armed Forces installations. The number of the identification card should be recorded in a safe place for reference in the event of loss, destruction or theft. Every precaution should be taken to prevent loss or theft.

5. Issuance of ID Cards to Retired Personnel. The Retired Activities Section does not issue or reissue ID cards. DD Form 2AF (Ret) is issued only to Air Force personnel who are retired with entitlement to retired pay. Should the ID card not be issued on retirement, the retired member should submit one copy of AF Form 279, "Application for Identification Card," to the nearest Air Force installation in person or by mail, with the following supporting documents:

a. DD Form 2AF, retirement orders, or evidence of listing in the official Air Force Register, as appropriate.

b. Verification of 8 or more years on active duty (other than for training) of a member entitled to retired pay under the provisions of 10 USC 1331 (formerly Title III, Public Law 80-810), is required for authorization of medical care. The Air Force installation to which application is made will obtain this verification.

6. Replacement of DD Form 2AF (Ret). Replacement is authorized to:

a. Show a change in expiration date.
b. Replace a lost, stolen, or destroyed card.
c. Correct an error.

d. Replace a mutilated card.

e. Change data which makes the old card questionable.

7. Issuance of ID Cards to Dependents of Retired Personnel. The Retired Activities Section does not issue ID cards. Dependents identification cards are issued by commanders responsible for processing personnel for retirement. If a member's dependent was not issued an ID card at time of his retirement, either the member or the dependent concerned may apply for one at any Air Force installation. Consistent with AFR 30-20, "Issue and Control of Identification Cards," DD Form 1173 will be issued or reissued, as appropriate, to the dependents of retired military personnel as indicated by paragraph 6 a, b, c, d, or e, above, and at the following times:

a. Upon member's retirement or death. b. Upon change in dependency status stated on current card.

c. Upon expiration of card.

d. When a dependent reaches his tenth birthday.

e. Children under 10 years of age. Necessary identification for purposes of medical care for dependents under 10 years of age normally will be made by the retired member or prime dependent, as appropriate, when seeking such medical care. DD Form 1173 will be issued to dependents less than 10 years of age, when such dependents are residing with a divorced spouse or in a household of which the sponsor is not the head.

8. Authorized Dependents. A person who bears any of the following relationships to a retired member, or to a person who at time of

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