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Mr. NATCHER. I wish you would submit for the record material showing the number of Public Law 566 projects needed, the number of projects authorized for planning, the number of projects approved for operations, the number of projects having construction started, the number having construction completed, and the backlog of unserviced applications. Also, the appropriations needed during the next 5 years to carry out the watershed program.

Mr. K. GRANT. Yes. This is a table which we have submitted in the past which I would be happy to update and submit to you.

Mr. NATCHER. Suppose you submit that to our administrative assistant.

(The information follows:)

The following tabulation shows the current status of watershed projects as of July 1, 1970:

Public Law 566-type projects shown in Conservation Needs Inventory--.
Applications submitted by local sponsors (32 percent of need).
Projects authorized for planning (17 percent of need).
Approved for operations (11 percent of need).
Construction starts made (8 percent of need).


8, 925



1, 001



Projects in which construction is completed (3 percent of need)

Watersheds in the backlog of unserviced applications presently considered suitable for planning (9 percent of need) –


The following charts show progress trends and the status of Public Law 566 projects:

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Mr. NATCHER. I understand you coordinate carefully with the FHA on loan funds made available for providing their share of developing watershed projects. Are there projects being held back because of lack of loan money, Mr. Grant?

Mr. K. GRANT. If I might, I would like to ask Mr. Hanson who represents FHA to respond to this.

Mr. NATCHER. We will be pleased to hear from you.

Mr. HANSON. Mr. Chairman, the Farmers Home Administration reviewed and authorized the State directors to approve 27 watershed loans involving $15,201,000. There remains $1,656,000 to fund some of these projects. FHA had available for this year $6,763,000, which exceeds the $5 million approved by the Congress because of a carry-over from the previous year. The Farmers Home Administration has an additional 92 applications on hand, requesting $39,251,000 for watershed loans in the Public Law 566 projects.

This is in 35 states. Does that answer the question?


Mr. NATCHER. Thank you, sir. According to the budget you require less construction funds in 1972 than you had available in 1971 fiscal year, Mr. Grant. How much did you ask for?

Mr. K. GRANT. The Agency request for Watershed Works of Improvement was $91,783,000.

Mr. NATCHER. Please supply a table for the record showing your agency estimates, if you would, please.

(The information follows:)

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Mr. NATCHER. What effect will the shortage of funds have on personnel working on installation of structural measures?

Mr. K. GRANT. The reduction in funds will affect the number of personnel, and we will have to either reassign these people to other activities within the Service or in some instances we will probably have to make an adjustment between the funds for construction and installation services in order to finance these people.

Mr. NATCHER. Will a reduction in force be required?

Mr. K. GRANT. No, sir. I think we can handle any reduction by attrition or reassignment.


Mr. NATCHER. We turn next to Flood Prevention, Mr. Grant. Have the California earthquakes caused an increase in requirements for emergency funds?

59-584 0-71-pt. 3—39

Mr. K. GRANT. I do not believe we had a request for emergency funds as a result of the California earthquakes. Our people are deeply involved in providing assistance wherever possible, and I have received communications from some of them and from Soil Conservation Districts indicating they are very much involved with local officials. But we have not received any requests for emergency funds.

Mr. NATCHER. If you would, prepare a short concise statement describing your accomplishments in the area of disaster relief last year. (The information follows:)

The following measures were installed during fiscal 1970 with Section 216, Soil Conservation Service, emergency funds:

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Mr. NATCHER. Provide a table indicating the current stretchout of completion of construction in the flood prevention watersheds and submit that.

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Mr. NATCHER. Going next to resource conservation and development, how many projects have been in planning for each of the years 1970, 1971 and 1972?

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