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Sarpedon's speech to Glaucus, 240 n. 1; P.,
weakest in level passages, 239 n. 1; Rome,
time needed to see, i. 95 n. 8; Young's Night
Thoughts, iii. 396 n. 2.

ARRAS, Bishop of, ii. 220 12. I.
Arsinoe, ii. 165.

Art of Living in London, ii. 398 n. I.
ASCHAM, Roger, Denham, imitated by, i. 78
22.5; latinity, 87; 'quick wits,' 280.
ASGILL, John, iii. 12.

ASHE, Rev. Dillon, iii. 53 n. 6.

ASHE, Dr. St. George, Bishop of Clogher,
conferred archdeaconry on Parnell, ii. 50;
Swift and Stella, said to have privately
married, iii. 30, 69.

ASKEW, Anne, ii. 171.

ASTON, Miss Molly,' iii. 262 n. 4.
ASTROLOGY, judicial, i. 216, 409.
ATKINSON, Mr., ii. 304 n. 2.

ATTERBURY, Francis, Bishop of Rochester,
Addison's Works, dedication of, ii. 118 n. 3;
A.'s funeral, officiates at, 156; Boyle's tutor, iii.
II n.4; Clarendon's History, alleged forgeries
in, ii. 18, 23; Cowley, quotes, i. 16 n. 5;
Cragg's funeral, officiates at, iii. 260 n. I;
daughter dies in his arms, 271 n. 2; death in
exile, 271 n. 2; Dryden's Cleomenes, i. 363
n. 5; D.'s epitaph, 469 n. 10; Duke, buries,
ii. 25 n. 4; Garth's epitaph to St. Évremond,
62 n. 7; Milton's name in Abbey, i. 150;
Paradise Lost, allegory of Sin and Death
superior to Homer, 185 n. 8; P. L., Tonson's
edition of, collects Oxford subscriptions, 198;
Samson Agonistes, urges Pope to 'polish,' 188
n. 8; More's answer to Luther, 112 n. 4;
Philips's epitaph, 150, 314; -Pope, advice
to, iii. 134, 145; Dunciad, criticized, 145 n. 3;
P.'s epitaph on him, 271 22. 2; P., gives Bible
to, 141 n. 3; P.'s juvenile epic, advises burning,
89; P.'s lines on Addison, 134; preacher
of Bridewell Hospital, ii. 300; Prior's epitaph,
195 n. 5; Shakespeare, ignorant of, iii. 139
1.5; Tale of a Tub, ii. 18 n. 3, iii. 10 n. 5;
Tatler, ii. 23; trial before House of Lords,
300 n. 6, iii. 140; Waller's alliteration, i. 295
n. 3; mentioned, iii. 375.

ATTERBURY, Mary (Mrs. Morice), daughter
of the Bishop, iii. 271 n. 2.

AUBREY, John, Butler, friendship with, i.
201 n. 10; B.'s pall-bearer, 207 n. 1; credi-
bility, 230; Roscommon's second sight, 230;
Rota Club, 126 n. 1; satirical wits, 206 n. 5;
Waller, 279 n. I.

AUGURELLUS, Aurelius, Gratiarum Con-
vivium, ii. 52 n. 9.

AUGUSTUS, advice to his successor, iii. 103
n. 5; Rome, i. 469; Virgil's Aeneid, 326.
AUTHORS, affectation of production of works
by chance, ii. 214; critics treated with con-
tempt, iii. 91; gentlemen first, ii. 226; judge-
ment of their own works, i. 147, ii. 206;

subscriptions to proposed works, live on, 403
n. 2, 404 n. 3.

AYLMER, Brabazon, assignee of Paradise
Lost, i. 142, 486.

AYRE, W., Life of Pope, iii. 100 12. 4, 131
n. I, 403 n. 3.

AYSCUE, Sir George, ii. 288 n. 2.

BACON, Francis, 'commodious allusions,' i.
33; Life by Mallet, iii. 404; 'live to study,
not study to live,' 337 n. 1; no command to
forgive our friends, 194 n. 1; personal de-
formity, a spur, 196 n. 5; 'weariness to do
the same thing,' ii. 62 12. 2.

BADIUS, iii. 317.

BAILLIE, Lady Grisell, iii. 283 n. 2, 287 n. 1.
BAGOT, Hervey, i. 305 n. 5.

BAKER, William, grandson of younger Ton-
son, i. 486.

BALAGUER, Mr., ii. 306 n. 1.
BALLAD OPERA, ii. 282.

BALLER, Rev. Joseph, ii. 267 n. 2.
BAMFIELD, Col., i. 73 n. 3.
BAMPTON, i. 312.

ii. 329.

BANISTER, Rev., iii. 84 22. 2.

BANKS, Anne, Waller's first wife, i. 252.
BANKS, Professor Sir John, Swift's loss of
mind, iii. 48 11. 2.

BARBAULD, Mrs., i. 132 n. 4.

BARBER, Alderman John, account of him,
i. 207 n. 6; Arbuthnot's epicurism, iii. 274;
Butler's monument, i. 207; offers bribe for
commendation in Pope's writings, iii. 205
12. 2; printed Sheffield's Works, ii. 177 n. 1;
printer of The Gazette, 30 n. 6; Swift and
Lady Somerset, iii. 69; Swift's printer, 26

[blocks in formation]

BARDSEY, ii. 212.

BARETTI, Joseph, Anguillara's Ovid, iii.
237 n. 1; Berni's 'rifacimento,' i. 455 n. 2;
Milton's Italian poetry, 161 n. 3; pastoral
plays in Italy, ii. 285 n. 1; Salvini's Homer,
iii. 237 n. 2.

BARKER, James, Young's footman, iii. 389.
BARNES, Joshua, account of him, iii. 81
n. 2; Anacreon, ii. 89; Cowley's 'Mistresses,'
i. 6; Greek, 'unoculus inter caecos' in, 138
n. 2; Jeffreys, ode in praise of, ii. 89 n. 4;
Lines on Death of Queen Anne, iii. 81.
BARN-ELMS, i. 16.

BARNES, Rev. William, iii. 298 n. 6.
BARNSTAPLE, ii. 267.

BARROW, Rev. Dr. Isaac, i. 418 n. 5.

BARROW, Dr. Samuel, Latin verses on
Paradise Lost, i. 183 n. 2.

BARRY, Mrs. Ann Spranger, iii. 409 ». 4.

BARRY, Mrs. Elizabeth, played in Congreve's
Old Bachelor, ii. 215 n. 6; Otway's Orphan,
i. 245 n. 2; Smith's Phaedra, ii. 19 n. 1.
BARRYMORE, Elizabeth, Countess of,
daughter of Earl Rivers, ii. 326 n. 3, 439.
BARTON, Catherine, Sir Isaac Newton's
niece, ii. 42 n. 2.

BATEMAN, Edmund, tutor of Christ Church,
ii. 409 n. 2.

BATH, Earl of, see GRENVILLE, Sir John.
BATH, Allen, Ralph, Mayor of, iii. 195 n. 4;
Broome's tomb, 80; Congreve's journey, ii.
227; Dorset's death, i. 306; hospital, iii. 196;
Lady Macclesfield, ii. 378; Shenstone's visits,
iii. 350.

BATHURST, first Earl, Burke's speech, men-
tioned in, iii. 205 n. 8; described by John-
son, 205 n. 8; Dunciad, one of nominal
publishers, 148 n. 6; Epistle to Bathurst,
complains of, 173 n. 4; Essay on Man and
Bolingbroke, 163 n. 4; Pope's Iliad, 113
n. 4; P.'s over-eating, 200 n. 2; Prior's Alma,
ii. 205 n. 4; P. and Lewis, 198 n. 2; un-
spoiled by wealth,' iii. 205 n. 8.

BATHURST, Dr. Ralph, President of Trinity
College, Oxford, ii. 6.

BAUDIUS, on Erasmus, i. 155.

BAXTER, Richard, i. 198, iii. 311 22. 3.
BEACONSFIELD, i. 268, 277.
BEAMINSTER, ii. 32 n. 2.

BEATTIE, Dr. James, Addison's prose, ii.
150n. I; Blackmore's paraphrases, 240 12. 2;
Gray's debt to Dryden, iii. 435 n. 5 ; G., visited
by, 428; Johnson's regard for him, 428 n. 1.
BEAUFORT, Henry Somerset, second Duke
of, ii. 299.

BEAUMONT AND Fletcher, King and No
King, i. 476 n. 3, 478, iii. 212 n. 3; Rollo,
Duke of Normandy, i. 246 n. 1, 475 n. 3,
479; plots in Spanish stories, 347.

BECCLES, ii. 265.

BECKETT, Mr., the bookseller, iii. 284 n. 3.
BECKINGHAM, Charles, Savage's Life, ii.
354 n. I.

BEDDOES, Thomas Lovell, iii. 360.
BEDDOES, Dr. Thomas, iii. 360.
BEHN, Afra, i. 242 n. I, 399.
BELCHFORD, iii. 344.

BELL, Mr., Thomson's brother-in-law, iii. 296.
BEMBO, Cardinal, Epitaph on Raphael, iii.
265 n. 2.

BENEFIT OF CLERGY, ii. 350 n. 2.
Benlow and Dallison's Reports, ii. 65.

BENSON, William, Dobson's Paradisus
Amissus, iii. 170 n. 3; Milton's monument,
i. 150; Thomson, advice to, iii. 283 n. 2.
BENTHAM, Jeremiah, father of Jeremy
Bentham, i. 126 n. 6, iii. 85 n. 6.

BENTHAM, Jeremy, Luctus on George II's
death, iii. 312 n. 2; Milton's house, i. 126
n. 6; Paradise Lost, frightened by, 181 n. 5;
Watts's Logic, iii. 308 n. 4.

BENTLEY, Dr., astrology, i. 409 n. 3; Cobb,
the Pindarist, reply to, iii. 227; deterred
from printing by war taxes, ii. 154; English
tongue might be made immutable, iii. 16 n.
4; episcopacy, argument for, i. 258 n. 1;
Horace, Comments on, 413 n. 1; Newton's
epitaph, iii. 270 n. 2; Paradise Lost, edition
of, i. 181, 188, 198, ii. 261 n. 3, 293 n. 3;
Phalaris controversy, i. 332 n. 4, ii. 27, iii.
II. 4; Pope's dislike to him, 213 n. 2; P.'s
Prol. Sat. and Dunciad, attacked in, 138 n. 6,
242, 276; P.'s Iliad, will not 'call it Homer,'
213 n. 2; P.'s Sober Advice from Horace,
176 n. 1, 276; Rowe's Lucan, ii. 77 n. 5;
'to a Bentley 'tis we owe a Boyle,' 60 n. 2;
verses on death of Prince George of Den-
mark, 46 ». 2; verses, his English, i. 38, ii.
272 n. 1; Warburton's learning, iii. 165 n. 3.
BENTLEY, Richard, junior, designs for
Gray's Poems, iii. 425, 443; Pope's Sober
Advice, 176 n. 1, 276.

BENTLEY, Thomas, the nephew, iii. 276.
BENTLEY, the bookseller, i. 247 n. 4.
BÉRANGER, 'Chantez, pauvre petit,' iii. 196

n. 5.

BERKELEY, Bishop, Addison's Cato, ii.
IOI nn., 157; Garth's death-bed, 62 n. 7; Kil-
kenny school, 213 n. 3; Lord Orrery, iii. 67;
Rape of the Lock, 104; Steele's extravagance,
ii. 150; Swift's alleged marriage, iii. 69
S.'s good nature and agreeableness, 56 n. 1;
'wit of no party,' ii. 225 n. 4.

BERKELEY, Charles, second Earl of, iii. 8.
BERKELEY, Elizabeth, Countess of, iii. 13.
BERKELEY, George Monck, Swift's alleged
marriage, iii. 69; S.'s belief in Revelation, 54
n. 4; S. and Orrery, 67; S.'s private devo-
tions, 55 n. 1; Stella's niece, 43 n. 4.
BERNARDI, Major John, iii. 258 n. 3.
BERNI, Francesco, i. 455.
BEROALDS, the, i. 455.

BERRY, Miss Mary, iii. 134 n. 2.

'Best to sit next the chimney when the
chamber smokes,' i. 234.

BETHEL, Mr., iii. 199 n. 2.

BETTERTON, Thomas, Dryden's Troilus and
Cressida, i. 356 n. 6; Milton's escape, 129
New Theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields, ii.
218; Pope's portrait of him, iii. 107; P.
revises his modern version of Chaucer, 108.
BETTESWORTH, Sergeant, iii. 44, 314 n. 2.
BEZA, Ad Musas, Iocus, ii. 52 n. 8; Hessus's
Iliad, iii. 114 n. 3.

BIBLE, The, 'best translation in the world,'
iii. 236 n. 3.

Billingsgate, i. 323, 360 n. 7, iii. 202 ». 2.
BINFIELD, iii. 85, 86, 89, 90, 134.
BINNING, Lord, iii. 287.

Biographia Britannica, Vindicatio Britan-
nica,' i. 146 n. 4.

BIOGRAPHY, penury of English, i. I.
BIRCH, Rev. Dr. Peter, Waller's son-in-law,
i. 275, 276, 277.

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BLACKHEAD, Stephen, ii. 35, 36.

BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, Accomplished
Preacher, ii. 252; Addison, praised by, 243,
246 n. 3; Advice to the Poets, 242; birth,
&c., 235; bye-word of contempt,' 252;
Alfred, 242 n. 1, 249, 250; A., dedication
to, 240, 241 n.5; Cheapside, language of, 238,
241; C., resided in, 236; city bard,' 236
n. 6; College of Physicians, 236, 249; com-
position, manner and times of, 237; Con-
greve, complimented by, 241 n. 3; see CON-
GREVE; 'copy-money,' took no, 237 n. 1;

Creation, account of it, 242; Addison's
Spacious Firmament, compared to, 243 n. 4;
Darwin's Botanic Garden not modelled on
it, 243 n. 2; inserted in Eng. Poets by John-
son, 242, iii. 302; Johnson's criticism, ii.
254; P-pe's Essay on Man, passage resem-
bling, 254 . 3; praised by Addison and
Dennis, 243; p. by Cowper, 244 n. 1; p. by
Southey, 243 12. 2; critics, attacks of,
235 n. 2, 239, 253; death, 252; Dennis,
attacked by, 238; D., praised by, 243; D.,
praises, 239; doctor of physic, 235; drama-
tists, attacks, 240; Dryden, attacked by, i.
386, 402, 403, ii. 235 n. 5, 236 n. 6, 237 12.
4, 239 n. 4, 240; D., attacks, i. 402, ii. 241;
Eliza, 242, 250 n. 4; Essays, 246; Garth,
attacked by, 240 n. 4; Gay, ridiculed by,
242 n. 1, 249 nn. 252 n. 6; George I, praises,
241 n. 5 Hanoverian succession, 240;
Hearne, described by, 235 n. 7; Hippocrates,
censures, 251; Hist. of the Conspiracy against
Will. III, 252; 'honest, very,' 240; inocu-
lation, attacks, 250; Instructions to Van-
derbank, 242 n. 6; Just Prejudices against
the Arian Hypothesis, 252; King Arthur,
i. 402 1. 2, ii. 239, 241, 250 n. 4, 251 n. 1;
Kit-cat Club, poem on, 242; knighted, 239;
Latin verses, 237; Lay Monastery, 244;
literature, small, 253; Locke and Molyneux,
praised by, 238 nn., 251 n. 1; magnanimity
as an author, 253; Maurus,' 235 n. 5, 240
n. 3, 252 n. 6; Nature of Man, 249;
Natural Theology, 252; Oxford, M.A.
degree, 235; O., reversionary bequest
to, 252 22.5; Padua degree, 235; Para-
phrase on Job, 240; physician, practised as
a, 236, 241 n. 3, 250; p. to William III,
239; p., native genius more valuable than
learning, 252; placability, 239; poets united
against him, 241; poet sinks, man rises,'
239; Pope, attacked by, 236 nn., 237 nn.,
239 n. 5, 240 n. 2, 250 nn., 252 n. 6, 381 n.

Prince Arthur,

2; P., attacks, 247;
first published work, 237; Cibber's Love's
Last Shift, mentioned in, 238 n. 7; Dennis,
attacked by, 238; Hill's contempt for it,
239 n. 6; Macaulay refers to it, 238 n. 2;
Pope's note on it, 250 n. 4; popularity, 238;
praised by Wesley, 238 n. 6; Preface, 240;
Song of Mopas, 238, 255; written by 'catches
and starts,' 237; private life, 236, 253;
Psalms, metrical version of, 249; 'reasons
poetically,' 254; Redemption, 249, 250 n. 4;
republican, 238 2. 6; residence, 236; St.
Edmund Hall, Oxford, 235; Satire against
Wit, i. 402, ii. 241; school, kept a, 235;
Smith, attacked by, 17 n. 1, 236 n. 5; Swift,
praised by, 240 m. 4; S., attacked by, 240
12. 4, 246 n. 3; Sydenham's advice, 236;
Tale of a Tub, 247; transmitted knowledge,
250; travels, 235; Treatise of Consumptions,
250, 251 n. 5; Treatise on the Spleen, 248,
250; Treatise upon the Small Pox, 250, 251
n. 4; Westminster School, 235; Whig, a,
240; William III and the Muses, 239 22. 7;
Wit, account of, 246; wits, malignity of
the, 239, 252; wrote for fame, 237;
quotations, Creation, 243 n. 4, 248 m. I,
254 n. 3; Kit-Kats, 239 n. 7; Paraphrase
on Job, 240 n. 2; Prince Arthur, 241 n. 2,
255; Satire against Wit, i. 402, ii. 241
n. 6.

BLACKMORE, Robert, the poet's father, ii. 235.
BLACKSTONE, —, Otway's friend, i. 247 π. 4.
BLACKSTONE, Sir William, Lawyer's Fare-
well to his Muse, iii. 359; liberty of the
press, i. 108 n. 5; Pembroke College, Oxford,
member of, iii. 359; Pope's charges against
Addison, confutes, 133 12. 2.

BLADEN, Col. Martin, iii. 336 n. 3.

BLADEN, Martin, of Wigan, Esq., iii. 336 n. 3.
BLAIR, Dr. Hugh, Pope anecdotes, iii. 113
n. 4, 163 n. 4.

BLAKE, William, angel that murdered the
infant, ii. 56; Philips's Pastorals, drawings
for, iii. 316 n. 3.

BLAKENEY, Robert, Swift's butler, iii. 36.
BLAKESLEY, i. 332 n. 1.

BLAND, Dr. Henry, ii. 104.
BLANDFORD, Marquis of, elegies on, ii. 231,


BLANDFORD, iii. 277.

BLANK VERSE, history and estimate by
Johnson, i. 191-4; Akenside's superiority,
iii. 417; but it is blank verse,' 406; Cowper
on its difficulty, 238 n. 3; 'crippled prose'
unless tumid and gorgeous, ii. 319; difficulty,
iii. 238 n. 3; 'distresses of rhyme,' i. 139;
Dryden's time, not understood in, 338 n. 1;
'lapidary style,' 193; Milton's 'to be ad-
mired rather than imitated,' 194; Paradise
Lost and Philips's Cyder, 319; Pope found it
less easy than rhyme, iii. 238 n. 3; rhyme un-
fettered verse,' 377; Shenstone's blank verses
like those of his neighbours,' 358; 'super-

[ocr errors]

adds disgust to an unpleasing subject,' 346;
support of striking images needed, i. 237,
319; Thomson's Seasons, would have been
embarrassed by rhyme, iii. 299; unsuited to
English language, i. 192; 'verse only to the
eye, 193; Voltaire remarks, 192 n. 8;
Young's Night Thoughts, rhyme not suited
for, iii. 395.

BLENHEIM, 'called forth all the verse-men,'
ii. 186.

BLOIS, ii. 85.

BLOUNT, Lister, of Mapledurham, father of
Martha and Teresa, iii. 274.

BLOUNT, Mr., of Twickenham, Broome's
payment for Odyssey, iii. 78 n. 4.

BLOUNT, Mr., Garth, carried the Father to,
ii. 63 n. 2; Pope, a Whig, iii. 140 n. 5.

BLOUNT, Martha, Allens, quarrel with the,
iii. 190 n. 3, 195; birth, &c., 274; Boling-
broke's rudeness, 190; death, 275; Gay's
lines on her, 274; manner and conversation,
275; personal appearance, 274, 275; Pope,
becomes acquainted with, 185 n. 7; P.'s be
quest, 190 n. 4, 195; P.'s Characters of
Women addressed to her, 175, 274; P.,
coming in cheered, 190 n. 3; P., influence
over, 195; P.'s last illness, 190; P.'s letters
to her, 274; P., relations with, 190, 274;
Swift's Letter to a Lady on her marriage,
42 n. 5; Warburton's spite to her, 175 n. 2.
BLOUNT, Teresa, Pope, acquaintance with,
iii. 185 n. 7; P.'s letters to her, 274; personal
appearance, 274; wit, 275.

BOARD OF TRADE, literary associations, ii.
184 n. 5.

BOCCACCIO, Homer, composed prose version
for Petrarch, iii. 317 n. 2; regretted his
writings, i. 290 n. 6.
BOCCALINI, ii. 160.

BOCHART, Samuel, i. 229, 230.
Boddice, iii. 197.

BOERHAAVE, Dr. Herman, ii. 334 n. 2,
433 2. 4.

BOIARDO, i. 454.

BOILEAU, Addison's Latin poems, ii. 82;
A., meeting with, i. 471 n. 4, ii. 82 n. 6;
Aristotle and Corneille, i. 471 n. 4; celestial
interposition, 385; couplets, 443 n. 8, iii.
250 n. 4; declamations round medals, 260
n. 2; Epître à mes vers, and Pope's Prol. to
the Satires, 177; Equivoque, i. 388; great
burlesque, i. 323 n. 3; gunpowder, 430; in-
scriptions on Lewis XIV's 'Victories,' ii. 184;
La Bruyère's Caractères, 93; levity on sacred
subject, i. 404 n. 3; Le Lutrin and Rape
of the Lock, iii. 234; model to Pope and
Johnson, i. 224 n. 1; modern Latin poetry,
contempt for, ii. 82, iii. 182; Molière's
burial, ii. 220 n. 1; morality, nothing to
shock, iii. 301 n. 3; 'mourir par métaphore,'
ii. 315 n. 5; mysteries of religion and verse,
i. 182 n. 1; Ode sur la prise de Namur,
Pope refers to it, 289 n. 6; Prior's burlesque,

ii. 203;
petty lie to Louis XIV, 213;
'qu'on me lise, non pas me loue,' 214 n. 2;
rhyme, i. 200; à rien faire or à ne rien
faire, 225; Rochester's favourite author, 221;
Roscommon borrows from him, 237; Satire
sur les Femmes and Pope's Characters of
Women, iii. 245; Satire sur l'Homme and
Rochester's Satire against man, i. 226;
translations, iii. 237 n. 4; quotations,
L'Art poétique, i. 6 n. 7, 182 n. I, 443 n. 8;
Epitres, 404 n. 3, ii. 220 n. 1; Satires, i.
200, 225 n. 2, ii. 315 n. 5.

BOIS, Mr., i. 17.

BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, first Vis-
count, Attainder Bill, ii. 292; Battersea,
visited like a shrine at, iii. 195 22. 2; ' being
of a superior order,' 191 n. 5; Burke on his
writings, 408 n. 1; Cato and Booth, ii. 101;
'charged blunderbuss against religion,' iii.
407 n. 4; conversation, inattentive in, 201
n. 2, 209 n. 1; Dryden, visits, i. 388 n. 5,
407; established errors useful to maintain
society, iii. 163 n. 3; Europe's happiness
and liberties, game of his youth, 193 n. 1;
Familiar Epistle to the most impudent man
living, 195 n. 2; 'feast of reason and the
flow of soul,' 135 n. 1; Fenton, promised
employment to, ii. 258; Foster's sermon,
387. I; French idioms, iii. 250; Garth's
good nature, ii. 62 n. 3 ; ' going down the hill,’
iii. 189 n. 2; Good Friday dinner to Addison
and Swift, ii. 125 n. 2; Granville, 295 n. I;
Harley, charges against, iii. 17 n. 3; H.,
quarrel with, 24, 26; impeached by Walpole,
ii. 192 n. 3; intimacy with him, no good
man would wish it known to posterity, iii.
206; kindness, difficult to gain or keep, 407;
letter, long artificial, 159; 1. to Queen Anne,
ii. 188; 1., Prior, 189, 190; 1., Swift, 194 n. 3;
Lyttelton, flattered, iii. 449 n. 2; Mallet's
edition of his Works, 407, 408 n. 1; M.
employed by him to blast Pope's memory,
407; Patriot King, original in British
Museum, 193 n. 4; Pope refers to it, 1952.1;
published, 193 . 2; school declamation,'
193 n. 1; secret edition burnt, 193;
peace mission to Paris, ii. 189; Philips, J.,
patron of, i. 313, 316, 318; poetry, in youth
cultivated, 407; Pope's' Atossa,' iii. 272;
P.'s breach of trust, 193, 214, 407; P., con-
cealed his opinions from, 169; P.'s deathbed,
grief at, 191, 194; P., priest's visit to, enraged
by, 191 n. 7; Essay on Man, address to him
in, 194 m. I; ascribed to him, 161 n. 2; his
share in it, 163, 169; P.'s exaggerated praise of
him, 169 n. 3, 206 n. 3; P., friendship with,
191; Iliad, obtained original copy, 119; P.'s
last illness, 189; P.'s memory, sets to work to
blast, 193, 407; P.'s papers bequeathed to
him, 119. 3, 192; Sober Advice from Horace,
176 n. 1; P.'s tender heart, 191; P. and trans-
lation, 110 n. 2;
' refinement,' 15 n. 3;
sacramental test, takes, 13 n. 1; Savage, praised


by, ii. 392;

- Swift's bagatelles, iii. 46 n. 1;
S. and Duchess of Somerset, 69; S. and Eng-
lish living, 62; S.'s exaggeration of danger,
36 n. 1; Free Thoughts on Present State of
Affairs, 26 n. 3; S.'s friend,' descended to be,'
206 n. 3; S., got £10 o Treasury order for, 23
n. 1; Hist. of Four last Years of Queen Anne,
27 n. 5, 28 n. 2; S.'s journey to France, ad-
vises against, 39 n. 1; S.'s love of money, 57
2. I; S. and Pope, confederacy with, 212 n. 3;
S. and Stella, 41 n. 5; S., warned never to
appear cold by, 7 n. 4; Twickenham,

visits, 135 n. 1; Voltaire on his maximall
is for the best,' 144 n. 2; Warburton, hatred
of, 167 n. 2, 169; W.'s vindication of Pope,
answers, 195.

BOLINGBROKE, Lady, iii. 200.
BOLTON, Duchess of, see FENTON, Lavinia.
BONA, Cardinal, Divina Psalmodia, ii. 56.
BOND, Mr. William, ii. 341 n. 7.
BONSTETTEN, M. de, Gray's friend, iii. 430
n. 3, 431 nn., 445.

BONTEMS, Madame, iii. 287 n. 5.
BONWICKE, Ambrose, ii. 258.


BOOKSELLERS, generous liberal-minded
men,' i. 407 n. 3; 'mercantile ruggedness,'
407; oppress the genius by which they are
supported,' ii. 367.

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BOOTH, Barton, the actor, ii. 101.
BORDELON, Laurent, iii. 182 n. 4.
BORROW, George, Otway, Milton and
Butler, i. 248 n. I.

BOSCAN, i. 193 n. 6.

BOSCAWEN, Hugh, first Viscount Falmouth,
ii. 191, 192.

BOSCAWEN, Mrs., iii. 388.

BOSWELL, James, Critical Strictures, iii.
408 n. 3; Croft's Life of Young, 361 n. 1;
Johnson's inattention to minute accuracy, 281
n. 4; Temple and he read Gray all night,
429.4; Thomson's Life, assists Johnson in,
281 nn., 295.

BOSWELL, James, Junior, Pope and Carew,
iii. 267 22. 1; Whetstone's epitaph on Dyer,
269 11. 3.

BOUHOURS, Father Dominic, i. 326, 378
2. 5, 379 n. 3.

BOULTER, Hugh, Archbishop of Armagh,
account of him, iii. 322; death, 323 n. 1;
Irish coinage, 71; Johnson's praise, 322;
Philips, A., literary associate and patron of,
322; Swift, reproves, 37.

BOURNE, Vincent, In Miltonum, i. 150 n. 4;
verses thanking Addison's physician, ii. 111
22. 5.

BOWEN, Lord, Dryden's Virgil, i. 449

BOWER, Archibald, iii. 448 n. 7, 451, 459.
BOWLAND FOREST, ii. 57 n. 2.
BOWMAN, Mrs., the actress, ii. 215 n. 6.
BOWYER, Sir William, i. 479.

BOYLE, Charles, fourth Earl of Orrery,
account of him, ii. 258 . 3; Fenton, his

secretary, 258; Phalaris, i. 332 12. 4, ii. 60
n. 2, iii. 11 n. 4.

BOYLE, Henry, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
ii. 88.

BOYLE, John, fifth Earl of Orrery, ii. 258
n. 4. See Orrery.

BOYLE, Richard, second son of Earl of
Burlington, i. 305 n. 2.

BRACEGIRDLE, Mrs., ii. 215 n. 6, 227 n. 4.
BRADFORD, Francis Newport, Earl of, iii. 362.
BRADY, Dr. Nicholas, Aeneid, versified, i.
453; metrical version of Psalms, ii. 249.
BRAGGE, Ben, i. 324.

BRAMHALL, John, Archbishop of Armagh,
i. 117.

BRENT, Mrs., Swift's housekeeper, iii. 45 n. 1.
BRESSE, Mary, Waller's second wife, i. 254.
BRETT, Anna Margaretta, Savage's half-
sister, ii. 376 n. 2; George I's mistress, 438;
marriage, 439.

BRETT, Col., Countess of Macclesfield's
second husband, account of him, ii. 438;
Addison's companion, 122; anecdotes of
him, 377 2.5,438; marriage, 323; death,438.
BRETT, Mrs., see MACCLESFIELD, Countess

BRIDEKIRK, ii. 304.

BRIDGES, Rev. Ralph, iii. 252.
BRIDGMAN, Mr., i. 480.

BRIDGEMAN, Sir Orlando, Chief Justice of
the Common Pleas, i. 127 n. 4.
BRIDGEWATER, John Egerton, first Earl of,
lord president of Wales, i. 92.

BRIDGEWATER, John Egerton, second Earl
of, Comus, elder brother in, i. 92; Milton's
Defensio, 92 n. 3.

BRIGHT, Mr. Henry, Butler's schoolmaster
at Worcester, i. 201.

BRISTOL, George Digby, second Earl of, i.
278 n. 2.

BRISTOL, Guildhall, ii. 427 n. 4; Newgate,
421; St. Peter's, 429; Savage at, 414, 417-
29; White Lion, 420.

Britain, iii. 266 n. 3.
Broad-piece, i. 259 n. I.

BROCKET, Rev. Lawrence, Professor of
Modern History at Cambridge, iii. 427,
428 n. 3.

BROE, S. de, Histoire de deux Triumvirats,
i. 246 n. 3.

BROMLEY, Rt. Hon. William, ii. 45, 48.
BROOKE, Henry, author of Gustavus Vasa,
iii. 179 n. 6, 292.

BROOME, Richard, Ben Jonson's follower,
iii. 81 n. 3.

BROOME, William, Anacreon, translations
from, iii. 80; Barnes, line resembling, 81;
birth, &c., 75; buried in Bath Abbey, 80;
Cambridge life, 75; C., LL.D. degree, 79;
character described by Ford, 75; Charles
Chester,' M.D., 80; death, 80; ecclesiastical
preferment, 79, 80; Eton, 75; Fenton,
friend and associate of, ii. 261, 265; Ford,

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