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9, 10, and 11, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of
the said rivers, and that all the waters within said lines shall be reserved
and excluded from the common liberty of fishing therein, under the 1st
and 2d articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Ristigouche River.—A line connecting Pt. Maguacha and Bonami rocks,
as drawn on Plan 8.

"Bathurst River.-A line connecting Pt. Alston and Pt Carron, as drawn
on Plan 8.

"Pokemouche River.-A line across Pokemouche Gully, connecting the
sand bars, as drawn on Plan 8.

"Tracadie Rivers, North and South.-Lines across Tracadie North Gully
and Tracadie South Gully, connecting the sand bars, as drawn on Plan 8.
"Tabusintac River.-A line across the Tabusintac Gully, connecting the
sand bars, as drawn on Plan 8.

"Kouchibouguac River.—A line across Kouchibouguac Gully, connecting
the sand bars, as drawn on Plan 9.

"Richibucto River.-A line drawn South, magnetic, from the North Bea-
con, on the end of Northern sand bar, as shown on Plan 9.

"Peticodiac River.-A line bearing S. 13 W. magnetic, and connecting
Cape Demoiselle and Pt. Marowgonin, as drawn on Plan 10.

"Shepody River.-A line from the northern side of Mary's Pt., bearing
N. 45° E. magnetic, to the point opposite, as drawn on Plan 10.

"Sackville River.-A line bearing S. 51° E. magnetic, from Pt. Aulac, as
drawn on Plan 10.

"Musquash River.-A line from Gooseberry Island Pt., bearing S. 73° E.
magnetic, to the western extremity of the point opposite, as drawn on
Plan 11.

"Lepreau River.-A line bearing North, magnetic, from the point of the
sand bar, on the Southern side of the River, to the opposite shore, as drawn
on Plan 11.

“Magaguadavic River.—A line connecting McDermotts Head on the south
side and Mari's Pt. on the North shore, as drawn on Plan 11.

"Minudie River.-A line from Pt. Minudie, bearing East, magnetic to the
opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 10.

"Dated at Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, this seventh day of
October A. D. 1857.

"G. G. CUSHMAN, U. S. Commissioner.
"H. M. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners, respectively on the part of the
United States and Great Britain, under the Reciprocity Treaty concluded
and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June A. D. 1854, having ex-
amined the Rivers Cocagne, Shediac and St. John, in the Province of New
Brunswick, are unable to agree upon the lines defining the mouths of said
Rivers, and of this disagreement, record is hereby made accordingly, and
as follows:

"Cocagne River.-The United States Commissioner claims that a line
commencing at the end of Longs Wharf, and extending across the water to
the opposite shore, and in the direction of the Roman Catholic Church, and

having N. 16° 30′ W. magnetic, as drawn on Plan 12, Record Book No. 2, designates the mouth of the Cocagne River.

"H. M. Commissioner claims that a line connecting Renouard Pt. and Pacquet Pt. as shown on said Plan 12, designates the mouth of the Cocagne River.

"Shediac River.-The United States Commissioner claims that a line drawn from the northern extremity of Porier Pt. marked A on Plan 13, Record Book No. 2, to the opposite point, marked B, the said line having N. 28° E. magnetic, designates the mouth of the Shediac River.

"H. M. Commissioner claims that a line connecting Chene Pt. and Snake Pt. as shown on said Plan 13, designates the mouth of the Shediac River. "St. John River.-The United States Commissioner claims that a line connecting Negro Pt. and Red Head, as drawn on Plan 14, Record Book No. 2, designates the mouth of the St. John River.

"H. M. Commissioner claims that a line connecting Sheldon Pt. and Inner Mispeck Pt., as shown on said Plan 14, designates the mouth of the St. John River.

"Dated at Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, this seventh day of October, A. D. 1857.

"G. G. CUSHMAN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the Rivers Saco, Kennebeck, Penobscot, Union, and Machias, the said Rivers being within the limits of the State of Maine, United States of America, do hereby agree and decide, that the following described lines, as shown on Plans 15, 16, 17, and 18, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of the said Rivers; and that all the waters within said lines shall be reserved and excluded from the common liberty of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Saco River.-A line bearing S., 5° E., (magnetic) from Hotel Point to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 15, Record Book No. 2.

"Kennebeck River.-A line bearing S., 854° E., (magnetic) from the Southern extremity of Hunnewell's Point to the Southern extremity of Stage Island, as drawn on Plan 16, Record Book No. 2.

"Penobscot River.-A line bearing North, 82° W., (magnetic) from Old Fort Point to the point on the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 17, Record Book No. 2.

"Union River.-A line bearing South, 87° E., (magnetic) from Weymouth Point to the opposite point, as drawn on Plan 17, Record Book No. 2.

Machias River.-A line bearing North 50° E., (magnetic) from Birch Point to the opposite point, as drawn on Plan 18, Record Book No. 2. "Dated at Portland, in the State of Maine, this 5th day of June, A. D. 1858.

"G. G. CUSHMAN, U. S. Commissioner. "H. M. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the River Salmon in the County of Colchester; the River Shubenacadie, the boundary between the Counties of Colchester and Hants; the River Avon, in the County of Hants; and the River Cornwallis, in the County of King's, all being within the limits of the Province of Nova Scotia; do hereby agree and decide, that the following described lines, as shown on Plan 19, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of said Rivers; and that all the waters within said lines shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the treaty aforesaid.

"Salmon River.-A line bearing North, (magnetic) from the Southern side of the River to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 19, Record Book No. 2. "Shubenacadie River.-A line bearing S. 88 W., (magnetic) from the Eastern side of the River to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 19, Record Book No. 2.

"Avon River.-A line from Horton Bluff, bearing N. 76 E., (magnetic) to Indian Point, as drawn on Plan 19, Record Book No. 2.

"Cornwallis River.-A line from the Point on the Southern side of the River to the opposite shore, bearing N., 27° W., (magnetic) as drawn on Plan 19, Record Book No. 2.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858. "BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "H. M. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the River Sissiboo, in the County of Digby; and the River Tuskeet, in the County of Yarmouth, both being within the limits of the Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that the following described lines, as shown on Plan 20, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of said Rivers; and that all the waters within said lines shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Sissiboo River.-A line from the Eastern side of the River, bearing S., 39 W., (magnetic) to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 20, Record Book No. 2.

"Tuskeet River.-A line from the Southern extremity of the Island, situated at the "Narrows," bearing N., 86° E., (magnetic) as drawn on Plan 20, Record Book No. 2.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858.

"BENI'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between Great Britain and the United States, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the Liverpool River, in the County of Queen's, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that a line from Fort Point bearing North (magnetic) to the opposite shore, as shown on Plan 21, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouth or outer limit of the said Liverpool River; and that all the waters within, or to the westward of said line, shall be reserved and excluded from the Common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858.

“BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the rivers Le Have and Gold, in the County of Luenburg, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that the following described lines, as shown on Plan 22, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of said Rivers; and that all the waters within, or to the Northward of said lines, shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the treaty aforesaid. "Le Have River.—A line bearing N. 83° W. (magnetic) from the Point on the Eastern side of the River to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 22, Record Book No. 2.

"Gold River.-A line bearing West, (magnetic) from the Point on the Eastern side of the River to the opposite shore, as drawn on Plan 22, Record Book No. 2.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858. "BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "H. M. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the River Saint Mary's, in the County of Guysborough, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that a line bearing S., 48 W., (magnetic) drawn from a Point on the Eastern side of the River to the opposite shore, as shown on Plan 23, Record Book, No. 2, shall mark the mouth or outer limit of the said River; and that all the waters within, or to the Northward of said line, shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid. "Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, 1858.

"BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.

"NO. 22.-THE RIVER PICTOU, IN THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. "We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1864, having examined the River Pictou, in the County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that a line bearing N., 21° 45′ E., (magnetic) drawn from the Light House on the South side of the entrance, to the Bluff on the opposite shore, as shown on the Plan 24, Record Book No. 2, shail mark the mouth or outer limit of the said River; and that all the waters within, or to the Westward of said line, shall be reserved and excluded from the common liberty of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858.

"BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed at Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the Wallace River, in the County of Cumberland, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide, that a line bearing N., 14o E., (magnetic) drawn from Caulfield Point to Palmer Point, as shewn on the Plan 25, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouth or outer limit of the said River; and that all the waters within, or to the Westward of said line, shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858.

BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner.
M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


"We, the undersigned, Commissioners under the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded and signed a Washington on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1854, having examined the the Rivers Pugwash and Philip, in the County of Cumberland, Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby agree and decide the following described lines as shown on Plan 26, Record Book No. 2, shall mark the mouths or outer limits of the said Rivers; and that all the waters within the said lines, shall be reserved and excluded from the common right of fishing therein, under the first and second articles of the Treaty aforesaid.

"Pugwash River.-A line bearing North, 68 West, (magnetic) connecting Pinco Point and Fox Point, as drawn on Plan 26, Record Book No. 2.

"Philip River.-A line bearing N. 28 45′ W., (magnetic), connecting Bergeman Point and Lewis Head, as drawn on Plan 26, Record Book No. 2. "Dated at the City of New York, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1858. "BENJ'N WIGGIN, U. S. Commissioner. "M. H. PERLEY, H. M. Commissioner.


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