If nothing changes there is going to be trouble. People are Mrs. Jacqueline Taylor, a Negro resident of Midtown West—a slum ghetto in Gary, Ind.-felt that she was caught in a treadmill: I mean outside of this district time marches on .... They To Mrs. Taylor, her neighborhood was “a quagmire, a big quicksand": just like you step in something, you just sink and you can't get out of it. You get in this place and, I don't know, I guess it's the low adequacy of the housing... the low Robert Jacobs, who once lived in a Negro public housing project on San Francisco's Potrero Hill, described the feelings harbored by the residents of that ghetto.' He said they felt as if they were "in a cage, and I felt like I was in a cage." To Mrs. Charlotte Gordon, a Negro mother in Gary, her neighborhood was "more or less a trap." Asked what she would do if she had sufficient income, she replied: The first thing I would do myself is to move out of the 10 Charles Evans had even stronger feelings: Being a Negro in Boston is the worst thing in the world you have no way to communicate with anybody. You can't find a decent job or a decent place to live.1 11 These feelings of hopelessness and isolation were recurrent themes in the testimony of slum residents.12 Mr. Jacobs described Potrero Hill 14 as separated from the rest of San Francisco by an "invisible wall." 18 Walter Robinson, a community organizer, testified that the Negroes on Potrero Hill "see themselves as isolated people who have to go it alone because the other people aren't really concerned about them.” 14 Edward Becks testified about the development of East Palo Alto, a suburban California community of some 25,000 people which is about 80 percent Negro. It was his belief that "the East Palo Alto area has become more and more cut off from the general community" so that the younger generation in the community "has no concept of any social relationship with any people other than Negroes." 15 Guido St. Lauriant of the Blue Hill Christian Center in Boston attempted to convey the isolation 16 felt by people living in Boston's Roxbury slum: You hear people talk about the suburbs, but Roxbury is This feeling of being "out of everything" is an aspect of the strong belief held by residents of slum ghettos that they are powerless.18 The Massachusetts State Advisory Committee, summarizing what it had heard at open meetings in March and April of 1966, reported: A recurring theme during the four days of meetings was Many slum residents complained that they were not allowed to participate in decisions directly affecting them. In Oakland, for example, witnesses testified that urban renewal officials for many years failed to consult residents of areas scheduled for destruction before formulating renewal plans. Mrs. Lillian Love, who had lived in Oakland for more than 40 years, testified that her family had lost three homes as a result of urban renewal projects. She said: There has never been, except for the last few years, any One of the redevelopment projects which caused a great deal of resentment in the Negro community in Oakland was the Acorn project. According to Mrs. Love: When the surveys were made it was said that there were Mrs. Carole King, who belonged to an organization of welfare mothers in Cleveland, testified that she had suggested to welfare officials "that we all get together with county, State and Federal officials to sit down and discuss the problems." According to Mrs. King: They seemed to think it was a ridiculous offer and what In San Francisco, Orville Luster, Executive Director of Youth for Service, an organization working with unemployed youths, complained about not being consulted in the formulation of programs affecting his community.2 23 Negro witnesses felt that their destinies were not in their own hands, but in the hands of white people who live in the suburbs. Donald McCullum, President of the Oakland Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Chairman of the West Coast Region of the NAACP, testified: Oakland is run or ruled by Piedmont, by San Leandro, Mr. McCullum was asked about Negro representation in local government: We have a City Council, and until just very recently there Children in the Ghetto Negro children, as well as adults, feel isolated from the white community. Calvin Brooks, a graduate of a predominantly Negro high school in Cleveland, testified at the Cleveland hearing that he had never known a white erson until he was 14 or 15 years old: Well, I had never known a person of my own age who was white because I was raised in a predominantly Negro area. I was educated in a Negro school, I went to a Negro church, and everyone I came in contact with was Negro and I didn't know anything about a white person in as far as their actions-I didn't think they were different. I just didn't know them. I didn't think they even existed because I looked at my arm and my face, it was brown and I thought that was natural because everyone else around me was brown.26 Mrs. Percy Cunningham, a teacher in an almost all-Negro junior high school in Cleveland, summarized her students' attitudes towards the white community: ...I find that many of the students feel that the white Negro children also expressed feelings of hopelessness. Calvin Brooks described the impact of his school on its pupils: ... it had an effect because they were there and all they In Cleveland, Dr. Robert Coles, a child psychiatrist from Harvard University who has done clinical studies of Negro children in Boston and Cleveland as well as in the South, testified about Negro children in the North. A technique which Dr. Coles uses in working with children is to have them draw pictures of familiar things. He described the picture a Negro boy drew of his home: This house is a shambles. It is a confused disorderly house 277-917 067 9 much better drawing ability. The house is deliberately Children who live in slums, like children anywhere, are highly impressionable. Mothers who live in slums, like mothers everywhere, are concerned about the effects of the environment upon their children. Mrs. Charlie Jones spoke of the difficulties of raising her children in a Gary slum: Well, where I live this is really a slum neighborhood is 30 Mrs. Ethel Plummer, a mother who lived in Cleveland's Hough area, feared the effect that the environment might have on her son: Well, Sam see a [pimp] with $125 suit and a big car and he feel that he won't have to go to school because he can get the same thing that this other—have—well, they may want to do the criminal things so they can get the same things that this other friend has and he may want to leave school for this easy life.31 Mrs. Taylor of Gary described her struggle to help her children overcome the effects of their environment: I try to show my children the beautiful things that are And maybe if they are strong enough or if I can pull them 32 |