The English Version of the Polyglot Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments : with a Copious and Original Selection of References to Parallel and Illustrative Passages |
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Page 14
... verse 11 . m Ps . 105.9 . Is . 45. 23 . Lu . 1. 73 . He.6.13 , 14 . 11 Nay , my lord , hear me : the field give I ... verse 19 . chap . 13. 18 . 2 Sa. 5. 3 . K gone into days . * verse 35 . chap . 13. 2 . fore all that went in at ...
... verse 11 . m Ps . 105.9 . Is . 45. 23 . Lu . 1. 73 . He.6.13 , 14 . 11 Nay , my lord , hear me : the field give I ... verse 19 . chap . 13. 18 . 2 Sa. 5. 3 . K gone into days . * verse 35 . chap . 13. 2 . fore all that went in at ...
Page 15
... verse 52 . Ex . 4. 31 . 34.8 . Ne . 8. 6 . Ps . 95. 6 . fch . 12.1,7 . 13. 15 . De . 1. 8 . 31. 4 . Ac . 7. 5 . Ex . 18. 10 . chap.32.10 . Ru . 4. 14 . Ps . 98. 3 . Lu . 1. 68 . iEx . 23. 23 . 33.2 . Ps . 34. 7 . Is . 63.9 . He . 1. 14 ...
... verse 52 . Ex . 4. 31 . 34.8 . Ne . 8. 6 . Ps . 95. 6 . fch . 12.1,7 . 13. 15 . De . 1. 8 . 31. 4 . Ac . 7. 5 . Ex . 18. 10 . chap.32.10 . Ru . 4. 14 . Ps . 98. 3 . Lu . 1. 68 . iEx . 23. 23 . 33.2 . Ps . 34. 7 . Is . 63.9 . He . 1. 14 ...
Page 18
... verse 16 . y seeing we saw . fchap.21.23 . if thou shalt , & c . chap . 24.31 . Ps . 115. 15 . h chap . 19.3 . 31.54 ... verse 12 . mchap . 36.2 . K bitterness of spirit . n verse 16 . • chap . 48.10 . 1 Sa. 3. 2 . Ec . 12. 3 . p2 ...
... verse 16 . y seeing we saw . fchap.21.23 . if thou shalt , & c . chap . 24.31 . Ps . 115. 15 . h chap . 19.3 . 31.54 ... verse 12 . mchap . 36.2 . K bitterness of spirit . n verse 16 . • chap . 48.10 . 1 Sa. 3. 2 . Ec . 12. 3 . p2 ...
Page 21
... verse 41 . 61 Ti . 5. 8 . c verse 41 . 41 And it came to pass , whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive , that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters , that they might conceive among the rods . 42 But when ...
... verse 41 . 61 Ti . 5. 8 . c verse 41 . 41 And it came to pass , whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive , that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters , that they might conceive among the rods . 42 But when ...
Page 22
... verse 7 . Ps . 124.1 , 2 . * verse 53 . y chap . 20. 3 . Job 33. 15 . n from good to bad . Ex . 3. 7 . a1 Ch . 12. 17 . Jude 9 . 81 a Sa. 30. 2 . hast stolen me . cchap.26.28 . Job 21.11,12 e Jos . 22. 27 . 24. 27 . f1 Ki . 19. 20 . g ...
... verse 7 . Ps . 124.1 , 2 . * verse 53 . y chap . 20. 3 . Job 33. 15 . n from good to bad . Ex . 3. 7 . a1 Ch . 12. 17 . Jude 9 . 81 a Sa. 30. 2 . hast stolen me . cchap.26.28 . Job 21.11,12 e Jos . 22. 27 . 24. 27 . f1 Ki . 19. 20 . g ...
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Aaron Abimelech according Achish Ahaziah altar Amorites begat behold blessed bread brethren brought burnt offering chap CHAPTER children of Israel commanded congregation covenant cubits daughter David deliver dwelt earth Edom Egypt enemies ephod evil eyes gold hearken heart heave offering heaven holy hundred iniquity Jacob Jehoshaphat Jeroboam Jerusalem Joab Jordan Joshua Judah king of Israel king's land of Egypt Levites LORD hath LORD said unto LORD spake unto LORD thy Manasseh meat offering Merari Moab Moses pass Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priest PSALM Rehoboam reigned Saul sent shalt thou Shechem shekels shew slew smote Solomon sons soul spake unto Moses sword tabernacle tenth deals thereof thine hand thing thou art thou hast thou shalt thousand thy servant took tribe unclean unto the LORD unto thee verse Wherefore wife wilderness words