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Jennie Montford.

With Mr Rickardson 's affectionate remembrance December 16. th 1879

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Map showing a Comparative View of the Persian and Roman Empires, with the additional
Provinces of Dacia and Mesopotamia.

The Gospel by John.

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THIS Edition of the Scriptures is a FAC-SIMILE REPRINT, WITH LARGER TYPES, of the "ENGLISH VERSION of BAGSTER'S POLYGLOT BIBLE." It corresponds page for page, and line for line, with the two Pocket Editions.

All who have been accustomed to the regular use of any particular edition of the Scriptures, must be aware how much their ability to refer from one passage to another depends on their remembrance of the position of the passages upon the particular parts of the pages where they occur; so that while they are able to turn with ease to the passage they wish to consult in their own Bibles, they are often quite at a loss in searching for the same truths in a Bible with which they are not familiar. This of course depends upon the local memory induced by the constant recurrence, during the daily reading, of the same passages upon the same pages and parts of the pages.

It is accordingly found by those whose failing sight obliges them to relinquish the use of their smaller Pocket Bible for a larger type, that the different arrangement of the matter in the newly adopted copy produces very considerable inconvenience, and materially hinders their accustomed enjoyment of the Sacred Word.

A Bible, therefore, that might supersede the smaller Pocket Companion, without destroying the valuable assistance of this local memory, and without the inconvenience of a new form and arrangement, has been long a desideratum.

Such a Bible is the present Edition.

It has been prepared more expressly for the readers of the "ENGLISH VERSION of BAGSTER'S POLYGLOT BIBLE," with both sizes of which it exactly corresponds, as well as with the various other Languages of the Series: and the numerous Bible readers accustomed to the use of either of these editions may now obtain the occasional relief of a larger print, or permanently lay aside their well remembered pages, without the least confusion or inconvenience, or the fear of losing the advantage of their previous research and familiarity with the Text.

The present Volume is, as it were, simply a magnified picture of the smaller editions.

A UNIFORM SERIES of Bibles is thus furnished by the publication of this edition; and those who have not hitherto become very accustomed to other editions, may with much advantage adopt either of the smaller copies for present use, secure of another similar copy with type of increased size, to suit the varying powers of the sight throughout the whole period of life.

The Contents of this Edition are too well known to require lengthened description. The TEXT is that of the Authorised Version, printed with the utmost attainable accuracy. The REFERENCES are original in plan and arrangement. They have been selected with laborious care, to exhibit the harmony of the sacred writers on the subjects of which they treat: to show the connection of all the Divine attributes, and the holy uniformity of God in His government, both of His people and the world: to help those who are seeking the way of salvation, by pointing out the repeated invitations of mercy: to exhibit the constant reference of all the sacred writers to our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom give all the prophets witness: to connect the threatenings of God's holy law with sin, and with His infinite mercy in Christ: to demonstrate the concurrence of the Old and New Testaments, and the relation of the types and prophecies with their fulfilment and to manifest respecting the gracious and indispensable operations of the Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier, that as He

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