THE NAMES, TITLES, AND CHARACTERS OF THE SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, IN THEIR VARIETY, AS FOUND IN THE SCRIPTURES. " They are they which testify of Me." The Headings are designed to direct the mind to various Aspects of the Person, and Glories of the Lord. Examine each text with the context, in Proof that the Son of God is the Speaker, or the One spoken of. I.-AND SIMON PETER ANSWERED AND SAID, || III.-VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, BETHOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE FORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.-Jno. 8. 58. Ps. 2. 7. Col. 1. 13. I am, Lu. 1. 32. Mar. 14. 61. TESTIMONY BORNE ΤΟ THE SON BY THE God the Father. The Spirit in the word. 49, Gabriel. John Baptist. John, Apostle. Paul, Apostle. Disciples. Nathanael. The Son of God, Lu. 1. 35; Lu. 2. 11, Martha. Eunuch. I am, (before Abraham was) I am, (whom they sought to kill) I am, (the Son of Man lifted up) Ro. 10. 13; Joel 2. 32. I am, (the Resurrection and the Life) 1 Cor. 2. 8. He. 1. 12; Ps. 102. 27. Ex. 3. 14; Jno. 8. 24. Jno. 8. 58. Jno. 18. 6, 6. Jno. 8. 28. Jno. 11. 26. That Eternal Life wh. was with the Fath. 1 Jno. 1. 2. He that liveth, Re. 1. 18. V.-No MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME HE HATH DECLARED HIM.-Jno. 1. 18. The Word, The Word was with God, The Word was God, The Word of God, The Word of Life, The Word was made flesh, The Image of God, The Image of the Invisible God The Wisdom of God, The Messenger of the Covenant, Ge. 31. 11, 13; Ex. 14. 19. Is. 63. 9. |