PREFACE. gave by inspiration the Scriptures for our use, so to Him are we indebted for all we have learned or may learn of them. "It is incredible to any one who has not made the experiment, what a proficiency may be made in that knowledge which maketh wise unto salvation, by studying the Scriptures with reference to the parallel passages without any other Commentary, or Exposition, than what the different parts of the Sacred Volume mutually furnish for each other. Let the most illiterate Christian study them in this and let him never cease to pray for the illumination of that Spirit by whom these books were dictated, and the whole compass of abstruse philosophy and recondite history shall furnish no argu ment with which the perverse will of man shall be able to shake this learned Christian's faith.”Bishop Horsley. manner, The Chronology, placed at the top of each column of references, applies to the events contained in the text at the beginning of each page. The Marginal Readings are all those which usually accompany the largest editions of the authorised Version. The Tables of Weights, Measures, etc., and the account of the Political and other divisions of the Jews, are from the best authorities. The Comparative Chronological arrangement of the contemporaneous history of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel will, it is hoped, materially decrease the difficulty of understanding this portion of the Scriptures. The HISTORY of the period between the close of the Old Testament Canon and the times of the New Testament, will furnish much desirable information of the political state of Judea during the life of our Lord and his Apostles. The TABULAR HARMONY of the Four Gospel Narratives, and the Synopsis of the Itinerary of the Israelites according to the latest investigations, etc. will afford some assistance to the student. The COMPARATIVE VIEW of the QUOTATIONS from the Old Testament by the New Testament writers, is entirely new, and, it is believed, is more complete than any other similar list. It may be remarked, in connection with these quotations, and to illustrate the value of such a help as is here offered, that in every case in which we can establish an undoubted reference of the Spirit of God in the New Testament to previous revelation in the Old Testament, we have, as it were, a nucleus of infallible interpretation around which to accumulate further light, and by which to estimate the soundness of our own understanding of the Scriptures. The Maps have been prepared with the utmost care, both as regards their geographical accuracy and their artistic execution, and contain the newest information. THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE BOOKS: WITH THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE REFERENCES, AND THE PLACES IN WHICH THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS WERE WRITTEN. |